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What will you learn from this session?

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2 What will you learn from this session?
Develop your understanding of ‘student partnership’ How your role can achieve long-term change at QUB Greater understanding of the relationship between partnership and quality assurance/enhancement

3 Making an Impact: Partnership
What is ‘partnership’? Students have a joint role and voice in the quality of their education Respect and responsibility Students as co-creators and collaborators in education Working model for engagement An ethos and culture in the institution

4 How can we achieve true and meaningful partnership?
We want to create a Student Partnership Agreement! But what is that?

5 Student Partnership Agreements
Many students and their institutions are setting out how they want to achieve partnership together This takes the form of an agreement taking best practice and good ideas from across Higher Education It can sometimes replace Student Charters: do you know that we have a Student Charter at QUB? What does it say?

6 So we don’t do partnership already at QUB?

7 We do! And that’s where you come in…..
There are 3 key aspects to how we already do ‘partnership’. We’ll explore these in 3 key themes: Your Education Your Development Your Experience

8 Your Education Module Review Formal opportunity to reflect on delivery
How could a module be improved? Student feedback Evidence You can take part in a Module Review Group

9 Your Education Annual Programme Review Review of a Course/Pathway
UG, PGT, and PGR Considers much broader evidence

10 Your Education Course Development & Curriculum Content
You can help shape curriculum content and delivery in numerous ways You could also play a part in developing new courses! Do we/should we do this at QUB? Could you design your own course?

11 Your Development Student Development and Skills
How does QUB help you to develop your skills? Current support and services? How could you shape this? Staff Professional Development - In what ways could developing staff skillsets impact you?

12 Your Development Student Projects
Developing your own ideas can develop partnership! Working with staff on skills and study initiatives? Extra-curricular activities? Collaborative Research Could you work with other students on research? PhD, Masters, and Undergrads could learn from each other

13 Your Experience Assessment Methods How do you learn?
Hate exams? Then why don’t you suggest big changes! …A lot is changing at QUB! New teaching and learning opportunities A new structure to the academic year… have you heard about it?

14 Student Partnership at QUB: Making that Impact…..
We mentioned that we want to start work on a Student Partnership Agreement…. And we need you! But don’t worry… not right now (we know you’re all tired and it’s Saturday…)

15 Got any Questions? …. Anyone?

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