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Bilingual/ESL Department

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1 Bilingual/ESL Department
The following presentation includes voice-over. Please ensure speakers are available. The presentation may be paused to allow time for discussion. If you have any questions, contact the BE/ESL Department at (281)

2 ELPS Instructional Tool Module 1

3 Table of contents Module 1 of 4 Anticipation Guide Discussion
Key Terms TAC 74.4 Language Proficiency Data Discussion

4 Anticipation Guide Think-Write-Share
Take 5 minutes to think about the following questions. Mark your response. Share and discuss your responses with the group.


6 Key Terms In order to better plan instruction for ELLs we must have a clear understanding of the following terms: TELPAS ELPS Proficiency Leveled Descriptors (PLDs) ELLs Parent Denials Invisible ELLs Show of hands- What is your level of understanding for each of these terms? I’ve heard of them I could teach someone

7 KEY TERMS TELPAS- The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System- battery of assessments and observations designed to assess the student’s level of proficiency in English ELLs- English Language Learners; students who typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their academic courses as they attain proficiency in the English language. ELPS- English Language Proficiency Standards- (Ch. 74.4) in 2007 replaced the ESL TEKS. The law states that language instruction must be part of content instruction. Parent Denials- Students identified as ELLs in need of support through BE/ESL programs, but whose services have been waived. Proficiency Leveled Descriptors (PLDs)-The proficiency level descriptors show the progression of second language acquisition from one proficiency level to the next and serve as a road map to help content area teachers instruct ELLs commensurate with students' linguistic needs. Invisible ELLs- Students who may not be identified as English Language Learners but are limited in English proficiency. Source:

8 WHY do we have to do this? ELPS The ELPS:
ESL TEKS ELPS The ELPS: Are standards approved by State Board of Education in 2007–2008 Are part of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) state-required curriculum Include instruction school districts must provide to give ELLs full opportunity to learn English and succeed academically Require content area teachers to teach content area TEKS and help ELLs become English proficient   In essence ALL teachers are language teachers regardless of the content they teach. Pg. 6 ELPS Instructional Tool

9 Who is a language teacher?
Think-Pair-Share How are math, science and social studies teachers language teachers? Language Instruction should be focused, targeted, and systematic. When planning instruction and developing content objectives, teachers should consider how the ELPS will be addressed through that lesson. What is your language objective? How are you developing English through math, science, and social studies instruction? PP. 8-9 ELPS Instructional Tool

10 Who is a language learner?
Do you know where to find student data? Do you know how to interpret data? How are students identified as ELLs? How do I know if I have ELLs in my classroom? Let’s think about demographics - SES, Poverty, Special Education Services Questions for Discussion: Does socioeconomic status affect language development? Could children of poverty and minorities be considered ELLs if their first language is English? Could students who receive Special Education services be considered ELLs? Why or why not?

11 What is our role? Know proficiency level
Know Reading and Writing proficiency Know linguistic accommodations Plan relevant language development activities Continuous progress monitoring Pg ELPS Instructional Tool

12 Let’s revisit. Would you change any answers now?

13 Thank you! For the next ELPS Instructional Tool PLC meeting:
Bring your student roster and their 2015 TELPAS data Bring copies of the Proficiency Level Descriptors for listening, speaking, reading and writing Blank templates to categorize students will be available

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