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Published byChristal Singleton Modified over 7 years ago
Homage to Eva Hild Bridges, Waterloo, 2017 Carlo H. Séquin
Florida 1999 Bridges, Waterloo, 2017 Homage to Eva Hild Eva Hild is another artist who has strongly inspired me to create intriguing geometrical sculptures. Carlo H. Séquin EECS Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley
“Hollow” by Eva Hild, Varberg, 2006
Granada 2003 “Hollow” by Eva Hild, Varberg, 2006 Eva lives in Sweeden and creates such beautiful, flowing surfaces with intricate connectivity. I never met her personally; but became aware of her work on the Internet.
An large collection of ceramic creations & metal sculptures
Granada 2003 Eva Hild An large collection of ceramic creations & metal sculptures Her web-site shows a large and highly varied collection of 2-manifold sculptures. Most of them are in ceramic, some of them in metal. Her sculptures are not only a pleasure to look at, but they invite mental exploration of questions such as: How many tunnels are there? How many separate rims are there? Is this a 1-sided or 2-sided surface? Even more importantly, these sculptures inspire me to create similar shapes. I do not possess the skills to create large ceramic pieces myself, so I create CAD models of such surfaces, and the more promising ones I then realize on a 3D printer. Her creations come in a variety of styles:
Hild Sculptures: Different Styles
Granada 2003 Hild Sculptures: Different Styles Some of her sculptures are collections of bulbous outgrowths. Others are characterized by intricately connected funnels of various sizes. Both of these may have many borders that are mainly circular in shape. Bulbs & Funnels, many circular borders
Eva Hild Ceramic surfaces
Granada 2003 Eva Hild Ceramic surfaces Here is an example of the type of surface that interests and intrigues me the most: It has some partial funnel shapes and many internal tunnels, but it also has this long, beautiful, undulating border curve.
More Ceramic Hild Surfaces
Granada 2003 More Ceramic Hild Surfaces Here are a few more examples of this style of sculptures. == Now my challenge is, how can I characterize and capture such shapes in a CAD program?
Surface, connecting: Rims & Funnels & Tunnels
Granada 2003 Key Features Rims Funnels Tunnels These are some of the clearly identifiable key features: The undulating border curves, which I call “rims”, marked in red, If these curves are roughly circular or elliptical, I call them “funnels” and mark them in blue; And then there are internal toroidal tunnels like you find in a donut; here are 3 of them, marked in green. Surface, connecting: Rims & Funnels & Tunnels
Sculptures Defined by Key Features
Granada 2003 Sculptures Defined by Key Features Here are two more-complex sculptures, on which I have marked many of these 3 types of key features. The green “tunnel” construct can be used to define narrow constrictions, as well as, the maximal cross-section of a bloated bulb. Rims Funnels Tunnels Marked features:
“NOME” Non-Orientable Manifold Editor
Granada 2003 “NOME” Non-Orientable Manifold Editor Place key features: Rims, Funnels, Tunnels; Connect their borders with surface patches; Smooth the assembly with CC-subdivision; Use offset-surfaces to thicken the 2-manifold; Create finely tessellated B-rep (STL-file); Send to 3D-Printer. With the help of a couple of students, we are building a home-brewed CAD tool to make the design of such surfaces easier. We call it NOME – standing for “Non-Orientable Manifold Editor” -- because single-sided surfaces like Moebius bands and Klein bottles are a particular interest of mine. The tool allows us to place the key features into desired configurations and then connect the borders of the funnels and tunnels and rims with surface patches. In the end the whole polyhedral assembly is smoothed with the Catmull-Clark subdivision process. It is then given some thickness, and a boundary representation of that object can be exported as an STL file, which can be fed to any 3D printer.
Computer-Aided Design Process
Granada 2003 Computer-Aided Design Process Here is how this works for one of the simplest Eva Hild sculptures, called “Interruption.” On the left, I start with a picture of the Hild sculpture, marking the 3 types of key features; then I use NOME to place simple ribbon elements that represent those features in 3D space. In the middle column, you see the simple triangular and quadrilateral facets that connect the control polylines of the various features with one another to yield a polyhedral surface with the proper topology. After subdivision, the blue&red surface smoothly connects the various key features. Now all we have to do is to form offset surfaces to obtain the desired material thickness and write out an STL file that we can send to a 3D-printer. Modeling “Interruption” D-print
Granada 2003 Room for Improvement When holding the first sculpture model in my hand, I typically see a few things that should be improved. In my first stab at modeling “Interruption”, the tunnel at the lower left turned out to be pinched into a narrow oval. I can fix this by inserting yet another tunnel-feature to capture this geometry explicitly. Here the tunnel is not as nicely rounded as in Hild’s original.
An Improved Model Two more tunnels added.
Granada 2003 An Improved Model Two more tunnels added. Here is my second try: I added two more tunnels to yield more circular openings as in Hild’s original. In the top center, I have added the first few red quadrilaterals of the desired connecting surface and at top right, the yellow facets complete the connecting surface. In the bottom row, you see this surface after smoothing, then thickened with some offset, and finally the resulting 3D print. Now the shape is more gracefully rounded.
Understanding “Hollow”
Granada 2003 Understanding “Hollow” With the emerging NOME tool in my hand, I was ready to tackle a more complex Hild surface. In my Bridges talk 2 years ago, I mentioned the difficulties I had in fully understanding this sculpture, called “Hollow.”. The problem was, that I could only find images from the front as shown in the top row. Eventually I got an image of the backside by using Google Street-view and maneuvering into a position, where I could see the greenish reflection in a large window behind the sculpture. Only more recently, could I find a picture of a ceramic model of this sculpture (bottom center) that gave me a clear view of the backside of this sculpture. A crude clay model helped me to fully understand the connectivity of this surface. Front and back views & clay model
“Hollow” by Eva Hild, Varberg, (2006)
Granada 2003 “Hollow” by Eva Hild, Varberg, (2006) Double-sided (orientable) Number of borders b = 1 Genus g = 2 (after closure) 2-hole torus with 1 puncture For the mathematically inclined, here is the topological analysis of this sculpture: It is a double-sided surface with a single border. When you glue a suitably warped disk to this border, you obtain a simple two-hole torus. So this sculpture is a 2-hole torus with a single puncture.
Modeling “Hollow” with NOME
Granada 2003 Modeling “Hollow” with NOME Top left, you see the key features that I placed to define this sculpture, and below, the surface patches that I stitched between them. In the middle is the merged surface, which was subdivided 3 times, and then thickened. On the right are photos of the resulting 3D print. Features – surface – D-print
Modeling Hild’s “Whole”
Granada 2003 Modeling Hild’s “Whole” Here is the same process applied to another Hild sculpture of moderate complexity. Again I made a clay model to gain a clear understanding of the connectivity of this surface. With this I was then able to identify the key features defining this sculpture: they are the 2 yellow “cross tunnels” and a 3-period “Gabo curve“ forming the undulating ribbon surrounding the core. With this sculpture, I would like to point out an important difference between Hild’s way of creating a sculpture and my own, computer-assisted approach: Hild grows her ceramic surfaces incrementally, a few inches at a time. in a process that may take weeks or months. She does not aim for symmetry; she prefers more organic, less rigid shapes. She does not start out with a clear overall plan, but develops each sculpture as she gradually builds them. In contrast I look first for overall symmetry; it reduces the overall amount of definition work that I have to do; I only need to design part of a sculpture and the rest then follows by repeating or mirroring the initial geometry. The green 3D-print model has 3-fold symmetry in its outer rim, and overall bilateral mirror-symmetry. (D1d) Original – clay model – key features – 3D-print
Two Different Approaches
Granada 2003 Two Different Approaches Eva Hild: -- incremental (organic) growth -- avoid strict symmetry -- no clear plan surprising results My CAD approach: -- clear plan of overall final structure -- find maximal symmetry to reduce design work: -- green: D3-symm; overall: D1d=C2h Hild grows her ceramic surfaces incrementally, a few inches at a time. in a process that may take weeks or months. She does not aim for symmetry; she prefers more organic, less rigid shapes. She does not start out with a clear overall plan, but develops each sculpture as she gradually builds them. In contrast I look first for overall symmetry; it reduces the overall amount of definition work that I have to do; I only need to design part of a sculpture and the rest then follows by repeating or mirroring the initial geometry. The green 3D-print model has 3-fold symmetry in its outer rim, and overall bilateral mirror-symmetry.
Extending the Paradigm
Granada 2003 Extending the Paradigm Now, with the general features defined for this sculpture, I can then try to make new sculptures by placing a different number of key features and choosing different symmetries. Here I show 3 models that started out, respectively, with 1, 2, and 3 cross tunnels, and are surrounded by Gabo curves that have 2, 3, and 4 periods, respectively. The bottom row shows the results. In the model on the right, the 3 cross-tunnels are standing in a straight row. 1, , cross-tunnels 2, , Gabo undulations
3 Cross-Tunnels In a 3-fold symmetrical configuration
Granada 2003 3 Cross-Tunnels In a 3-fold symmetrical configuration But these cross tunnels can also be placed in a circular, 3-fold symmetrical configuration, and then be surrounded with a 3-period Gabo curve. To turn this into an attractive, and more dramatic, stand-alone sculpture, I added a conical stem at the bottom.
4 Cross-Tunnels Surrounded by 6-period Gabo curve
Granada 2003 4 Cross-Tunnels Surrounded by 6-period Gabo curve Here I start with an arrangement of four cross-tunnels; but here all upper tunnels point in the same direction (towards the viewer). A 6-period Gabo curve has been wrapped around this core. It naturally connects to half of all the tunnel openings, but it also makes an extra up/down transition in between. This leads to a somewhat convoluted inner border curve, for which I have not found a good way to let it terminate in one or more additional funnels. Fortunately, this odd border is not readily visible from the outside. (This model has overall 8-fold D2d symmetry).
Free-form surfaces offer a bigger modeling challenge!
Granada 2003 “Wolly” by Eva Hild Let’s look at one of Hild’s more complex and more convoluted, free-form sculptures. == How can I possibly capture a thing like this ?? Free-form surfaces offer a bigger modeling challenge!
2-sided, single border, genus 4
Granada 2003 Topology of “Wholly” The first step is always to figure out the topology and connectivity of the given surface. Here it is captured in the relatively simple model at the bottom. This is an orientable surface of genus 4 with a single border. Geometrically, it can be seen as a chain of 8 side-by-side tunnels. 2-sided, single border, genus 4
A Flexible, Parameterized Model
Granada 2003 A Flexible, Parameterized Model The top row shows a basic polyhedral model that yields the proper topology for “Wholly.” But it would be overwhelming to ask the user to move all individual vertices of this model into “appropriate” locations to recreate “Wholly.” -- We need a higher level of control. Here I defined the 9 cross sectional planes, 7 of which go through the walls between pairs of adjacent tunnels, and 2 more cover at the ends. Each of these sections can now be non-uniformly stretched, rotated, and shifted. A result of such coordinated edits is shown in the bottom row. Each of the 9 cross sections remains planar and symmetrical, but their sizes and positions define the shapes and orientations of the tunnels between them. The shape in the lower right starts to show the flavor of Hild’s “Wholly” sculpture. Polyhedral model, with high-level edit-controls
First, Not Very Successful Attempt
Granada 2003 First, Not Very Successful Attempt But with the modeling approach described above, it was actually quite difficult and tedious to obtain good results. Often the tunnels were squashed into narrow slits, and the undulations of the rim often ended up in sharp cusps. This was the first model of “Wholly” that I sent to the 3D printer; and clearly it was not all that successful … An FDM model of “Wholly” ?
Second Attempt with Same Set-Up
Granada 2003 Second Attempt with Same Set-Up But by more carefully fine-tuning the polyhedral model, I was able to obtain a nicer looking model. Wholly_A2: a more carefully tuned model
Comparison Wholly_A1 Wholly_A2 Tunnels still not very round
Granada 2003 Comparison Wholly_A1 Wholly_A2 Tunnels still not very round Here is a direct comparison between the two models: Clearly there is an improvement. But it is still difficult to make the tunnels really round! So I tried a different approach…
Granada 2003 Trying a New Approach The new modeling approach directly manipulates 8 parameterized circular tunnels, which are the inner parts of tori, and thus remain nicely rounded. I can vary their sizes and the angles between them, and the program keeps them in appropriate contact. Combining 8 partial toroids into a flexible chain
Parameterization (2D concept proof)
Granada 2003 Parameterization (2D concept proof) This simpler 2D demonstration shows this concept in action: I can adjust the azimuth angle of the green circle; I can also vary its radius; And I can then alter any other radius or azimuth – for instance the purple one. Radii, heights, azimuth angles, tilt are adjustable. Automatic adjustment of tunnel/tunnel separation.
Resulting 3D CAD Model Wholly_B1
Granada 2003 Resulting 3D CAD Model This is how I would see the expected 3D CAD model, as I fine tune the parameters defining the radii and heights of the 8 toroids, and the angles between adjacent ones. Wholly_B1
First Result from the New Approach
Granada 2003 First Result from the New Approach And this is what then might come off an inexpensive 3D printer. Here the supporting schaffolding is made of the same material as the sculpture; and it has to be removed by hand. Wholly_B1 coming off the 3D printer
Model after Clean-up Wholly_B1
Granada 2003 Model after Clean-up This shows the same model cleaned up and propped-up in the proper position. I think this demonstrates some further improvement. Wholly_B1
Comparison Wholly_A2 Wholly_B1 Round tunnels. Other problems!
Granada 2003 Comparison Wholly_A2 Wholly_B1 Round tunnels. Other problems! Here is a direct comparison: The tunnels are much more nicely rounded now! == But the difficulty with this approach is to establish the right connectivity of the surface between adjacent tunnels. I am currently working on a new representation to make this easy to use and reliable. My latest idea is to make the saddles between two tunnels the basic modeling primitive. I hope that those elements will be easier to stitch together in our evolving NOME software. == In summary: For such truly free-form surfaces, I have no great results yet. So, Eva does not have to fear competition form me anytime soon! But her sculptures also inspire a different kind of quest: -- This sculpture is a 2-sided, orientable surface; and so are all the ones that I have analyzed. I find it intriguing that Hild’s incremental creation process never seems to have resulted in a single-sided surface.
Orientability 2-sided, 1-sided, orientable non-orientable
Granada 2003 Orientability Cooling tower Moebius band So, I wanted to see how the typical elements in Hild’s sculptures can be combined into non-orientable surfaces. Here are some basic geometrical shapes and their topological orientabilities. Cylinders and “cooling towers” are orientable and have distinct insides and outsides; but the Moebius band on the right is single-sided. Hild’s “Interruption” is clearly 2-sided as shown by the red and blue paint. We can make a single-sided surface by starting with a Dyck disk, this is a double funnel with two stubs going off in opposite directions, and then connect these stubs into a closed loop. -- But such toroidal structures are not part of the repertoire in Hild’s collection. Hild: “Interruption” Dyck loop 2-sided, sided, orientable non-orientable
“Tongues” form paths from inside to outside of a “cooling tower”
Granada 2003 Tunnels and Tongues A B One way of creating a single-sided surface from elements found in Hild’s portfolio, is to take 3 tunnels or cooling towers, and use a tongue to connect the top of one to the bottom of the next one in a cyclical fashion. The minimal version of this approach is a single tower with a helical tongue connecting the top to the bottom rim. I tried a few different geometries, changing the length, width, and steepness of that ribbon as shown in B, C, and D. The last on is my favorite; I think this one would feel at home in Hild’s collection. C D “Tongues” form paths from inside to outside of a “cooling tower”
Sue-Dan-ese Möbius Band
Granada 2003 Sue-Dan-ese Möbius Band A B Another approach can be derived from the “Sue-Dan-ese” Möbius band shown in A. This surface has a single circular border connected to a roughly spherical bag. In this form, it does not look very Hild-like; its rim does not resemble a funnel, and part of it is obscured by the geometry of its bag-shaped body. But the circular rim can be transformed into a loopy figure-8-shape by letting the border follow the tangential pull of the attached surface (B). This leads to an undulating 3D border curve that is more akin to what is found in Hild’s sculptures. In Figure C, this new Möbius rim (in red) is combined with a blue bottom funnel on which the sculpture may stand; part of the connecting mesh is shown in green. Figure D shows the resulting smooth surface. == This looks a little bit like “Interruption”. C D Make a Hild-like single-sided surface
Single-Sided “Interruption”
Granada 2003 Single-Sided “Interruption” Modify the top rim into a Möbius band: So, let’s see whether we can create a single-sided version of “Interruption.” With this goal in mind, I replaced the bent oval border loop at the top of Interruption with a stretched version of the Möbius rim from the previous slide. I again used the same internal combination of three tunnels as in the improved version of “Interruption.” in (A) you see the skeleton formed by these key features and a few initial connecting faces (shown in red). NOME made it easy to add all the other facets to form the complete connecting mesh (B). Two steps of subdivision already form a nice, smooth surface (C). On the right is the resulting 3D print. A B C D
Dyck Loops 3, 5, 7 Dyck disks in a cycle
Granada 2003 Dyck Loops A third approach starts with Dyck disk closed off with a toroidal loop, as mentioned before. However, since this toroidal handle is not a typical feature in Hild’s artwork, I replaced it with two more Dyck disks to obtain the desired cyclical loop closure. Any such loop formed by an odd number of disks will result in a single-sided manifold; the bottom row shows loops with 3, 5, and 7 such disks. However, these surfaces are too regular to be taken for a true Hild surface. 3, , Dyck disks in a cycle
Less Regular Dyck Ring 5 Dyck surfaces + a “bulb” CAD model 3D-print
Granada 2003 Less Regular Dyck Ring 5 Dyck surfaces + a “bulb” Eva Hild typically avoids rigid symmetry and makes the tunnels and lobes in a sculpture of somewhat different sizes. So, here, I scaled subsequent instances of Dyck disks by 10% and let this logarithmic spiral sweep through only 300 degrees. The remaining 60 degrees are then filled in with a bulbous element, as found in Hild’s sculpture “Hollow.” This provides a convenient way to connect two Dyck disks with rather different diameters. CAD model D-print
Final Take: “Pentagonal Dyck Cycle”
Granada 2003 Final Take: “Pentagonal Dyck Cycle” After a little bit of fine-tuning in our NOME editor, this lead to the “Final Take” of this “Pentagonal Dyck Cycle”. You can see this sculpture in the Art Exhibit – and even place a bid on it. Made it into the Nominees’ Gallery of the Bridges Art Exhibition.
Tetrahedral configuration of 6 “Super Dyck disks” with 4 stubs
Granada 2003 Not a “Hild Sculpture” I know that my computer-assisted process most directly leads to surfaces that are not likely confused with Hild’s creations. So let me push symmetry and topology to new extremes: I start with 6 “Super Dyck disks,” with two stubs going off on either side, and place them across the edges of a tetrahedron. I connect all 24 stubs with 12 curved tunnels. The result is is a single-sided surface of genus 14. It is equivalent to the connected sum of 7 Klein bottles with 6 punctures. It may not be beautiful in the traditional sense, but it is definitely intriguing, and I was very happy when, after many tries, I finally found this highly symmetrical configuration. Tetrahedral configuration of 6 “Super Dyck disks” with 4 stubs
Conclusions Thank you, Eva Hild ! You are a wonderful inspiration.
Granada 2003 Conclusions Thank you, Eva Hild ! You are a wonderful inspiration. And while my models do not come close to the natural beauty of your ceramic surfaces, playing with the key elements of your sculptures has lead to some different, and intriguing surfaces. In conclusion, I would thus like to say: Thank you Eva Hild!
Eva Hild: Snow Sculpture (2011)
Granada 2003 Eva Hild: Snow Sculpture (2011) Eva also did a marvelous snow sculpture! -- Questions ? Eva Hild
Analysis of “Interruption” Eva Hild, 2002, ceramic
Granada 2003 Analysis of “Interruption” Eva Hild, 2002, ceramic Double-sided (orientable) Number of borders b = 2 Euler characteristic χ = –2 Genus g = 1 (after closure) Torus with 2 punctures Independent cutting line: For the mathematically inclined, let’s analyze the topology of this sculpture: It is double-sided, and it has two obvious borders shown in red and in blue. In this case the easiest method to determine the genus of this shape is to glue two discs onto these two borders without creating any intersections. >>> This can easily be done by adding these two pink caps. The result is then a simple torus, with the green circle marking the central tunnel. So, overall this sculpture is a torus with two punctures.
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