SDN-O LCM for Mercury Release Key Points and Overview

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Presentation on theme: "SDN-O LCM for Mercury Release Key Points and Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 SDN-O LCM for Mercury Release Key Points and Overview

2 Agenda Model Driven LCM Proposal OPEN-O Architecture Alignment
1 OPEN-O Architecture Alignment 2 Mercury Release OPEN-O SDN-O LCM Key Points 3 LCM Overview 4 SDN-O TOSCA Types & Templates 5 SDN-O Microservices 6 SDN-O Sequence Diagrams 7

3 Catalogue and Model Driven Orchestration Engine Proposal (Model Driven LCM)
Client Mercury Release: Designed generic, for re-use, to support adding new service type via model (CSAR) dynamically run-time, without the need for new SDN-O software releases Catalog & Model driven, common services model Use in SDN-O Only Collect requirements from GS-O and NFV-O Align states and transitions with GS-O and NFV-O (both target and Mercury Release) Align any NS API Release 2 changes with GS-O and NFV-O Mandatory for Overlay and VxLAN Stretch goal for all other LCM microservices (L2VPN, L3VPN, IPSec, ServiceChain, VPC) Different Deployment Options, see next slide To be reviewed by modeling/arch, NFV-O and GS-O Post Mercury Release: Could be propagated to Common Could be enhanced and re-used by GS-O Could be enhanced and re-used by NFV-O TOSCA Model Designer TOSCA Service model NBI <> Generic Model-Driven NS LCM with configurable state engine TOSCA Parser / Validator Catalogue Workflow Engine Resource & Service Inventory Built-In Generic Workflows (create, provision, delete, terminate, update, ..) Network Connectivity Service Templates Tosca Template + Platform independent and execution engine independent Data model and API model State model and actions Common Models and APIs NS Decomposer (partial re-use) Dispatcher & Transaction Manager Custom Workflows (optional) Model Driven Orchestration (Model Driven LCM) Re-use from Release 1 REST calls Partial re-use from Release 1 APIs

4 OPEN-O Architecture Alignment for SDN-O LCM
Depends On Mercury Release SDN-O LCM Common Service HA Log Driver Mgr. Micro-Service Bus Protocol Stack Auth. Common TOSCA Workflow Parser Catalog Model Designer GS-O Service Decomposer Service Lifecycle Mgr. Service Formation Abstract NBI GUI Portal SDN-O NFV-O GUI Portal GUI Portal Abstract NBI Abstract NBI SDN Monitor SDN Lifecycle Mgr. NFV Monitor NS Lifecycle Mgr. Seed Code Based: Technology Specific Microservices and Hard Coded NSLCM Model Driven LCM SDN Res. Mgr. Service Inventory NFV Res. Mgr. Abstract SBI Abstract SBI VNF SDK SDN-O Drivers SDN Driver NFV Driver NFV SDN Controller Drivers VNFM Drivers VIM Drivers Integration

5 Mercury Release OPEN-O SDN-O LCM (Key Points)
Mercury Release SDN-O addresses the problem of slow introduction of network connectivity service types via new software releases, by providing catalogue driven orchestration and management engine (SDN-O LCM) common network connectivity service model (common SDN-O DSL) re-used of the model and engine for different types of connectivity services and their components via extensions (solution SDN-O DSL, TOSCA templates/CSAR) The model driven LCM provides generic orchestration that has no pre-defined internal semantics about network APIs, properties or workflows. Network APIs in Mercury Release are technology specific commercial network microservice APIs (overlayVpn, sfc, l3vpn, l2vpn, site, vpc), future release can bring the following improvements: All technology specific network microservices can be implemented using LCM (different deployment strategies – one LCM for all, one LCM per technology, combo configurable) LCM’s Network API will become common network SBI (driver API) Changes in network APIs, network parameters or workflows for execution of technology specific micro-service API, require NO new software release. Page 5

6 LCM Overview LCM is based on the common SDN-O DSL, defined in TOSCA sdno_type_definition.yaml Based on tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 Defines Common SDN-O TOSCA Model Common Data Types (BaseServiceInfo, StateMachineType, etc) Common Node Types (ConnectivityService, Connection, Endpoints, etc) Common Capability, Relationship and Interface Types Each Specific Connectivity Service Type is defined in CSAR using Definitions: Service specific DSL based on common SDN-O DSL, defined in service specific yaml files (e.g. enterprise2Dc_type_definition.yaml, undelayVpn.yaml, etc) TOSCA templates for Connectivity Services that are created using common and service specific SDN-O DSLs (e.g. enterprise2DC_template.yaml) Swagger files that define the APIs of the underlaying network microservices (existing network microservice APIs aligned with Huawei commercial product, extension changed for ARIA parsing purpose, e.g overlay.jaml, sfc.jaml, site.jaml, vpc.jaml, etc). Simple JSON Data Type Mappings to map some common attributes to SBI API specific attributes (e.g. ovelay.tsmap, sfc.tsmap, etc). These may be removed when LCM is used to implement all SDN-O microservices or when network APIs are aligned and using common patterns) Workflow for execution of atomic service operations is currently defined in the TOSCA service template as sequence of operations via interface dependencies (imperative style): Workflow semantics of TOSCA yaml1.1 is not yet supported by ARIA Tosca Further improvement in microservice APIs and common SBIs will allow to derive the workflow from the topology, resource inventory and policies (declarative) Page 6

7 Network API LCM NBI Model driven LCM State Engine MSB SBI Decomposer
BRS Service id Operation Inputs TOSCA Catalogue Common Common SDN-O types State Machine LCM NBI Decomposer Generates the service instance model Fills ids, ips,… Generates the state machine Ent2dc Vpn Node sfc node vpc site CSAR for Specific Service Type Tosca reusable types Tosca templates SBI’s swagger DataType mapping Custom State Machine Extensions and Workflows State Engine Generic Workflow Create, deploy, undeploy, activate, update, deactivate, undeploy, delete Generates the API WF none created deployed activated Model driven LCM Create vpn Create vpc Create sfc MSS Inventory Dispatcher Calls network API Manage transactions SBI MSB SBI Network API

8 SDN-O TOSCA Types & Templates Overview
SDN-O TOSCA Type Definitions SDN-O TOSCA Enterprise2DC Type Definitions SDN-O TOSCA Enterprise2DC Templates SDN-O TOSCA Enterprise2DC Jason Instance SDN-O TOSCA Underlay VPN Type Definitions SDN-O TOSCA Underlay L3VPN Template Page 8

9 Deployment Options for Model Driven LCM
Candidate deployment approaches: One SDN-O LCM microservice per service type (one or more templates, one network service definition) One SDN-O LCM microservice for all service definitions and templates Both options supported, configurable as a deployment strategy for all services. All services have the same deployment strategy. Both options supported, configurable as a deployment strategy during the individual service design. Each service type may have different deployment strategy. Approach 1 (proposal for R2) Approach 2 Approach 3 Approach 3 = Approach 1 XOR (mutual exclusive OR) Approach 2 Approach 4 (example) LCM Overlay LCM L2VPN LCM L3VPN Common Hierarchical LCM for full TOSCA Template Hierarchy: Overlay (Nodes: VxLAN, IPSec, VPC, SFC), L2VPN, L3VPN LCM Overlay Common LCM for others LCM VxLAN LCM IPSec LCM VPC LCM SFC LCM VxLAN LCM IPSec LCM VPC LCM SFC Approach 1 keeps it closer to the Release 1 so that we can re-use all testing and user stories and introduce the model driven to the Release iteratively with lower risk (one micro service at a time, mandatory overlay only). Isolation for modeling and testing purposes. Approach 1 target deployment must be dynamic, driven from the catalogue in order to achieve run time service design. Approach 2 may be the best long term solution as it provides fully model driven generic design and activation. New microservices could be added for new functionality, e.g. assurance. Approach 3 provides additional flexibility per solution Approach 4 gives the most flexibility, we can still test each template in isolation but allow simple deployment, less memory consumption

10 R2 Minimal Viable Product
Service State and Transition Table for Mercury Release (R2) State: none created deployed API Operation: create Workflow: create New State: created Error ‘Service Already Created’ Error ‘Service Already Deployed’ deploy Workflow: deploy New State: deployed Workflow: deployCreated get Error ‘Service does not exist’ Workflow: get No state change update Workflow: updateCreated Workflow: updateDeployed undeploy Error ‘Service Not Deployed’ Workflow: undeploy delete Workflow: deleteCreated New State: none Workflow: deleteDeployed R2 Stretch Goal R2 Minimal Viable Product

11 SDN-O High Level Architecture: SDN-O Microservices

12 SDN-O Sequence Diagram: LCM Generic

13 SDN-O Sequence Diagram: LCM Create

14 SDN-O Sequence Diagram: LCM Deploy / Provision

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