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Limbrick News Special mention certificates were awarded to: Reception – Kara Yr 1 – Nono and Olly Yr 2 – Billie Yr 3 – Freddie Yr 4 – Amadou and Lena Yr.

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Presentation on theme: "Limbrick News Special mention certificates were awarded to: Reception – Kara Yr 1 – Nono and Olly Yr 2 – Billie Yr 3 – Freddie Yr 4 – Amadou and Lena Yr."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limbrick News Special mention certificates were awarded to: Reception – Kara Yr 1 – Nono and Olly Yr 2 – Billie Yr 3 – Freddie Yr 4 – Amadou and Lena Yr 5 – Paige and Sophie Yr 6 – Demi M Reading raffle winners: Reception – Mia Yr 1 – Patrick Yr 2 – Dora Yr 3 – Daniel Yr 4 – Lena Yr 5 – Millie-Sue Yr 6 – Jamie Date: 8 th July 2016 ParentMail Upgrade: The upgrade took place several weeks ago and most of you will have received a text message on 16 th May. To use the latest version of Parent Mail, all you need to do is to verify your account by following the instructions in the text message from ParentMail. Sports Day:- The rearranged date for Y2 – Y6 Sports Day is Thursday 14 th July at 1.30. Lets hope the rain stays away. Assembly – Keeping safe Assembly – Keeping safe Rec and Year 1 – Sports day Wednesday 20 th July – Last day of term The children can wear non-uniform on the last day of term, and if you would like to make a small contribution of £1 to school fund we would be very grateful. Next year: Nursery: Mrs Byers, Mrs Bourke & Miss Gutteridge Reception: Mrs Cottingham, Ms Coles & Miss Gilmore Year 1: Miss Riley & Mrs Naysmith Year 2: Miss Preston (Mrs Spencer) & Miss Ledwidge Year 3: Mr Johnson & Miss Williams Year 4: Miss Milner, followed by Miss Pickthorne, & Mrs Harris & Mrs Cook Year 5: Miss Glennon & Mrs Johnson Year 6: Ms Parham & Mrs Rowland Mrs Parsons will be going on maternity at the end of July for a short while. Also Miss Milner is expecting baby and will be going on maternity leave towards the end of November. A new teacher joins us, Miss Glennon, who will teach our year 5 children. And finally Miss Preston is getting married during the summer, and will return to us as Mrs Spencer.

2 Limbrick News Diary dates: Thursday 7 th July – Y2 to Y6 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3pm (CANCELLED) Wednesday 13 th July – Dogs Trust maths workshop for Year 3, 4 and 5 Thursday 14 th July - Y2 to Y6 Sports Day – 1.30 – 3pm (REARRANGED FROM Thurs 7 th ) Thursday 14 th July to Friday 15 th July – KS 2: Sports clubs - Camp at Rough close Friday 15 th July – Reports to parents Monday 18 th July – Donkeys in Nursery/Reception Tuesday 19 th July – Y6 performance & leavers assembly – 9.30am start Tuesday 19 th July – last night of After School Club Wednesday 20 th July – Last day of term – non uniform Wednesday 20 th July – no After School Club Costs: Dinner money: £2.00 per day £10.00 per week School Uniform: School Coats - £16.00 Fleeces - £13.50 Sweatshirts – £8.00 / £9.50 (depending on size) Book bags – £4.00 Pump bags – £4.00 Breakfast Club: £ 2.00 Per day After School Club: £ 5.50 Per day New Faces: None this week This weeks letters: None this week 100% Attendance and Punctuality: This week, Year 2 achieved 98.0 % attendance. Lates: 37 lates which affected 6 classes. This is a disappointing number of late arrivals to school. Please make sure that children arrive at school by 8.55am. The current school attendance is 96.2%. We are hoping to achieve 97% by the end of the academic year. The whole school are working towards achieving 100% attendance this half term, with rewards such as ice creams, extra playtime and non uniform day on offer. I’ll keep you updated……… In the hope that the sun returns, please send your child to school with a sunhat and ensure you have applied sun cream in the morning. CONDUCT ON THE PLAYGROUND I would like to take this opportunity to remind all parents and carers about expected conduct, whilst on the school grounds, so that we can work together to ensure a safe and positive environment for our children. We expect parents and carers to support the ethos of our school by setting a good example in their own speech and behaviour towards all members of the school community including staff, other parents and children. Types of behaviour that are considered serious and unacceptable and will not be tolerated are: the use of loud and/or offensive language or displaying temper, threatening or physical aggression towards staff or other families abusive or threatening emails, phone calls or social network messages the consumption of alcohol or other harmful substances on the premises or accessing the school whilst intoxicated This is not an exhaustive list but seeks to provide illustrations of such behaviour. In the event that a parent, carer or visitor does nor respect these expectations, the school may exercise its right to bar any individual from the school site on the grounds of aggressive or abusive behaviour.

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