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Parliamentary Procedure: Introduction

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1 Parliamentary Procedure: Introduction
Lesson One

2 General History of Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure arose from the early days of English Parliamentary Law. Formalized by an individual named General Henry M. Roberts a 19th century US Army engineer.

3 Basic Principles of Parliamentary Procedure
The right of the majority to rule The right of the minority to be heard The equal right of each individual to be heard and represented If used properly, business proceeds in an orderly manner with only one issue considered at a time and all members given the opportunity to participate.

4 Meaning of Simple Majority
This means 51% or more – the rule of simple majority When more than a simple majority is required the minority is given the opportunity to defeat the majority. Since the primary objective is to determine the will of the majority and execute its will, a simple majority must be used.

5 Equal Rights & Guarantees of Parliamentary Procedure
Business is transacted in most efficient and democratic manner. All members have equal rights, privileges, and obligations Rules regarding rights and privileges must be applied impartially. The presiding officer should be strictly impartial. All receive these rights, and are obligated to respect the same rights of other members.

6 Equal Rights & Guarantees
Guarantees right of majority to decide The rights of the minority are respected by Parliamentary Procedure. The right to be heard and oppose are rights of the minority. Simplest and most direct route to accomplish the will of the majority should by employed. Each member has an equal right to propose a motion, debate, ask for information, and vote.

7 Equal Rights & Guarantees
Definite guidelines regarding motions; guarantees that each question is fully discussed. All motions have a definite order and precedence Only one question can be considered at one time Any motion restricting the rights of members to speak or vote must be passed by a 2/3 vote.

8 AGENDA Order of business

9 Usual Agenda Includes:
Call to order (Chair) Taking roll (Secretary) Reading minutes of previous meeting Treasurer’s report Report of officers Standing committee reports Roll call-call out names, members sign in on list, purpose is to have an official record of members present and voting at session. Refresh members on topics discussed & pending issues, president gets copy, Chair asks for additions/corrections, they are made by secretary or minutes are “Approved as read.” Informs members of money spent and money taken in since last meeting. Reports are kept in a file for audit at end of year and don’t have to be approved, just accepted. These are reports that are given at times by officers on issues that might affect organization. Committees that are part of the yearly functioning of the organization, such as membership, fund raising, etc. Handles only one aspect of club procedure, reports of standing committees are just that, the current status of that committee, and have some term of office as the officers – usually

10 Usual Agenda Includes (cont):
Special committee reports Unfinished business New business Program (Optional) Adjournment *Note: Agenda is decided in advance of the meeting by the Chair. Those set up for a specific function, activity, or purpose that is not an annual event. Again reports may be informational or may make a motion to be acted upon by its members.

11 Officers Historian Parliamentarian Sergeant at Arms
President, Chair, Chairman, Presiding Officer Secretary Treasurer Historian Parliamentarian Sergeant at Arms

12 Rules of a Club Constitution – basic rules guiding a club
Name of the club Purpose Requirements of membership Officers and how to elect Time and place of meetings Ways of changing anything by amendment Bylaws Bylaws – set of rules of procedure. They are more specific than the constitution. Ex. Bylaws state specific numbers that make a quorum.

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