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Alice Muchugi Genetic Resources Unit World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

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1 Alice Muchugi Genetic Resources Unit World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Genome sequencing to unlock the potential of African indigenous fruit tree species Alice Muchugi Genetic Resources Unit World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

2 Global challenges World population current estimated at 7.5 billion up from 6.6 billion in 2006 ( Most SSA countries within the top 50 countries with high growth rates more people more food needed

3 Global challenges Climate change

4 SSA…….. Most economies rely on agriculture
High competition for arable land (farming, human settlement and other developments) Under-utilization of arable land-yield per Ha Add climate change impact: Lowers agricultural productivity Increased poverty (49% of the population falling below the $1.25 per day threshold)

5 Hidden hunger Vitamins Micro-nutrients

6 Solutions?? SDGs etc CGIAR-SRF
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture etc CGIAR-SRF Reduced Poverty Improved Food and Nutritional Security Improved NRM and Ecosystem Services

7 What is to be done differently?
Increase production -better performing varieties? Increase diversity on farms -new crops? Fruit port folio

8 New tree crops State of World Forest Genetic Resources (FAO, 2014)
‘Although a range of to is the most widely used estimate for the number of tree species country reports mention only species of trees, shrubs, palms and bamboo; of these, genetic-level information is available for only 500 to 600 species’

9 The concern Continued loss of forest biodiversity
Deforestation for farming lands- Deforestation for settlement and Devt- Natural calamities-fires/floods Effect of climate change on species ecology By end of last millennium, around 10% of the world’s 60,000 to 100,000 tree species were threatened with extinction IUCN Red List of Threatened Species-approx. 1,200 trees and shrubs as “critically endangered”, 1,700 as “endangered” and another 3,700 as “vulnerable”

10 Highly valued trees Wild harvesting continue even where there are ready markets Limited or no planting on farms No intra- and inter- species diversity conservation efforts

11 The ICRAF Genebank 5200 accessions representing 190 tree species in LTS Over 500 accessions representing 120 agroforestry tree species deposited at Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway seeds in LTS Over 10,000 accessions of 44 species established either from seeds or clonally located in 37 sites in 14 countries in Africa, Latin America South Asia and South East Asia Irvingia wombolu (Cameroon) Strychnos cocculoides (Zambia)

12 Challenges in conserving tree genetic resources
Large number of genera; What tree to prioritize in conservation? Tree functions (product/services) Inter –species diversity Intra-species diversity Regional preferences Most fruit trees species have recalcitrant seeds have to conserved as live plants Long generation intervals (some spp 1st flower in years) Large growth forms (require large space) Generally outbreeding reproductive systems Some species exhibit dioecy Threat from environmental factors (diseases/pest/flood) and human interference 20,000 wheat accessions can be regenerated in 4 months in 3ha of land, some tree species may take about 0.25ha for one accession that may require an isolation distance of 400m

13 Takes a long time to develop better cultivars
ICRAF tree improvement program Takes a long time to develop better cultivars

14 Allanblackia spp-untapped potential
High quality oil, solid at room temperatures 8 year old tree in fruit (Ghana) Product launch in Sweden in 2015

15 AOCC: a special Private Public Partnership
Vision To provide localized solutions to address stunting, hunger and chronic malnutrition of African children and population through improvement in the African agro-forestry ecosystem by enhancing the quality of food through nutrition increasing access to food through high yields and disposable income building sustainable national level breeding programs using smarter, faster and economic technologies Objectives To develop next generation genomics resources (whole genome sequence, transcriptome sequence, SNP marker arrays/panels) for 101 African Orphan crops/trees Infrastructure development: AOCC Genomics Lab at ICRAF

16 AOCC species: 52 annuals Scientific name Common name 1
Abelmoschus caillei Okra 21 Dioscorea alata Yams 41 Sphenostylis stenocarpa Yambean 2 Allium cepa Onion 22 Dioscorea dume torum Bitter yam 42 Talinum fruticosum Ceylon spinach 3 Amaranthus blitum Amaranth 23 Dioscorea rotundata 43 Telfairia occidentalis Fluted gourd 4 Amaranthus cruentus Grain amaranth 24 Eleusine coracana Finger Millet 44 Tylosema esculentum Marama bean 5 Amaranthus tricolor Vegetable amaranth, 25 Ensete ventricosum Enset 45 Vangueria madagascariensis African Medlars 6 Basella alba Vine spinach 26 Gnetum africanum African Gnetum 46 Vangueria infausta 7 Brassica carinata Ethiopia Mustard 27 Ipomoea batatas Sweet Potato Leaves 47 Vicia faba Favabean 8 Cassia obtusifolia Sickle Senna 28 Lablab purpureus Lab lab Bean 48 Vigna radiata Mungbean 9 Celosia argentea Celosia 29 Lens culinaris Lentils 49 Vigna subterranea Bambara groundnut 10 Citrullus lanatus Watermelon 30 Macrotyloma geocarpum Geocarpa groundnut 50 Vitellaria paradoxa Shea Butter 11 Cleome gynandra Spiderplant 31 Momordica charantia Bittergourd 51 Xanthosoma sagittifolium Elephant ears 12 Colocasia esculenta Taro 32 Musa acuminata AAA Group Bananas 52 Xanthosoma spp Cocoyams, Arrowroots 13 Corchorus olitorius Jute mallow 33 Musa balbisiana 14 Crassocephalum rubens Yoruban bologi 34 Musa x paradisica AAB Group Plantains 15 Crotalaria juncea Sunn hemp 35 Passiflora edulis Passion Fruit 16 Crotalaria ochroleuc a Rattlebox 36 Phaseolus vulgaris Green Bean 17 Cucumis metuliferus Horned Melon 37 Plectranthus esculentus African Potato 18 Cucurbita maxima Pumpkin 38 Plectranthus rotundifolius 19 Cyphomandra betacea Cape tomato 39 Solanum aethiopicum African Eggplant 20 Digitaria exilis Fonio 40 Solanum nigrum African Nightshade

17 AOCC species: 49 trees/shrubs
Scientific name Common name 1 Adansonia digitata Baobab 21 Elaeis guineensis Oil Palm 41 Saba comorensis Rubber vines 2 Adansonia kilima 22 Faidherbia albida Acacia (Apple-ring) 42 Sclerocarya birrea Marula 3 Allanblackia floribunda veg tallow tree 23 Garcinia livingstonei African Mangosteen 43 Strychnos spinosa African Orange 4 Anacardium occidentale Cashew 24 Garcinia mangostana Mangosteen 44 Syzygium guineense Water berry 5 Annona senegalensis. Wild Custard Apple 25 Hibiscus sabdariffa Roselle 45 Tamarindus indica Tamarind 6 Annona reticulata Custard Apple 26 Icacina oliviformis False yam 46 Uapaca kirkiana Wild loquat 7 Artocarpus heterophyllus Jack Tree 27 Irvingia gabonensis Sweet bush mango 47 Vitex doniana Chocolate berries 8 Artocarpus altilis Breadfruit 28 Landolphia spp Gumvines 48 Ximenia caffra Sour plum 9 Balanites aegyptiaca Balanites 29 Lannea microcarpa Tree grapes 49 Ziziphus Jujube 10 Boscia senagalensis Aizen, Nabedega 30 Macadamia ternifolia Macadamia 11 Canarium madagascariense Canarium nut, Ramy nut 31 Mangifera indica Mango 12 Carica papaya Papaya 32 Moringa oleifera Drumstick tree, 13 Carissa spinarum Carissa 33 Morus alba Mulberry 14 Casimiroa edulis White sapote 34 Opuntia monacantha Prickly pear 15 Chrysophyllum Star apple 35 Parinari curatellifolia Mobola plum 16 Cocos nucifera Coconut 36 Parkia biglobosa African Locust 17 Dacryodes edulis African Plum 37 Persea americana Avocado 18 Detarium senegalense Sweet detar 38 Pistacia vera Pistachio 19 Diospyros mespiliformis African persimmon 39 Psidium guajava Guava 20 Dovyalis caffra Kei Apple 40 Ricinodendron heudelotii Ground Nut Tree

18 Fruits trees Shea butter Allanblackia Baobab African plum Bush mango

19 Important nutrients in some AOCC species
Nutritional content and health benefit Shea tree Fruits: high in fats (stearic and oleic), antioxidants, medicinal and industrial use Moringa Leaves and fruits: vit A, vit C, Ca, K, proteins, oleic acid, Fe, Cu, Mn Uapaca kirkiana Fruit: Sugar (high energy), low in fat, potassium, vit C, fiber Ziziphus Immune booster, anti oxidant, Mg, K, Cu, niacin, Ca, Mn, P, Fe Vitex doniana (black plum) Fruit: fiber, protein, vitamins, micronutrients but contains anti nutritional factors Carica papaya Fruit: low in nutrition, vit C, folate, vit A Casimiroa edulis Medicinal value, high sugar, vit C, vit A, anti oxidant, anti cancerous African eggplant Fruit, leaves: fiber, K, Mn, Fe, Mg, Ca, P, vit B6, C, E, K Passiflora edulis Fruit: Fiber, anti oxidant, vit C, vit A, Fe, Cu, Mg, P Species Nutritional content and health benefit Bambara groundnut Seed: CHO, oil, high quality protein, iron, calcium, potassium African nightshade Bud, flower, fruit: high protein, micronutrient, medicinal, Fe, I, Zn, vit A Finger millet Seeds: CHO, Ca, methionine aa, vit A, B1, B2 Pigeon pea Seeds: proteins (essential aa) Spider plant Leaves, shoot: beta carotene, vit C, Ca, Fe, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory Amaranthus Leaves: CHO, protein, vit K, Fe, riboflavin, vit A, B6, Mn, Fe, Cu, Ca, Mg, K, P, fiber, Seeds: gluten-free, high quality protein (eaa, lysine), low fat, Ca, Fe, Mg, Baobab Leaves: vit C, carotene, anti oxidant, K, Ca, medicinal value Fruits: high soluble fiber, multi-vitamin, Fe, Mg, K, Vit C, antioxidant, anti inflammatory, immune booster Allanblackia Seed oil: cooking, food and soap industry, Desert date Famine food, high fiber, K, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu

20 Application of Genomics for Trait Enhancement
From known candidate genes Intrinsic yield genes (IYG)- Eg. ANT, ARF, GRF, EBP, EXP etc. Genes involved in nutrient storage proteins- Eg. Ferritin Genes involved in nutrient transport/translocation in plant body- Eg. NAS, IRT, YSL, VIT Genes involved in nutrient uptake/translocation- Eg. Mugineic acid phytosiderophores, IRO Climate adaptation: drought/salinity- DREB, ABA receptors etc. Shelf life- Polygalacturonase, ACC synthase From unknown (discovery/exploration of causative genes) Genomics- GWAS studies (phenotype, eQTL, metabolic profiling etc.) Transcriptomics- Differentially expressed genes Epigenetics- Change in methylation/acetylation patterns in DNA/proteins Systems biology- GO/Pathway/Regulatory network mapping and candidate gene discovery Other OMICS

21 Current activities: Progress made: Reference genome sequencing
Resequencing Transcriptome sequencing Progress made: Elusine coracana (WGS completed) Annona senegalensis (WGS completed) Solanum aethiopicum (WGS completed) Moringa oleifera (WGS near completion) Screlocarya birrea (WGS near completion) Adansonia digitata (WGS near completion) Faidherbia albida (WGS near completion)

22 Africa Plant breeding Academy
To train 250 practicing African plant breeders in the most advanced theory and technologies for plant breeding in support of critical decisions for crop improvement such as the use of genomic information 23 breeders graduated in 2015; 29 more to graduate in Dec 2016



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