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The West and the World Teacher: Mr. Watson. Overview of the West and the World Note Taking Skills The Study of History Medieval Europe The Crusades Units.

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Presentation on theme: "The West and the World Teacher: Mr. Watson. Overview of the West and the World Note Taking Skills The Study of History Medieval Europe The Crusades Units."— Presentation transcript:

1 The West and the World Teacher: Mr. Watson

2 Overview of the West and the World Note Taking Skills The Study of History Medieval Europe The Crusades Units of Study: The Renaissance and Reformation The Enlightenment Modern Europe The World at War Montmartre

3 begin by always writing all titles and sub-titles. In addition, write any key highlighted phrases, or terms from the blackboard leave 2 or 3 lines for your own notes of explanation listen to the lecture and make your own notes for each key phrase (e.g. block lettering for key terms) finally, be sure to ask questions if you require further explanation. Please note, at university, professors seldom give you any key phrases. You are expected to listen to their lectures and make your own notes. Note Taking Skills

4 it is difficult to travel into the past without taking our contemporary ideas with us we tend to examine the past with the benefit of hindsight, rather than from the perspective of people of the time students of history often assume that the actual outcome of events was either obvious or inevitable is a critical error every historical investigation should begin with an attempt to put yourself into the time & place The Study of History Place Concorde (Paris)

5 The Study of History as we understand the “how”, we can begin to see the “why” this is difficult to do since evidence is often fragmented & contradictory winners tend to preserve records more completely than losers


7 Historical Question In your view, what are some of the factors which determine whether an event or person is worthy of historical study? Why do some histories endure while others fade away? Discuss. Provide a typed two page double spaced (500 words) response to this question.

8 Questions to Consider What is history? What constitutes historical truth? What role does history play in a nation’s identity? Who/What decides what is history and what is not? What factors determine historical significance?

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