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Winter Weather Wizardry 101

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Presentation on theme: "Winter Weather Wizardry 101"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winter Weather Wizardry 101

2 What is your favorite winter activity? 

3 Have you ever been stuck in a winter storm or blizzard? What happened?

4 The Blizzard Lizard Wizard!

5 If you were stranded in your car during a blizzard, what would you want to have with you to survive until help arrives?

6 The Blizzard Lizard Wizard says it would be wise of you to have these things!

7 And these things too! 

8 Don't forget these!

9 Overview of items needed
Gallon of water  1 gallon per person per day  Fooood! Granola bars or other nonperishable food items  Blanket  Flashlight  Weather radio  First Aid Kit  Include any medicines, inhalers, etc. that you may need Safety strobe light  Hand warmers  

10 Bag of abrasive material (sand, cat litter, salt) Jumper cables
Folding shovel  Ice scraper  Other warm clothes  Extra jackets, gloves, scarves, and hats  A bag to store these items in your car  With these items you shall be more prepared to deal with one of my lizardly wizardly blizzards! 

11 What should you do if are stranded in your vehicle during a winter storm? 

12 What to do if stranded in your vehicle
Stay calm, don’t panic, and stay as warm as you can Listen to weather and traffic reports to stay informed Call 911 to let them know your location and condition.  Turn on and place safety strobe light(s) on a visible side or on top of your car  Do not abandon your vehicle. Stay inside your vehicle until help arrives Crack the window for fresh air  Turn on the engine for about 10 minutes each hour for heat. Every time you turn on the engine be sure that the exhaust pipe is not blocked by snow  Every so often move your arms, legs, toes, and fingers to keep blood circulation going and to stay warm  Keep your seatbelt on Be sure to keep hydrated Remember these tips to stay safe in your car during a storm!

13 The best thing you can do in a winter storm/blizzard is to stay put
The best thing you can do in a winter storm/blizzard is to stay put. Do not drive anywhere unless it is an emergency or is absolutely necessary! 

14 Have you ever been in a power outage. How long was the power out for
Have you ever been in a power outage? How long was the power out for? What else happened? 

15 Winter Power Outage Preparedness
Have an emergency preparedness kit Flashlight, batteries, water, food, first aid kit with prescription medication, cash, and extra clothing, blankets, or sleeping bags Have an alternative charging method for your phone or other devices that require power Develop a backup plan for battery-operated or power dependent devices  Medical devices  Know where the manual release lever of your electric garage door opener is and how to operate it  Try to keep your car gas tank full at all times  Do NOT keep you car running in your garage or near your home  Close off unused rooms to consolidate and retain heat  Plan to go to the home of a friend or relative or public facility that has heat, if you know the power will be out for a prolonged amount of time  Only use generators outside Never run a generator inside a home or garage, or connect it to your home's electrical system 

16 Hazards of Snow Shoveling
Did you know that according to the Center for Injury Research and Policy of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital, that 10,000 people visit emergency rooms each year due to overexertion and injury while nearly 100 people die every year from heart attacks brought on by shoveling snow? 

17 Snow Shoveling Safety  Be cautious while working in the cold if you have heart disease or high blood pressure  Follow your doctors advice about shoveling or performing other work in the cold  Dress warmly and work slowly  Take breaks every few minutes. Your body is working hard to keep you warm, so don’t push it. Try to stretch every few minutes as well.  Push snow, try not to lift it  Use your legs, not your back to lift if you must lift  Stay dry  Avoid excess perspiration by removing layers of clothing if you begin to feel too warm.  Keep your steps and walkways as clear of ice as possible  Use rock-salt, sand, or other de-icing chemical compound.  Remember to keep snow and ice at least 3 feet away from fire hydrants so that firefighter can easily access the hydrant in case of a fire 

18 Thank you! 

19 Bibliography Dominic, Kirk. "Winter Weather Extreme Cold Preparedness". 19 October​ ​ ​ ​ V4Kma ​ ​ v_wMw/UaQOz8bai5I/AAAAAAAAHfY/vEgQQgfB6xQ/s1600/ _500 X500.jpg ​ ​ Xbe1sahpg0o3_1280.jpg

20 http://www. cartoonsof
ng_with_a_first_aid_kit.jpg ​ mages/uploads/led-safety-flare-side-vehicle-amber-strobe-mode-magnet.jpg&w=300 ​ 1.jpg?v= ​ d1_jpg.png/revision/latest?cb=  ​ 7f8c1f74f7.jpg ​ community-preparedness-e.pdf 

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