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It mustn’t be this way Crimes and Baddies.

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Presentation on theme: "It mustn’t be this way Crimes and Baddies."— Presentation transcript:

1 It mustn’t be this way Crimes and Baddies

2 Hijacking Burglary Mugging Murder Rape Kidnapping Terrorism
Drug dealing Mugging Murder Rape Kidnapping Terrorism

3 It mustn’t be this way

4 Hard drinking Using drugs Envy…
It’s easy to get into a habit and hard to get out of it. Hard drinking Using drugs Envy…

5 Good actions make people better
Responsiveness Kindness Good breeding…

6 Crime and Panishment June 14 Polly Filler’s article last week excellent as she Condemns the “soft” sentences given to criminals in This country. My brother works as a police officer and He tells me that drug dealers, muggers and burglars Can be out on the street only a few weeks or months After committing their crimes or even let off with Fines. What is even more scandalous is the fact that Some rapists and even murderers are let out of prison After three or four years. As a result of this, many People are losing faith in the British system of justice. I think we should bring back much harder sentences In this country, so that criminals are made to Pay for what they done. I totally agree with the American idea of ‘three strikes and out’- that after Committing three crimes criminals are locked up for Life. That is the only way of protecting society and Deterring young people from a life crime. So much money is spent on prisons that they Have become like luxury hotels with televisions and Gyms. Prisoners should be made to work and not Treated as residents at a holiday camp. I also believe we should restore capital punishment in This country as in the States. When a person has killed Somebody they don’t deserve to live. We also need to Think about the wishes of the families and friends of Murder victims who demand that justice be done. RJ Butcher Kingham, Oxfordshire June 20 I was horrified to read R J Butcher’s letter in this Newspaper last week .He \She sees punishment as An opportunity for revenge. In my opinion, the Primary objective of punishment should be to Reform the person who has committed the crime. We need to help and reform convicted criminals In order to make them into useful members Of the community. We also need to eliminate the Social problems, like drugs and poverty, that often Lead to crime. I am totally against harder sentences on principle. The only time that life sentences should be given Is when a person is so dangerous that the Community is at risk if he or she is let out of Prison. Mr\Ms Butcher’s suggestion that we bring Back the death penalty is even worse. Let’s face it, Capital punishment is judicial murder and no better Than any other murder just because it is committed By the state. It is a savage form of punishment which Is against human dignity. Besides, it is highly unfair due to judicial mistakes. In the USA in the last 100 years 23 men have been Executed wrongly and there are doubts about 400 other Executions. The death penalty also affects some sections Of the community much more than others.Consequently, In the USA the death penalty is not as likely if the victim Is black and the murderer white as the other way around. Paul Mason York


8 The only way to cut crime in our country is to make punishment more severe

9 Thank you for attention !

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