The Gift of the Holy Spirit

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2 The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Acts 1:4-5, 8-9, Acts 2:1-24, 32-41 The Gift of the Holy Spirit

3 Pluralism, New Age, False Teaching
Mission Impossible? Opposition to the Christ’s Church Lethargy, Nominalism Hatred and Violence (e.g. Islam, Communism) Ignorance, Worldliness (e.g. Pink Loeries) verbal abuse Atheism, Anti-faith, Pluralism, New Age, False Teaching FEAR COMFORT

4 “Pentecost” “Festival of Weeks”, Harvest of First Fruits.
7 Sabbaths + 1 day = 50 days after Passover Holy Spirit sent from Heaven, the Birth of the Church (Acts 1-2)

5 the Holy Spirit today All believers privileged (2:38-39, 5:32)
“The Gift”, “The Promise” Came upon (1:8, 19:6), Filled with (2:4), Poured out (2:17, 33), Fell on (10:4), Received Manifested mainly in apostles (2:43, 4:33, 5:12). Other believers in new territory only Only ‘Filling’ to be sought repeatedly (Eph 5:18f)

6 Key Lessons about Mission
They had the advantage! John 14:12, 16, 26

7 Key Lessons about Mission
They had the advantage! They couldn’t do it alone! Act 1:4, 8 John 15:26, 16:7-8 Act 2:39, 47, 11:18 Act 4:29, 5:32, 6:10

8 Key Lessons about Mission
They had the advantage! They couldn’t do it alone! All they had was the Testimony 1 Cor 1:17-18, 2:12; Rom 1:16-17

9 The simple Testimony (gospel) to all
The Saviour from God appeared, was rejected and killed (2:22, 17:31) God raised Him, made Him Lord and Christ (2:32, 36; 17:30) Repentance and Faith is necessary to be saved (2:38, 17:30)

10 Mission Possible… “Seeing as God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ, and has baptised me in the power of His Spirit to be His witness, though it be a humanly impossible mission, I can, and therefore I will, with the means and platform God gives me, labour with Christ, amidst an opposing world, defend the Truth of His word, and seek to share the Gospel of Hope relying on the Power and Witness of His Holy Spirit”

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