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Grammar Rules! Tilford. Subject  What the sentence is about. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Rules! Tilford. Subject  What the sentence is about. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Rules! Tilford

2 Subject  What the sentence is about. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Ask the question, "Who or what 'verbs' or 'verbed'?" and the answer to that question is the subject

3 Example:  Sally is going to be a ballerina for Halloween. Note the key words: “be” and “ballerina”. She is going to be something, therefore Sally is the subject.

4 Now you try. What is the SUBJECT in this sentence?  Mary wants to be a pro golfer when she grows up.  Alex is playing ball outside.  The subject we are learning is math.

5 What is a pronoun and a common noun?  Common noun- there, here, he, she, it.  Pronoun- a specific place or name.

6 Subjective pronouns  The personal pronouns I, you, we, he, she, it, we, and they are known as subjective pronouns because they act as the subjects of verbs:  She saw Catherine.  We drove Nick home.  I waved at her. -oxford dictionary

7 Objective pronouns  The personal pronouns me, you, us, him, her, it, and them are called objective pronouns because they act as the objects of verbs and prepositions:  Catherine saw her.  Nick drove us home.  She waved at me. -oxford dictionary

8 Direct object  The direct object of a verb is the thing being acted upon (i.e., the receiver of the action). –

9 Direct object –

10 Examples of direct object  Play the guitar.  Every actor played his part.  The crowd will cheer the President.  We can climb the hill and fly the kite.

11 Can you find the direct object?  We went to the car.  The store is a very nice building.  Amber went to the office.

12 “I” and “Me”  You use I when the pronoun is the subject of a verb. Example:  He went to bed.  Clare and I are getting a book.  Use ME when the pronoun is the object of a verb. Example:  The dog fallowed John and me to the store.

13 You tell me if these sentences are right.  Jenny and Me watched the game.  My little sister fallowed my brother and me to the yard.  Rose spent the day with me.  Jane and I are friends.

14 For extra info go to:  rds/grammar

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