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Intermediate Microeconomics Econ 301

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1 Intermediate Microeconomics Econ 301
Instructor: Marek Weretka Course Description Textbook Grading Teaching website Attitude (no pain no gain, interactive) Rules Please contact me after class Mc Burney Student Not registered students

2 REEF Polling: iclicker Laptop/smartphone/iclicker
Class Quiz REEF Polling: iclicker Laptop/smartphone/iclicker Q: How much do you like economics I love it I cannot live without it I would die for it All of the above

3 Roadmap Consumers, Producers, Market Failures 1) Consumer Choice
Budget set and preferences Optimal Choice Applications - Labor Market, - Finance - insurance markets Markets (Egegworth Box) 2) Producers and Market Failures - Technology - Monopoly and Oligopoly - Other (Externalities, Public Goods)

4 Rationality in Economics
What does it mean ‘'rational?’’ Behavioral Postulate: A decisionmaker chooses its most preferred alternative from the set of affordable alternatives. Budget set = affordable alternatives To model choice we must have decisionmaker’s preferences.

5 L01 Budget Set

6 Consumers: Commodity space
Commodity (apples, oranges, cars etc) A Consumption Bundles Math: Consumption bundle is a vector Commodity Space - the set of all consumptions bundles Budget set - set of all consumption bundles that are affordable given prices and income

7 Assumptions In our simple world 2 commodities
Commodities perfectly divisible Selfish agents

8 Commodity Space: Geometry, 2 goods
x2 (Oranges) x1 (Apples)

9 Budget Set =all affordable bundles
(1,1),(2,2),(3,3) Budget constraint Budget set: all affordable bundles p1=$2 p2=$1 m=$6

10 Budget Set and Real Income
x2 p1=2 p2=1 m=6 x1 EI: Real income = income in terms of goods

11 Slope (Real Price) x2 p1=2 p2=1 m=6 x1
Real price: an apple price in terms of oranges

12 Budget Set Budget set depends on prices and income
What happens to the budget set if income changes? one of the prices changes? Effects of Inflation, taxes

13 Income goes down x2 p1=2 p2=1 m=6 m=4 x1 Budget line: parallel shift

14 Oranges more expensive
Budget line pivots counterclockwise

15 Inflation and Budget set
p1=2 p2=1 m=6 p1=4 p2=2 m=12 x2 x1

16 Inflation and Budget set
CPI inflation 100% p1=2 p2=1 m=6 p1=4 p2=2 m=6 x2 Quiz: BL Shift A. parallel B. clockwise C: counterclockwise D: none of the above x1

17 Ad Valorem Tax Tax rate t=100% p1=2 p2=1 m=6 x2 After tax prices x1

18 The Food Stamp Program Food stamps are coupons that can be legally exchanged only for food. x2 p1=2 p2=1 m=6 F=2 apples Black Market x1

19 Budget Set with Minimal Purchase Maximal Purchase (Rationing)
Quantity discount

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