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Bellwork for February 6, 2014 Take any handouts from the back counter. Write in your agenda. I can analyze the effects of sound devices and figurative.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork for February 6, 2014 Take any handouts from the back counter. Write in your agenda. I can analyze the effects of sound devices and figurative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork for February 6, 2014 Take any handouts from the back counter. Write in your agenda. I can analyze the effects of sound devices and figurative language in context. I can identify the tone and mood of a selection. Begin Caught’ya! day 27.

2 Day 27 orson odious whom indeed was in paulines homeroom grinned maliciously at her and lobbed a slimy spit wad in her direction. but pauline ducked and she incurred the wrath of the homeroom teacher mr math martinet

3 Vocabulary Week 9 Maliciously– (adverb) deliberately harmful; spiteful Lobbed– (verb) To hit, throw, or propel in a high arc Wrath– (noun) Forceful, often vindictive anger Martinet– (noun) One who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules; disciplinarian

4 What is tone? The author’s attitude towards the subject, audience, or character.

5 Tone: “A Gift in His Shoes” Donovan and Larry were early for baseball practice. They decided to run up and down the bleachers to exercise before the rest of the team arrived. Larry was first to the top. He whispered to Donovan, “Look over there.” He pointed to a man sleeping on the highest, narrow bench of the bleachers. His pants and shirt were faded, worn, and too large for his thin frame. One big toe stuck out of a huge hole in his sock. His scraped-up shoes sat a few feet away. Donovan whispered, “We should help him out. Let’s hide something good in his shoes. Then, when he wakes up, he will have a nice surprise.”

6 How would you describe the tone [attitude] of this author? a.Angry b.Detached c.Sympathetic Evidence:

7 What is mood? Mood is the overall atmosphere of a piece of literature

8 Mood: Example After New Year's the time came to put all the decorations away and settle in for the long, cold winter. The house seemed to sigh as we boxed up its finery. The tree was dry and brittle, and now waited forlornly by the side of the road to be picked up. Mood: Evidence:

9 What is a highwayman? Highwaymen existed before the 1600s, but their numbers notably increased during this century in England. When King Charles I was executed in 1649, he left behind numerous soldiers. Unwanted by the new government, many of these men became highwaymen to support themselves. Some tried to avoid violence, using their charm and cunning to persuade their victims to hand over money and jewels. Others relied on force. By the 1800s, the presence of paid police reduced the threat of highwaymen to travelers.

10 Copy the following story map onto your paper. Characters:Setting: Conflict: Plot Events: 1. 2. 3. 4. Resolution:

11 Mood in “The Highwayman” wJE What is the overall mood of this poem? Provide evidence to support your answer.

12 Answer the question given to your group in complete sentences. Include evidence to support your answer. Be prepared to share your group’s answer!

13 Group 1: Think about whether the characters in the poems die in vain. Do they accomplish anything with their deaths? Group 2: Now that you have read these two poems, have your ideas about honor changed? Think about the characters in the poems and who you thought acted with honor: Bess, the highwayman, or the soldiers of the Light Brigade. Group 3: A recurring theme is a message or insight about life that a variety of works share. Identify a recurring theme present in these two poems. Think about the characters’ behavior and motives.

14 Group 4: Reread lines 85–90. Note the images that stand out to you. What mood, or feeling, do they help create? Group 5: For each poem, make a list of the character traits the soldiers display. Are the soldiers in the two poems similar or different? Explain your answer. Group 6: Did you find both poems to be equally suspenseful, or was one poem more exciting? Explain your opinions.

15 What is honor? After reading the two poems, has your definition of honor changed? Which poem portrayed the definition of honor better?

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