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Revitalisation of hospital services

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1 Revitalisation of hospital services
Ensure an appropriate inter facility referral system supported by an adequate and appropriate transport system Empowerment and support of hospital management

2 Speeding up delivery of an essential package of services through the district health system
Gradually increasing the budget to primary health care facilities as cost centres for human and material resources to improve service delivery Enforcing the implementation of Primary Health Care package at all the clinics and mobile services

3 Commissioning 24 hour facilities to function as intended
Speeding up delivery of an essential package of services through the district health system Commissioning 24 hour facilities to function as intended Increase number of PHC facilities by 2% per annum Ensure outreach service by medical officers to all PHC facilities at least once a week by 2007

4 Speeding up delivery of an essential package of services through the district health system
Comprehensively trained PHC nurses available in 50% of the total PHC facilities by 2007 Establishing a Provincial training school for PHC nursing by April 2005

5 Emergency Medical Services
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions Emergency Medical Services Ensure the improvement of EMS resources (vehicles, human resources and equipment) from a current level of 30% of national norms to 80% over the next 3 years Establish a fully accredited provincial EMS College providing basic, intermediate, advanced life support and rescue courses

6 Continue Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions Continue Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance 90% immunisation coverage for children under one year Sustain and increase IMCI implementation to all Health facilities Strengthen the cervical cancer screening programme

7 Develop a Provincial Specialised Rehabilitation Centre by 2006
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions Develop a Provincial Specialised Rehabilitation Centre by 2006 80% of hospitals rendering rehabilitation services in line with National norms and standards by 2007 Outreach rehabilitation services available at all CHC’s by 2007

8 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
To implement integrated malnutrition intervention in 50% of the PHC facilities by March 2007

9 Establish three Mental Health Review Boards by March 2005
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions Ensure fully functional Psychiatric units in the three districts by December 2005 Establish three Mental Health Review Boards by March 2005 To ensure that 80% of PHC facilities are rendering integrated Mental Health services by December 2006

10 To ensure a Malaria case fatality rate less than 0,5%
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions To ensure a Malaria case fatality rate less than 0,5% To reduce the Malaria case incidence to less than 1,5% by December 2007 To achieve a spray coverage of 80% in the Malaria high risk area

11 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
To strengthen capacity for health promotion in 17 health promotion units to effect community outreach programmes in respect of preventive and promotive aspects in diseases of lifestyle by March 2007 To improve the health status of the child by launching 30 health promoting schools by March 2007

12 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
To implement the community component of the IMCI in 13 sites by March 2007 To implement clinical guidelines for the management of Diabetes and Hypertension in all health facilities in the province by March 2007

13 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
To put monitoring mechanisms in place to identify index Cholera cases towards the early prevention of Cholera outbreaks by October 2004 To strengthen and maintain a fully functional Epidemic Preparedness and Response(EPR) system by March 2007

14 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
Increase awareness on the benefits of Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) To continuously strengthen social mobilization using the Abstain, Be faithful and Condomise strategy Increase awareness on the Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission programme

15 Implementation of a HIV and AIDS workplace policy by October 2004
Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions Implementation of a HIV and AIDS workplace policy by October 2004 Increase the utilization of community based health workers including Home Based Care workers to extend community outreach programmes Reduce the incidence of STI’s using the syndromic approach for management of all STI cases

16 Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions
Implementation of the Comprehensive, management and treatment of HIV and AIDS patients at all hospitals and some PHC facilities by March 2007 Reduce the Multiple Drug Resistance (MDR) to TB drugs to less than 1% by March 2007 Expand the Directly Observed Treatment Programme to all districts by March 2007

17 Optimally utilise information to equitably allocate resources
Improving resource mobilisation and the management of resources without neglecting the attainment of equity in resource allocation Establish assessment teams to evaluate Certificate of Need applications in conjunction with National Department of Health Optimally utilise information to equitably allocate resources

18 Improve revenue generation at all hospitals
Improving resource mobilisation and the management of resources without neglecting the attainment of equity in resource allocation Improve revenue generation at all hospitals Finalise and implement PPP framework Develop and implement Donor funding policy using National guidelines

19 Improving human resource development and management
Strengthen and expand the tele-tuition project in the province Train 30 additional PHC qualified nurses per annum Train 100 Pharmacist assistants per annum Empower health managers in Labour Relations management

20 Improving human resource development and management
Strengthen cooperation for training of various health workers by the University of Pretoria, Limpopo, Free State and MEDUNSA Strengthen the implementation of the Personnel Management and Development System (PMDS)

21 Improving human resource development and management
Improve personnel and administrative filing system as well as developing an electronic filing system Continuous update of the PERSAL information

22 Improving communication and consultation within the health system and between the health system and communities we serve Enhance community interaction through IZIMBIZO’s Produce internal newsletter for the department Increase the effectiveness of the Departmental Website Schedule stakeholders meetings/summits with Medical Practitioners, Allied Health Professionals, Traditional Healers and NGO’s

23 Strengthening co-operation with our partners internationally
Implement plans of action with the Maputo Province in Mozambique Jointly manage Health Information System development and GIS plotting projects with the Italian Corporation Strengthen the Lebombo Spatial Development Initiative towards eradication of Malaria in the region

24 Brief description of the Budget with Trends 2000/01 – 2006/07

25 Department of Health Expenditure R’000 Medium Term Estimates Sources of revenue 2000/2001 2001/ 2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/ 2005 2005/ 2006 2006/ 2007 Equitable share Conditional Grants Own Revenue 10 370 10 540 46 000 Total Revenue

26 Expenditure as % allocation
Department of Health Budget 2003/2004 R’000 Expenditure Savings (Excess) Expenditure as % allocation Equitable share 66 753 96% Conditional Grants 78 940 75% Total 93%

27 Department of Health Expenditure R’000 Medium Term Estimates
Programmes 2000/2001 2001/ 2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/ 2005 2005/ 2006 2006/ 2007 1. Administration 97 152 2. District Health Services 3. Emergency Medical Services 70 031 84 549 95 908 4. Provincial Hospital Services 91 339 6. Health Sciences and Training 25 816 32 638 39 328 48 225 55 619 58 937 62 473 7. Health care Support services 9 847 12 664 24 696 27 793 31 501 34 629 36 707 8. Health Facilities Management 6 876 63 763 72 401 Total Revenue

28 Department of Health Expenditure R’000 Medium Term Estimates Conditional Grant 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/ 2005 2005/ 2006 2006/ 2007 Health Financial Management Grant 2 844 Provincial Infrastructure Grant 16 655 29 171 35 724 39 975 44 323 Flood Infrastructure Grant 10 000 11 016 National Tertiary Services Grant 39 044 41 796 41 427 42 224 44 757 Health Professional Training and Development Grant 31 147 46 575 41 808 54 363 Hospital Revitalisation Grant 48 000 65 944 68 292 71 025 92 662 Hospital Management and Quality Improvement Grant 8 333 20 273 12 833 12 340 13 081 Integrated Nutrition Programme Grant 39 728 67 183 8 713 9 581 HIV and AIDS Grant 20 867 34 550 53 840 81 392 Medico Legal Services 1 000 Total

29 Department of Health Budget 2003/2004 R’000 Expenditure 2003/2004 Savings(Excess) Health Financial Management Grant 2 844 836 2 008 Provincial Infrastructure Grant 29 171 24 342 4 829 Flood Infrastructure Grant 11 016 4 339 6 677 National Tertiary Services Grant 41 796 34 696 7 100 Health Professional Training and Development Grant 46 575 Hospital Revitalisation Grant 65 944 45 813 20 131 Hospital Management and Quality Improvement Grant 20 273 4 116 16 157 Integrated Nutrition Programme Grant 67 183 60 843 6 340 HIV and AIDS Grant 34 550 22 729 11 821 Medico Legal Services 1 000 Total 76 063

30 Budgetary Trends The Mpumalanga Province had a budget of R1,456 billion for the 2001/2 financial year. For 2002/3 the budget was R1,688 billion and for 2003/4 the budget was R2,152 billion The department provides in addition to the population of the province, health care services to patients from neighboring countries of Swaziland and Mozambique

31 Budgetary Trends Mpumalanga Province, is the third lowest in terms of per capita spending at R770 The Head count per capita for the visits to PHC facilities (2001/2) indicates an average of 1,5 visits as opposed to the 3-3,5 national norm Expenditure has increased by 19% in 2003/4

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