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Open-O GS-O Project Proposal

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1 Open-O GS-O Project Proposal
Version 1.8 Brendan Hassett

2 Overview Project Name – GS-O Repository name - gso Project Description
Implement the GS-O component for the Open-O project. GS-O is responsible for Global Service Orchestration to provide End-to-End orchestration of any service on any network. Participants China Mobile, Gigaspaces, Huawei, ZTE

3 Overview Project Scope
Problem description - A network operator needs a method to create and manage an end-to-end service across SDN and NFV domains, using a single network service description. Architecture will be micro-services style, with RESTful APIs between components. GS-O will be a single project, there is currently no plan for sub-projects.

4 Testing and Integration Plans
GS-O Integration Test Strategy GS-O test team will be established to deliver the test strategy GS-O splits into microservices with well defined and agreed REST APIs Automation of GS-O deployment and testing will be based on the integration test plan Integration test plan will be based on OPEN-O use cases and tests cases and shared/agreed/reviewed by other projects and approved by OPEN-O Test Team Iterative addition of Systems and APIs into the automated deployment and testing as they get committed Both lab and simulation testing will be required to avoid any lab access problems It is likely that most testing can be performed using simulated SDN-O and simulated NFV-O If possible, GS-O will use the test framework that is developed in the SDN-O project Sub-Project / Microservice Test Strategy There will not be sub-projects, GS-O will be a single project Development in all microservices will be test driven with the goal of 50% unit test coverage Integration into OPEN-O Test Strategy Testing of GS-O integrated into OPEN-O will be delivered based on OPEN-O Test Strategy defined by the OPEN-O Test Team GS-O will be a key component for testing End-to-End functionality in Open-O

5 Architecture Alignment
Portal TOOLs GUI Portal Foreman Common Service Orchestrator Service O-Common GS-O Ansible Micro-Service Bus Decomposer Abstract NBI Compass Common Parser Service Lifecycle Mgr. Service Decomposer Service Parser Auth. Runtime Engine SDN-O NFV-O Log Model Designer Abstract NBI Abstract NBI HA Catalog SDN Monitor SDN Lifecycle Mgr. NFV Monitor NS Lifecycle Mgr. Workflow Inventory VPN VAS Mgr. SDN Res. Mgr. NFV Res. Mgr. Traffic Optimize Driver Mgr. Abstract SBI Abstract SBI Protocol Stack Driver Driver Controller Mgr. ACCESS/WAN SDN Controller Drivers EMS/NMS Drivers NFV SDN Controller Drivers VNFM Drivers VIM Drivers This project will provide GS-O GUI Portal GS-O Abstract NBI GS-O Service Lifecycle Manager GS-O Service Decomposer GS-O Service Parser This project will depend on Micro-Service Bus Authentication Catalog Inventory Model Designer Rel 1 Scope Dependency

6 Architecture - APIs BSS/Portal to GS -O GS-O to catalog
RESTful interface, no industry standard exists yet, ETSI NFV or MEF Legato may be useful as a reference. GS-O to catalog Protocol to be defined by the Common TOSCA project Service description is encoded as TOSCA YAML document in CSAR archive GS-O to Inventory GS-O to SDN-O RESTful, JSON encoding GS-O to NFV-O RESTful, TOSCA model, YAML encoding Specified by ETSI NFV Os-Ma-nfvo interface BSS/ Portal 1 2 3 Catalog GS-O Inventory 4 5 SDN-O NFV-O

7 Architecture – Internal details of GS-O
GS-O GUI will be based on code from CMCC Need to disable some NFV-specific code Need to integrate with Catalog API Need to integrate with micro-services bus Lifecycle Management will be based on code from Huawei Need to integrate with ARIA API Need to integrate with Inventory API Parser, Decomposer and Executor will be based on ARIA from Gigaspaces To be developed in Common TOSCA project A local instance of ARIA will be embedded in GS-O for Release 1 Need to develop or improve RESTful APIs For Release 1, Decomposer and Executor are tightly bound together Catalog API Provided by Open-O TOSCA project Inventory API SBI Framework provided by Common TOSCA project New code needed for SDN-O and NFV-O SBI drivers BSS/Portal Catalog API GS-O GUI GS-O Catalog NBI Parser API Lifecycle Management Decomposer Catalog API API Executor Inventory SBI Inventory API SDN-O Driver NFV-O Driver SBI Framework SDN-O NFV-O Rel 1 Scope Dependency

8 Functional Scope For Release 1, GS-O will implement the following service lifecycle functionality Create Global Service Instance Activate Global Service Instance Deactivate Global Service Instance Delete Global Service Instance Release 1, GS-O stretch goal Assure Global Service Instance (view status and raise alarms) It is assumed that common components will implement the following service lifecycle functionality Design Global Service Onboard Global Service to catalog Remove Global Service from catalog Design Service Onboard Service Create Instance Activate Instance Test Instance Modify Instance Assure Instance Deactivate Instance Delete Instance Remove Service Rel 1 Scope Dependency Rel 1 Stretch

9 Functional flow example (“Create NS Instance” flow)
BSS/Portal Consumer uses GUI to select a Global Network Service from the Catalog, submits request to GS-O. NBI receives request (Catalog reference + parameters), passes request to Lifecycle Management. Lifecycle Management submits request to parser, response is a graph of service components. Lifecycle Management stores the service and service components in Inventory, with status “Creating”. Lifecycle Management submits request to Decomposer/Executor. Executor calculates the correct workflow sequence and send sub-graphs to each SBI driver. SDN-O driver renders the SDN sub-graph to a JSON or XML document, sends a RESTful request to SDN-O, parses the response from SDN-O, and returns the output parameters to the Executor. NFV-O driver renders the NFV sub-graph to a TOSCA- YAML document, sends a RESTful request to NFV-O, parses the response from NFV-O, and returns the output parameters to the Executor. Lifecycle Management updates Inventory to status “Created”. Catalog API GS-O GUI GS-O Catalog NBI Parser API Lifecycle Management Decomposer Catalog API API Executor Inventory SBI Inventory API SDN-O Driver NFV-O Driver SBI Framework SDN-O NFV-O Rel 1 Scope Dependency

10 Resources Contact person – Brendan Hassett
Developers committed to the project CMCC Shentao Gigaspaces Tal Liron Huawei Brendan Hassett, Marko Milenkovic, Jinxin, Dongyanyi, Houbin, Jiaxiangli, Luni ZTE Chendong, Luji, Fanchanghu, Hewei Initial Committers Huawei Brendan Hassett, Jinxin ZTE Chendong

11 Project roles Role Leader Project Technical Lead Brendan Hassett
Architecture Testing ? GS-O GUI Dongyanyi NorthBound Interface Jinxin Lifecycle Manager Parser/Decomposer/Executor integration Marko Milenkovic Catalog API ZTE ? Inventory Luji SouthBound Interfaces Houbin Micro-services bus integration Jiaxiangli

12 Functional responsibilities
Work area Description Resources GS-O GUI Modify the CMCC seed code to create a GUI to create/activate/deactivate/delete a Network Service instance Jinxin Shentao GS-O NBI Modify the Huawei seed code to create a RESTful interface to create/activate/deactivate/delete a Network Service instance Lifecycle Manager Modify the Huawei seed code to create/activate/deactivate/delete a Network Service instance API for Parser, Decomposer, Executor Create RESTful API to allow Lifecycle Manager to control Cloudify components Marko Milenkovic Tal Liron SDN-O Driver Create ARIA driver to control SDN-O using a RESTful interface Houbin NFV-O Driver Create ARIA driver to control NFV-O using a RESTful interface Inventory Create RESTful API to allow Lifecycle Manager to create/update/delete/query a Network Service instance. Luji API for Catalog Create RESTful API to allow Lifecycle Manager and GUI to access the catalog ZTE? Micro-services bus integration Integrate all GS-O components with the micro-services bus Jiaxiangli Architecture Make sure that GS-O is aligned with other Open-O components Brendan Hassett Testing Make sure that units tests and integration tests are planned/executed ?

13 Release Plan Plan for Open-O Release 1 Plans for future releases
Minimum viable product Create Global Service Instance Activate Global Service Instance Deactivate Global Service Instance Delete Global Service Instance Stretch goals Assure Global Service Instance (view status and raise alarms) Milestones Planning complete 1 July 2016 Scope freeze 21 July 2016 API freeze 11 August 2016 Code freeze 1 September 2016 Release Candidates 15 September, 29 September, 20 October Formal release 3 November 2016 Identified gaps Integration with catalog and micro-services bus Plans for future releases Add end-to-end view of resource inventory and status Add optimization functionality

14 Other information Seed code Vendor Neutral
GUI NBI + Lifecycle Manager Parser, Decomposer and Executor Vendor Neutral All proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have been removed Meets Board policy (including IPR)

15 Open issues from TSC review 2016-06-08
Slide #5, #7: O.100 BH, AB: comment “Parser decomposer and workflow not aligned” ??? Does ARIA expose specific APIs for these functions? [BH] The Common TOSCA project will define the ARIA APIs. O.101 BH: Does GS-O NBI use TOSCA YAML as an input? Interact with the Model Designer? Pls provide pointer to API [BH] Model Designer writes the Service Description (YAML in CSAR) to the Catalog. GS-O GUI allows user to select a service from the catalog. GS-O GUI sends the catalog reference to GS-O through the NBI. GS-O (actually Lifecycle Manager) reads the Service Description from the Catalog using the reference received over the NBI. O.102 BH: does the Service Decomposer take NSD+VNFFG as an input? Will it split the VNFFG? [BH] We are working with Gigaspaces on the capabilities of the parser. The current plan is that the TOSCA Simple Profile for NFV will be supported. In Release 1, there will be no functionality in GS-O to split the forwarding graph. O.103 BH: who develops the Catalog project? No commit for rel1??? [BH] ZTE will develop the Catalog in the Common TOSCA project. Slide #6: O.104 BH: describe the proposed NB API and its potential of integration with any existing BSS. Any DM exposed north bound? How will the proposed API interact with SID? [BH] We are working with Gigaspaces on this issue. In Release 1, the GS-O NBI model will be loosely based on the NFV Simple Profile for TOSCA. O.105 BH: is Os-Ma-Nfvo not the proposed interface for 1? Vs. the interface 4 towards the NFVO? It assumes that ETSI model has NO information for the physical network! [BH] The GS-O NBI may include some connectivity information which is not part of Os-Ma-Nfvo. O.106 BH, AB: relies on Common – TOSCA catalog? CSAR is only API requirement for integration? What protocol? [BH] Waiting for APIs from the Common TOSCA project. O.107 BH: what is the semantics of interface 3 to the SDN-O component – just E2E connectivity request? Need additional parameters… [BH] Waiting for NBI and model from the SDN-O project. Current indications are that this model will be very simple for Release 1. Slide #8: O.108 BH: define “Service” [BH] In this context, the Service is an Global End-To-End Service.

16 Risks Data models for interfaces are not defined yet
Gigaspaces will present proposals on how the GS-O NBI could be expressed as a TOSCA/YAML document and how this document could be used to inspire the SDN-O NBI and NFV-O NBI. Uncertainty over which workflow execution engine should be used For Release 1, GS-O intends to use the ARIA parser with the ARIA execution engine, because this is the lowest risk solution. Development and Integration tools are not ready Each contributing company can use their own development and integration tools, but this will add cost and complexity to the project.

17 Key Facts Project name: Repo name: gso ?? Lifecycle state: Incubation
Jira project name: gso ?? Jira project prefix: gso ?? Repo name: gso ?? Lifecycle state: Incubation Primary contact: Brendan Hassett, Project lead: Brendan Hassett, Mailing list tag: gso ??? Committers:

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