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What is “Bioinformatics”?

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Presentation on theme: "What is “Bioinformatics”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can You Taste That? Predicting PTC Tasting Ability Among Non-Human Primates

2 What is “Bioinformatics”?
Bioinformatics is the application of computer science and information technology to biology and medicine. National Institutes of Health Definition: Research, development, or application of computational tools and approaches for expanding the use of biological, medical, behavioral or health data, including those to acquire, store, organize, archive, analyze or visualize such data.

3 Bioinformatics Tools Help Scientists: Organize, Process, and Make Sense of Complex Biological Data Sets DNA RNA Protein Bioinformatics Tools: DNA Sequencing Identify Mutations in DNA. Bioinformatics Tools: RNA Sequencing Identify tissue specific gene expression. Bioinformatics Tools: Protein 3D Structure visualization. Identify the impact of mutations. Bioinformatics tools help scientists organize, process and make sense of complex biological data sets Image Source: Wikipedia Commons

4 TAS2R38 Bitter Taste Receptor [“PTC”] Gene
Left Primer Right Primer Amplify by PCR Chromosome 7 1002 bp NONTASTER (tt) GGCGGGCACT PCR PRODUCT (221 bp) TASTER (TT) GGCGGCCACT Digest with HaeIII Restriction Enzyme (Recognition Sequence GGCC ) GGCGG 44 bp FRAGMENT CCACT 177 bp FRAGMENT GGCGGGCACT 221 bp FRAGMENT Gel Electrophoresis 221 bp FRAGMENT 44 bp FRAGMENT 177 bp FRAGMENT Source: Using a Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism to Predict Bitter-Tasting Ability. Dolan DNA Learning Center and Carolina Biologicals.

5 Can you taste that? PTC Tasting & Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
U = Undigested PCR Product D = Digested PCR Product Day 1: Isolating DNA Day 2: Performing PCR Day 3: Restriction Digest of PCR Product Day 4: Agarose Gel Electrophoresis & PTC Tasting Paper Day 5: Bioinformatics Activity U D U D U D MW TT Tt tt TT = 221 bp FRAGMENT Tt = 221 bp, 177 bp & 44 bp* FRAGMENTS tt = 177 bp & 44 bp* FRAGMENTS *44 bp FRAGMENT difficult to visualize

6 Can you taste that? PTC Tasting Ability Among Primates

7 What is the predicted tasting phenotype of various non-human primates?
Factors to Consider when Making Predictions: Diet Geographical range Old vs. New World primates Monkey vs. Ape Social Structure Time spent rearing their young Includes primate cards, descriptions and TAS3R38 protein sequences for 37 non-human primate species

8 Using BLAST to Compare Human & Non-Human Primate TAS3R38 Sequences

9 Is Tasting or Non-Tasting the More “Ancient” Trait?
Among Non-Human Primates Analyzed: 27/37 (73%) are “PAV” 10/37 (27%) are “PAI” Among Human’s Studied*: 56% are “PAV” 38% are “AVI” 6% other (none PAI) Sample Size = 330. Wooding et al Am. J. Hum. Genet. 74:

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