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“So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.” - Benjamin.

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Presentation on theme: "“So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.” - Benjamin."— Presentation transcript:

1 “So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do.” - Benjamin Franklin Cognitive Dissonance

2 Choices/Behavior shape preferences -Blind choice influence behavior more than Computer generated choice

3 Cognitive Dissonance Inconsistency between cognitions and behavior leads to uncomfortable tension I believe the law should be obeyed. I just stole a car. Inconsistent

4 Examples of how to reduce dissonance? change attitude: Crime is good, fun. add additional beliefs consistent with attitude Downplay importance of behavior- rationalize it away Suppress thoughts Deny responsibility- had to do behavior alter behavior

5 Ecological footprint study I am an environmentalist. I have a really big carbon footprint. DISSONANCE Change behavior? Rationalize behavior? Blame other people? Change attitude: Decide that environmentalism isn’t a priority-other problems more pressing?

6 Why do people experience dissonance? Self perception Impression management Threat to self image….

7 Role of self-affirmation Not the internal inconsistency that directly affect cognitive dissonance Rather, the threat to people’s positive self- image (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, November, 2012)

8 Self-Affirmation Maintain a sense of self adequacy- competent, good, stable, moral, integrated, capable of choice. Threats to the integrity of self leads to: –Address the threat directly –Address the threat indirectly by affirming other valued self-images –Other aspects of valued self-image buffers

9 Is dissonance adaptive? Cognitive inconsistencies interfere with effective action Action-Oriented mind set: prime person to enact decisions Resolving dissonance helps put one in an action-oriented state.

10 Brain studies on dissonance Dissonance arousing information: more processing in areas of brain associated with forgiveness, regulation of emotional responses, and motivated reasoning Solving cognitive dissonance: more processing in areas associated with reward and planning

11 Differences in dissonance Collectivists (Eastern cultures) vs. individualistic (Western cultures)

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