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Coaching for School Leadership & Management. What is Coaching? The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another. (Effective.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching for School Leadership & Management. What is Coaching? The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another. (Effective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching for School Leadership & Management

2 What is Coaching? The art of facilitating the performance, learning and development of another. (Effective Coaching, M Downey) The art of assisting people enhance their effectiveness. (The Heart of Coaching, TG Crane).

3 Why use it? Stress in the workforce Poor communication and people management skills Lack of constructive feedback Skills gaps Square pegs in round holes

4 Coaching seen as a means of achieving: Enhanced employee performance Improved communication & relationship skills Committed, motivated and positive staff Greater personal responsibility in others Improved Emotional Intelligence Leadership development

5 How?

6 collaboratively solve problems, set goals clarify expectations – judgements/assumptions be consistent with your word and actions listen effectively (leave aside your own agenda) seek to understand – ask questions…….. show patience demonstrate appreciation for good performance give feedback appropriately show trust encourage and enable delegate and be flexible lead by example Don’t take it personally!

7 Key Skills of Coaching 1.Create a trusting environment 2.Effective listening and reframing 3.Powerful and appropriate questions 4.Raising other’s awareness 5.Identify and clarify desires 6.Set and prioritise goals 7.Use humour, imagery and metaphor 8.Encourage, motivate, inspire 9.Remain clear and focused

8 Coaching as a tool or style of communication is effective in all forms of relationships – parents, pupils, staff, board of management………….

9 Manager / Coach Jack Welch “in the future, people who are not coaches will not be promoted. Managers who are coaches will be the norm”. A manager’s success depends on the success of her/his employees

10 Emotional Intelligence Being intelligent about your emotions – being aware of your emotions, being in control of them, rather than having them control you Being able to tune into, and read, others’ emotions, gaining insight into others’ perspectives, allowing for effective communication and good rapport building

11 Personal Leadership To lead others effectively, we must be able to lead ourselves effectively first. Ask yourself the following: Where are you leading yourself? Why are you leading yourself there? How are you leading yourself? Are you happy with where you have already led yourself to, and with where you are going?

12 Johari Window Others do not Know Others Know I KnowI do not Know

13 Up to 80% unknown! We're not aware of our defences, our emotional reactions, our beliefs and habits, of our fears, negative self-talk and judgments. So we stay stuck in patterns that limit our ability to enjoy life, that cause us pain. We don't know how to think, create, love and reach our potential.

14 Own your own responses Note how you respond to your environment around you! Particularly your staff and the parents.

15 Awareness is the most powerful resource we have to effect change in our lives. "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend." -- Henri Bergson "Preconceived notions are the locks on the door to wisdom." -- Merry Browne "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are." -- Anais Nin

16 Training Programme 5 half-day sessions Promoted and supported by IPPN Regionally based 10 – 15 per training group Certificate in Coaching Skills

17 Training Content Self-awareness Emotional Intelligence Key Skills of Coaching Coaching tools and techniques for professional and personal effectiveness

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