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How To Craft An Effective Cover Letter

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1 How To Craft An Effective Cover Letter
Pre-workshop survey:

2 Cover Letters Cover letters ‘cover’ the content of resumes, and present skills and experience as they pertain to the job. A cover letter must be written according to the job posting itself. They are not ‘one size fits all.’ Using the typical business letter model, they are constructed upon three skills the writer has that make him/her the ideal candidate for the job.

3 Cover Letter Formatting
Flush left, ragged-right margins Single-spaced, two spaces btw paragraphs No paragraph first-line indentation Left headers: your address, date; company name, address Simple salutation: ‘Dear Human Resources’ Usually approximates one page in length

4 Paragraph One Consists usually of no more than two sentences. First sentence tells what the job title is you’re applying for, where you found it. Second sentence contains the three skills you possess the company seeks in this new hire. Begins with focus on the reader: ‘Your’ Contains no extraneous information Shows attention to exact company requirements

5 Paragraph One Example/Posted Job
“Your posting on CareerBuzz for a software specialist with networking skills interests me. With my class project work on computer networks, application knowledge, and proven communication skills, I can serve ____ well.”

6 Paragraph One Example/No Advertised Position
“Can ____ use the services of a graduating CS senior with networking skills? With my class project work on computer networks, application knowledge, and proven communication skills, I can serve you well.”

7 When No Job Posting Exists, Apply Anyway
Approach companies of interest Research companies/jobs/job titles Use a question to begin first paragraph Provide three skills you know will be relevant Avoid too much specificity Utilize the power of suggestion Follow the rest of cover letter model

8 Body Paragraphs Use one paragraph per listed skill
Provide example of skill utilization Derive from work, class, lab, project, self-assigned study, leadership Show reader what, how, why, end result Include numbers, hard facts, as needed Show mastery of detail, competency in field

9 Concluding Paragraph Consists of two sentences, and ends letter on positive note. Avoids questions or requirements. Reminds reader of three salient skills possessed by applicant. First sentence invites resume read Second sentence reiterates three skills, invites reader to contact writer

10 Concluding Paragraph Example
“After you have read my resume for additional information on my qualifications and work experience, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to contact me to discuss how my computer network project expierence, application knowledge, and communication abilities can serve you at ____.”

11 Cover Letter Advantages
Illustrates relevant skills as required by job/company Provides detailed narrative about projects, goals, multitasking experience Contains ‘key words’ or exact phrases from posting. Competency, experience, exposure given further detail (after resume) Post-workshop survey:

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