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Traffic Records Assessment Training August Advisory Updates Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory update: Assessment participants have been.

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Presentation on theme: "Traffic Records Assessment Training August Advisory Updates Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory update: Assessment participants have been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traffic Records Assessment Training August 2016

2 Advisory Updates Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory update: Assessment participants have been submitting comments and update suggestions throughout the new STRAP process. These items were compiled and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were brought in to identify additional updates and provide edits. 2 Questions and evidence have been updated to remove outdated information and include new ideals.

3 Assessment Questions TRCC Management19 18 Strategic Planning16 15 Crash44 48 Driver45 Vehicle39 36 Roadway38 33 Citation / Adjudication54 51 Injury Surveillance123* 124 Data Use & Integration13 12 Current Total391 382 * Injury Surveillance now includes sub-sections on EMS, Emergency Room, Hospital Discharge, Trauma Registry, and Vital Records 3

4 Standards of Evidence The Advisory supplies a standard of evidence for each question. Describes the information needed to support State assertions that a traffic records system possesses the specific capability referred to in the question Evidence was previously listed in STRAP as “Evidence Requirement”, it will be updated to “Suggested Evidence” 4

5 STRAP Updates STRAP will be updated to incorporate the new questions and prepare for the second cycle of STRAP assessments. Second assessment cycle States will have access to the data and documents from the previous assessment. The final report will be updated to include information on areas where the state made improvements. 5 Are there any updates that would be useful to assessors when conducting a second cycle assessment?

6 Average Assessor Time 6

7 Average Hours Per Phase 7

8 Advice DO communicate with your co-assessor and/or Module Leader. (Printouts) DON’T use outside information for Ratings. Use only information provided by respondents. DO use outside information for clarification requests. Ask the respondent to confirm/corroborate potential outside information. DO use outside information for Module Summaries. When applicable, note what was provided in-system did not match external knowledge, but ratings had to be made based on what was actually submitted. 8

9 Printouts 9

10 Advice DON’T add personal feelings but DO feel free to provide suggestions and advice. The Facilitator can incorporate these into the considerations given to the State at the Report Out. DON’T write “State says no.” Instead write: "The State's crash and driver systems are not linked." If the State says the question doesn’t apply, it is a valid response but would still receive a Does Not Meet rating. 10

11 Sample Q & A Module: TRCC 1. Does the State have both an executive and a technical TRCC? Evidence Requirement: Provide a charter and/or MOU. Also provide a roster with all members' names, affiliations, and titles for both the executive and technical TRCC. State Response: Yes the State's TRCC, is organized as a 3-level tier. The top tier is the Executive level, the second tier is the technical level and the third are the working groups created to address current projects or challenges on a working level. See the attached TRCC charter and executive level roster. Rating: Meets the Advisory Ideal - Both an executive TRCC and a technical TRCC are in place, and detailed rosters illustrating the structure at each level have been provided. 11

12 Final Report The result of the assessment is a report with the final question ratings and findings. Each Module leader also creates a Module Summary similar to the previous assessment that lays out the opportunities and strengths for each module. 12

13 Final Report DON’T provide summary statistics in the module summary. Example – the state met 36 out of 39 questions DON’T restate the rating, question or evidence in the ballot and/or finding. Already included on respondent screen and final report DO provide enough information so someone reading the report at a later date will understand how and why you reached your conclusion. 13

14 National Ratings 14

15 Becoming an Assessor If you would like to be considered as an assessor for future assessments of other States’ traffic records systems, please fill out the form provided at the back of the room. The form and other information is also available at: All names are sent to NHTSA for vetting and then put into the Subject Matter Expert Pool for selection. 15

16 Questions?

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