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Volunteers: boosting your income without boosting your blood pressure Alison Pemberton and Claire Hoyle Oxford Inspire Conference for Development, Alumni.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteers: boosting your income without boosting your blood pressure Alison Pemberton and Claire Hoyle Oxford Inspire Conference for Development, Alumni."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteers: boosting your income without boosting your blood pressure Alison Pemberton and Claire Hoyle Oxford Inspire Conference for Development, Alumni Relations and Communications, Friday 7 October 2016

2 How we work with volunteers at NSPCC Community Events committees Volunteer board fundraising Philanthropy advocates Friends and advisors Celebrities Internal volunteers

3 Events committees

4 Volunteer boards – Part 1 Identify your chair Set your terms of reference Identify whom you need on board Working with volunteers to solicit major gifts

5 Volunteer boards – Part 2 It’s not just about personal giving… Volunteers can also help us to raise a lot of money Support with expertise and advice Leverage personal contacts and networks Work in partnership with NSPCC

6 NSPCC Rebuilding Childhoods Board A strong Chair Raising money for a specific project Clear strategy for Board and for every member Regularly refresh the Board with new members Appropriate levels of resourcing Stewardship and engagement

7 Philanthropy advocates/Friends and Advisors: do you need a board at all? Cons Resource intensive – need strong, credible staff to manage them well Some members won’t do much – but will still want looking after Can go “off piste” – be distracted by other elements of the charity’s work – and take others with them! Getting rid of volunteers who don’t fulfil their remit Staff can feel dictated to by non- professional fundraisers Pros Urge each other on Can do pincer movements on prospects! Competition between members can intensify fundraising efforts Can work together as a group on generation and delivery of ideas Likely to have a lot of prospects between them

8 Celebrities

9 Internal volunteers Who are they? How can they help?

10 And now the fun part… Mistakes we’ve made Challenges we’ve faced

11 And what we’ve learnt… Get your CEO and Chairman on side early so they can support you Get the right Chair Use your ToR and refer to them Find other homes for volunteers who want to stay with the charity but can’t contribute more to the board Don’t allow your volunteers to dictate: it should be a partnership Invest the right time and effort in the right volunteers Keyworkers should have authority and credibility, be prompt, polite, reliable and responsive Have confidence in yourself Volunteers will go off message: what’s tolerable and what’s not? Stewardship, stewardship, stewardship!

12 Any questions? Alison Pemberton – Claire Hoyle –

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