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A Level Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

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1 A Level Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

2 A Level results 2016 93% of students achieved A –C at AS
75% of students achieved A – B at A2

3 What is A Level Philosophy Religion & Ethics?
Study of Christianity Study of Philosophy Study of Ethics

4 What will I study? Philosophy Ethics Christianity
 ancient philosophical influences  arguments about the existence or non-existence of God  the nature and impact of religious experience  the challenge for religious belief of the problem of evil  the nature of the soul, mind and body  the possibility of life after death  ideas about the nature of God  issues in religious language. normative ethical theories  the application of ethical theory to two contemporary issues of importance  ethical language and thought:  debates surrounding the significant ideas of conscience and free will  the influence on ethical thought of developments in religious beliefs and the philosophy of religion. religious beliefs, values and teachings, their interconnections and how they vary historically and in the contemporary world  sources of religious wisdom and authority  practices which shape and express religious identity, and how these vary within a tradition  significant social and historical developments in theology and religious thought  key themes related to the relationship between religion and society.

5 The exam OCR Three exams Each 2 hours long All in year 13
3 questions out of 4 40% subject knowledge, 60% opinion

6 What about outside of lessons?
Philosophy Society Conferences Holocaust survivors conference Day visit to Auschwitz with Holocaust Education Trust Trip to Barcelona St Pauls cathedral

7 Why take the A Level? It leads to lots of careers e.g. law, banking, accountancy, medicine, armed forces, etc. It is very well respected amongst all universities. People who study it really enjoy it! It helps you understand the world around you. You study in lots of ways e.g. be the examiner! posters, debates etc. You can do anything with it!

8 For more information….
See your PRE teacher. Follow us on

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