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Rehearsal Skills and Live Music Performance (Criteria)

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1 Rehearsal Skills and Live Music Performance (Criteria)
RSL Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma for Music Practitioners Controlled Assignment

2 Learning Outcome 1: Plan to rehearse for a live music performance Evidence: a plan for the rehearsal process, defining roles and repertoire to be rehearsed 1.1 Produce a rehearsal plan for the performance of a short set of material Evidence clear and incisive analysis of a set of self- defined, realistic and achievable personal goals in relation to aspirations and expectations of the rehearsal process. The purpose and benefits of the rehearsal process will be comprehensively detailed/covered, drawing on experience gained in the other units undertaken. This will lead to the development of highly/some defined personal strategies for successful rehearsal. 1.2 Describe the purpose and benefits of the rehearsal process, drawing on experience gained through optional units taken that required a rehearsal process Within the plan there will be strong/some evidence of clear understanding of where potential issues may lie. Clear/some strategies in place for how these may be overcome effectively. 1.3 Explain the rationale for the choice of repertoire A comprehensive/detailed/basic rationale for choice of repertoire will be included. 1.4 Describe health and safety implications of rehearsing the chosen repertoire in the chosen rehearsal space Clear/some/basic understanding of the relevant Health and Safety implications associated with rehearsing music in context will be evident. Clear/some/basic understanding of where issues may occur and how they may be avoided. Distinction Merit Pass

3 Learning Outcome 2: Rehearse effectively for a live music performance Evidence: A video log and written diary of the rehearsal process documenting progress 2.1 Rehearse planned material for the performance Evidence outstanding/good/competent musical, technical, self-management, interpersonal and safe practice skills relevant to, and throughout the rehearsal process. 2.2 Maintain a record of developments and ideas arising throughout rehearsals Ideas and developments generated throughout the rehearsal process are recorded comprehensively/in detail. 2.3 Use feedback from peers/tutors, and skills/understanding developed through optional units to improve performance Feedback from peers/tutors is referenced and acted upon consistently/regularly/sometimes and throughout. 2.4 Evaluate their skill development throughout the process An extensive/significant/some amount of skills and understanding from other units is/are displayed. Distinction Merit Pass

4 Learning Outcome 3: Present a live music performance and identify strengths and areas requiring development Evidence: A video of the performance A report reviewing the rehearsal process and performance taking account of peer and tutor feedback 3.1 Perform the set of music in a live music environment Evidence outstanding/good/competent musical, technical, self-management communication (verbal and non-verbal) and safe practice skills in taking part in the performance and associated activity. 3.2 Evaluate the success of the performance, identifying strengths and areas for further development and explaining how skills, knowledge and understanding developed in optional units were demonstrated in rehearsal and performance Evidence skills, clarity, maturity and realism in evaluating the degree of success of the performance as a whole and of their role within it. A detailed analysis of strengths and areas for development lead to the development of strong/achievable/some strategies for the ongoing refinement of their skills as a live performer which will be of continuing value to the learner’s development as a musician. The use of skills, knowledge and understanding developed through other units is explained to an extensive/significant/basic degree. Distinction Merit Pass

5 Health and Safety - The Basics
Quick guide to health and safety The demands of the music industry often place a range of pressures on musicians, which can sometimes result in physical or psychological strain. The MU knows this and the Union is fully committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare of its members are maintained. The Union provides members with a range of services designed to achieve this in partnership with the British Association for Performing Arts Medicine and the Musicians’ Hearing Services. Each MU Regional Office is set up to deal with health and safety issues and members should use theirs as the first point of contact for assistance and guidance. Dave Webster, MU National Organiser, Live Performance Risk Assessment — The key piece of legislation is the Health And Safety At Work Act Under the Act, Risk Assessments — in this case a proper assessment of the potential health and safety issues that apply to your working situation — are paramount. Protect your ears — Hearing damage is a major hazard so protect your ears at all times. Under The Control Of Noise At Work Regulations 2005, your employer must also take steps to protect your hearing. If they don’t, they could face prosecution. Fire safety — Always make sure you know the fire evacuation procedure for wherever you are working. The perfect environment — The right to a healthy and safe working environment includes working in a comfortable temperature and with adequate lighting. Equality at work — If you suspect that you may be the victim of bullying, stress or inequality, contact your MU Safety Rep as soon as possible. Look after yourself — Be proactive in your health. Think about your posture, take regular breaks from rehearsals and don’t misuse drugs or alcohol. MU Safety Reps — The MU has a team of reps dedicated to health and safety issues. If you have any queries or spot a problem, contact your Regional Office.

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