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Sports Nutrition A Balanced Diet A Balanced Diet.

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Presentation on theme: "Sports Nutrition A Balanced Diet A Balanced Diet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sports Nutrition A Balanced Diet A Balanced Diet

2 A Balanced Diet Why do we need food? Energy Repair Growth Good health
GCSE Sports Studies

3 What is a balanced diet? Carbohydrates (50-60%) Fats (25-30%)
Proteins (10-15%) Vitamins Minerals Fibre Water A Balanced Diet

4 What is a balanced diet In general, most people need to:
Decrease the amount of salt we eat Increase the amounts of fibre, calcium and vitamin C that we eat A Balanced Diet

5 Carbohydrates There are 2 types of carbohydrates
Sugars (simple carbohydrates) Fruits, honey, jam, cakes Starches (complex carbohydrates) Vegetables, bread, pasta, rice Better to take on our carb’s as starches A Balanced Diet

6 Carbohydrates A Balanced Diet

7 Why are carbohydrates important
Carb’s provide our muscles with energy Stored as glycogen in the liver or muscles Small amounts stored as glucose in blood We store extra carbohydrates as fat Intense exercise quickly uses stores up so sportspeople need to eat plenty. A Balanced Diet

8 Fats Fats are broken down into saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
Saturated fats come from animal products and food made from them such as milk, cheese, cream and butter. Saturated fats tend to raise cholesterol levels Unsaturated fats are found in fish, corn, nuts and soya beans A Balanced Diet

9 Fats A Balanced Diet

10 Why are fats important? Fats give us energy, although slowly compared with carb’s Fats use oxygen to provide us with energy and are used as an energy source when asleep or resting Fats keep our skin in good condition as well as keeping us warm. Extra fat is stored under the skin. Too much fat can lead to obesity and high cholesterol Cholesterol is a fat like substance found in the blood. It can build up on the walls of the arteries A Balanced Diet

11 Proteins Proteins are broken down into amino acids
13 of these can be made naturally by the body and are therefore non-essential Essential amino acids are taken from animal and plant foods such as fish, meat, poultry, milk and beans. A Balanced Diet

12 Proteins A Balanced Diet

13 Why are proteins important
Proteins are required for the repair, growth and effective working of our tissues. Proteins can be used as an energy source when no carbohydrates or fats are available Excessive proteins are not stored in the body A Balanced Diet

14 Vitamins Allow our bodies to work efficiently
There are 2 types, Water soluble and Fat soluble vitamins There are 6 groups of vitamins, A, B, C, D, E and K. A Balanced Diet

15 Vitamins A Balanced Diet

16 Why are vitamins important
They regulate the chemical reactions of the body They help growth and repair of the body tissues They aid the release of energy from the food we eat A Balanced Diet

17 Minerals The body cannot make minerals, so must take them from food
Examples are calcium, iodine, iron, potassium and sodium We need small but regular amounts. Too much salt (sodium) can be harmful A Balanced Diet

18 Why are minerals important
Calcium for example strengthens bones. Iodine helps the thyroid gland to promote normal growth Iron aids the production of red blood cells A Balanced Diet

19 Fibre Fibre is the part of a plant that we cannot digest.
It contains no nutrients Fibre is found on the outside of seeds, in vegetables, fruits and nuts A Balanced Diet

20 Fibre A Balanced Diet

21 Why is fibre important Adds bulk to our food
Helps the food move through our digestive system and prevents constipation It slows down the release of sugars from the food so that we can get a more even energy release A Balanced Diet

22 Water Water is essential for living
We lose water through sweat, urine, faeces and in the air we breath About two thirds of our body weight is water and it is the main component of the blood and the cells Helps to control body temperature by absorbing heat (sweating) Loss of water can lead to dehydration A Balanced Diet

23 Homework Find 5 products in the house with a nutritional index. Describe what each one contains and how it should be used in our diets. For example one that is high in saturated fats should be eaten in moderation. A Balanced Diet

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