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EDU 711 Science and Technology Education

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1 EDU 711 Science and Technology Education
Trimester 1 2014 Week 12 Lecturer : Mrs. Runaaz Sharma

2 Integrated Science and Technology

3 Background The present approach to curriculum in Elementary Science – separating learning into discrete component of individual subjects Paradigm Shift from discipline centered, compartmentalized approach to an integrated holistic approach to learning Why? Provides children with opportunity to confront problems that require multiple and overlapping solutions and to apply their knowledge to real life situation s

4 What is interdisciplinary Teaching and learning ?
Involves including more than one discipline in an area of study. An approach that “ consciously applies methodology and language from one discipline to a central theme, issue, problem , topic or experience” (Jacobs, 1989:8 in Martin , 2009)

5 Reasons for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning in Science
No subject can be studied in Isolation ( Martin , 2009:429). Science is considered an interdisciplinary study Because ; Science is inextricably intertwined with: Technology and social issues Mathematics for the interpretation of data Language for communication of findings and discoveries.

6 Research support for interdisciplinary Science Teaching and learning
McBee (2000) , makes material interesting and relevant which are essential precondition for building motivation NSTA (2003) recommends that science at elementary level must b interwoven to develop Interdisciplinary approaches – prepare students for their civic responsibility ( scientific literacy ) It is a natural way people learn : -in real life situation any person will require use of many discipline to make day to day decisions in their work eg. Police officer, teacher etc

7 Research support for interdisciplinary Science Teaching and learning
Students exhibit increase positive attitude towards science - highly motivated and show improvement in their problem solving skills (Czernaik, 2007)

8 Two approaches to Interdisciplinary teaching and learning
Multidisciplinary approaches Integration / integrated curriculum

9 Models of two approaches to interdisciplinary curriculum
The Daisy model The Rose model Main subject is in the center; other subjects are attached as petals All subjects are intertwined

10 The Daisy model Shows the multidisciplinary approach to interdisciplinarianism The major area of study is represented by the center flower and the other areas are represented by the petals of the daisy Each subject maintains its own distinct characteristic Example: Studying the topic on life cycle of a butterfly: English can be used in reading , observations can drawn and written, math – measure the caterpillar and records in table or graph

11 The Rose model Shows an integrated science curriculum
It uses a thematic approach – themes are drawn from actual life experiences and are developed by both teacher and students FALD curriculum for year 1 and 2 Students study and learn what they need to without reference to individual disciplines No subject area boundaries

12 Science :Reading , Writing and Literature
“Science without language is like a ship without compass” (Martin , 2009: 431) Reading is critical – to discovering what others have learned Writing is critical – for children to communicate what they have discovered. Literature – enhances the study of science in a variety of ways

13 Use of literature in science
Literature s used to : 1. Enhance children’s inquiries ; and 2. Promote their own thinking

14 Uses of Integrating Children’s Literature into Science
1. Literature can be used as an introduction to a lesson – To establish interest To promote questioning To present an area of enquiry ; Jack and the Bean Stalk Introduce inquiries on plant s, requirements for plant growth, conditions that would promote the most rapid growth of bean plants

15 Uses of Integrating Children’s Literature into Science
2. Analysing conclusions Compare conclusions children have formed as a result of their investigations in the science presented in the book. 3. Providing factual information Example: digging up dinosaurs can be used to explain how scientists study fossilized dinosaur bones

16 Uses of Integrating Children’s Literature into Science
4. Providing practical examples Some stories can let students know ways of doing investigations or practical way of determining something for example knowing the distance of storm by counting the seconds between light flash and the thunder 5. Developing process skills 6. Providing vicarious Experiences : 7. Shaping students perception about science

17 References Martin.D.J. (2009). Elementary Science Methods: A Constructivist Approach. (5th ed.) .Wadswoth: USA. (pp ).

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