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Nervous System & Special Senses Jeopardy

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1 Nervous System & Special Senses Jeopardy
Round 1 Round 2

2 Round 1 Neurons Electrical States of Neurons Types of Nervous Systems
Sensory Receptors Control of Functions in the Brain Special Senses 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

3 A-Soma B-Dendrites C-Axon D-Axon Terminals B A C D Round 1
What are the parts the neuron Labeled A-D? A-Soma B-Dendrites C-Axon D-Axon Terminals B A C D Round 1

4 Which type of neuron receives the initial stimulus?
Sensory Neuron (afferent pathway) Exs. Eye stimulated by light, Hand stimulated by touch Round 1

5 What do motor neurons stimulate?
Effectors, or target cells that produce some kind or response Ex. Stimulate muscles to create movement Round 1

6 What type of neurons are found in the brain and spinal cord?
Integration/Association Neurons Receive impulses from sensory neurons or send impulses to motor neurons Round 1

7 Neuron axons are surrounded by supporting neuroglia called?
Myelin Sheath Help to speed up signals sent through the neuron. Round 1

8 -70 millivolts the resting potential of neurons Round 1

9 What millivolts is the Action Potential?
Round 1

10 When an action potential signal temporarily drops below resting potential what is this called?
Hyperpolarization Round 1

11 When the action potential has passed, what state is neuron in?
Repolarization Round 1

12 When the inside of the axon becomes less negative?
Depolarization Round 1

13 The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are subdivisions of what?
Autonomic nervous system Round 1

14 Of what does a central nervous system consist?
a brain and a spinal cord Round 1

15 What does the somatic nervous system do?
It contracts the skeletal muscles Round 1

16 What does the autonomic nervous system control?
controls the activity of organs and various involuntary muscles, ad glands Ex. Cardiac and Smooth and Glands Round 1

17 What does the peripheral nervous system consist of?
the somatic and the autonomic nervous systems Round 1

18 What stimulates mechanoreceptors?
physical stimuli Ex. Touch, stretch, motion, sound Round 1

19 Excess heat, pressure or specific classes of chemicals released from damaged tissues stimulate what kind of receptors? Nociceptors Round 1

20 Photoreceptors detect what?
Visible Light Round 1

21 Hot and cold are detected by what kind of receptor?
Thermoreceptors they also help maintain body temperature Round 1

22 Chemoreceptors detect what kind of signals?
information about solute concentration in a solution Ex. Taste and smell Round 1

23 The arbor vitae refers to what?
cerebellum white matter Round 1

24 What 3 parts does the brain stem consist of?
Pons Medulla oblongata Midbrain Round 1

25 The vital centers for controlling heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure are located where?
Brain stem Round 1

26 Located in the brain, this is the thermostat of the body since it regulates body temperature?
hypothalamus Round 1

27 The blood brain barrier is effective against what types of substances??
Metabolic waste such as urea Round 1

28 Which photoreceptor is useful in bright light, direct vision, & seeing color?
Cones Rods, are for dim light, peripheral vision, & black/white Round 1

29 This is the sensory layer of the eye?
Retina contains the photoreceptors rods and cones Round 1

30 This structure makes up the whites of our eyes?
Sclera Round 1

31 This structure regulates pressure within the eye?
Aqueous humor Round 1

32 This structure is responsible for the shape of our eyes?
Vitreous humor Round 1

33 Final Jeopardy Answer Round 1
What is this picture called and what does it represent? Round 2 More Review

34 Final Jeopardy Dermatomes- Shows location on the skin where spinal nerves are responsible for? Answer

35 Brain Sections Continued
Round 2 Cerebral Functions Brain Sections Continued Action Potential IGNORE 200 400 600 800 1000 Final Jeopardy Round 2 More Review

36 This portion is responsible for auditory, gustatory, and olfaction?
Temporal Lobe Round 1

37 This portion is responsible for understanding speech?
Wernicke’s area Round 1

38 This portion is responsible for vision?
Occipital Round 1

39 This portion is responsible for motor movement involved in speech?
Broca’s area Round 1

40 This is where the primary sensory area is located?
Parietal Lobe Round 1

41 What does the cerebral cortex control?
voluntary movement and cognitive functions Round 1

42 This portion is responsible for reasoning and logic?
Frontal Lobe Round 1

43 What is the difference between white and gray matter?
White matter has myelin sheaths surrounding the neurons and gray matter is just the neurons and their axons Round 1

44 An individual was in a skiing accident and hit a tree
An individual was in a skiing accident and hit a tree. Their spinal cord was transected (cut) between T8 and T12. This would result in which type of paralysis? Paraplegia- Lack of movement from waist down Round 1

45 Preparing the body for a “fight or flight” response is the role of what?
Sympathetic nervous system Round 1

46 What does the number 3 represent on the graph?
Repolarization Neuron is returning to resting potential and becoming MORE negative on the inside of the axon. Round 2

47 What does the number 2 represent on the graph?
Depolarization Inside of the axon becoming LESS negative on the inside, action potential signal is passing through. Round 2

48 What millivolts is the threshold of an action potential?
-50mV Round 2

49 Which substances are released from the neuron to continue the signal to the next neuron?
Neurotransmitters Round 2

50 Pain that can be felt in a different area than where the problem is occurring is called?
Referred pain Round 2

51 Name 2 characteristics of schizophrenia.
Hallucinations Delusions Blunted Emotions Distractibility Lack of Initiative Poverty of Speech Round 2

52 About what percentage of the population is affected by major depression?
Round 2

53 What is Alzheimer’s disease?
a mental deterioration, or dementia it is characterized by confusion, memory loss, and a variety of other symptoms Round 2

54 Name two symptoms or Parkinson’s disease
Difficulty initiating movements Slowness of movement and rigidity Masked facial expression Muscle tremors Poor balance Flexed posture Shuffling gait Round 2

55 Out of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, which one has a higher incidence people over the age of 85?
The incidence of Alzheimer’s in people over the age of 85 is 35% and Parkinson’s is 5% Round 2

56 What are the three main functions of the nervous system?
sensory neurons – receive information from the sensory receptors interneurons – transfer and interpret impulses motor neurons – send appropriate impulses/ instructions to the muscles and glands Round 2

57 What is a stimulus? the cause of a physical response Round 2

58 What is an effector? a body part (muscle or organ) that is activated by a stimulus (nerve impulse) Round 2

59 What does a myelin sheath do?
it insulates the nerve it acts much similarly to the insulation on a wire Round 2

60 What are white and gray matter found?
gray matter is the cell body white matter is the filaments in between the cells Round 2

61 What common ions are found in both the cytoplasm and outside the cell in interstitial fluid?
Na+ and K+ Round 2

62 What is a synapse? a junction between two nerve cells, where the tip of a nerve fiber almost touches another cell in order to transmit signals Round 2

63 What is proprioception?
the sense of relative position of neighboring parts of the body Round 2

64 What is acetylcholinesterase?
an enzyme, present in blood and some nerve endings, that aids the breakdown of acetylcholine (transmitter of nerve impulses) and suppresses its stimulatory effect on nerves Round 2

65 What is a dermatome? an area of skin that has nerve fibers coming from a single spinal nerve Round 2

66 Final Jeopardy Answer Round 2
31 pairs

67 Final Jeopardy Round 2 How many spinal nerves are there? More Review

68 More Review

69 Sources Cliffs AP Biology 2nd Edition By Phillip Parker
Pearson Education AP Test Prep Series By Fred W. Holtzclaw and Theresa Knapp Holtzclaw Biology, 7th Edition By Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - pictures - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture – picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture

70 Sources Continued – picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture - picture

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