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Presentation on theme: "Endo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endo

2 Insert: Pituitary Gland Secretes: GH ADH ACTH- Controls adrenal TSH- Stimulates thyroid FSH- Eggs and Sperm LH- Egg release and Test. release

3 Hyperpituitarism Cause Increased GH S&S Gigantism Acromegaly


5 Test: GTT- Sugar drink followed by numerous blood draws Hypophysectomy- (Removal of Pituitary) No sneezing No coughing No inc pressure Strict I&O

6 Hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease)
A. Cause 1. Over stimulation of the thyroid B. S&S 1. Think Increase in Metabolic rate. (Tachycardia, Tachypnea Increase BP, Wt loss, Fatigue)

7 C. Dx (and Tx) 1. Radioactive Iodine Uptake a. Teaching? 2. Labs? TSH down T4 High

8 D. Complications 1. Thyroid storm/crisis - Increased HR, Res, BP - Feeling hot and scared E. Tx 1. Tapazole

9 2. Thyroidectomy (Partial)
a. Pt teaching 1. Deep breathing 2. Support head during position changes b. Chvostek’s sign Due to hypocalcemia c. Watch for Tetany** Treat with Ca Gluconate d. Watch for hoarseness could be laryngeal spasm Seek help

10 F. Nursing Stuff 1. No straining 2. Support head 3. Nursing Dx a. disturbed sleep b. decrease cardiac output

11 Hypothyroidism A. Cause 1. Hyperthyroidism 2. Pituitary problems B. S&S 1. Opposite of Hyper 2. Plus: Mental slowness, c/o cold, dry skin, swollen ankles 3. Goiter

12 C. Dx 1. Labs a. TSH up b. T4 down D. Complications 1. Myxedema

13 2. Infants get cretinism

14 E. Tx 1. Synthroid 4-ever! and first thing in the morning. 2. Salt

15 F. Nursing Stuff 1. Nursing Dx: a. Imbalanced nutrition: more than…… b. Constipation c. Impaired skin integrity (use lotions, raise feet)

16 Insert: Thyroid Cancer
Treatment: Thyroidectomy followed by replacement therapy and Radioactive iodine therapy

17 Hyperparathyroidism A. Cause 1. Over production of PTH B. S&S 1. Hypercalcemia- High blood calcium level 2. Bone pain, fractures, HTN C. TX Calcitonin- Stops release from Bone

18 Kidney Stones (Urinary Calculi) Monitor urinary output in case stone
Watch for stone formation!! Kidney Stones (Urinary Calculi) Monitor urinary output in case stone blocks passage

19 IV. Hypoparathyroidism
A. Cause 1. Thyroidectomy B. S&S 1. Hypocalcemia 2. Tingling and Twitching 3. Watch for Tetany!

20 C. Nursing Dx 1. Decrease cardiac output D. Tx: IV calcium gluconate

21 Diabetes Insipidus Cause Low ADH or not responding to ADH B. S&S 1. Massive Diuresis 2. Dehydration 3. Hypotension with tachycardia 4. Weakness and dizziness 5. Polydipsia C. Tx DDAVP medicine

22 SIADH A. Cause Increase in ADH B. S&S 1. Fluid overload

23 Adrenals A. Secretes: Cortizol (Most abundant) Aldosterone- Controls NA, K, and H2O levels.

24 B. Addison’s disease Adrenal Hypofunction 1. Pt’s always susceptible to hypotension. Be careful when getting up. (Risk for injury) 2. Adrenal Crisis (Addisons) Caused by STRESS

25 C. Cushing’s Syndrome 1. Hyperfunction of adrenals Excess production of ACTH 2. Cause is often due to long term treatment with steroids (Asthma)

26 S&S Excess adipose on trunk Thin arms Moon face Have high risk for infection because of high steroid in body.

27 The End

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