Heat and Flow Technology I.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat and Flow Technology I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat and Flow Technology I.
ÓBUDA UNIVERSITY Heat and Flow Technology I. Use only inside Dr. Ferenc Szlivka Professor Dr. Szlivka: Heat and Flow Technology I_1

2 Properties of Fluids and Gases 1. Chapter
Dr. Szlivka: Fluid Mechanics 1. chapter

3 Phases diagram tcrit OC pcrit bar vcrit m3/kg r kg/m3 Water 374 225
322 oxygen -119 51 429 nitrogen -147 34.6 312 air -141 38 335 Carbon dioxide 31.1 73 464

4 Three fases system p-v-T

5 Saturation-vapor pressure

6 Cavitation erosion on a ship screw
Fig. 1.3

7 Ideal gas state equation
isotropic (exponent) power cp Isobaric heat capacity cv Isochoric heat capacity

8 Air

9 Ideal gas simple state exchanging p-v and T-s on diagram

10 Isotherm state exchange

11 Isochor (isovolume) state exchange

12 Isobar state exchange

13 Adiabatic state exchange

14 Politropic state exchange

15 Compressibility of liquids
1.2 tab. Liquid Young (elastic) modulus"E" Mpa Etil alcohol 896 Petrol 1 062 Diesel oil 1 303 Water 2 179 Glycerin 4 509 Mercury 24 750 Steel Áaésé

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