Who is the AVID 10 Team? AVID 10 Teachers Mary ext

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2 Who is the AVID 10 Team? AVID 10 Teachers Mary Byun-kallevig:mbyun-kallevig@murrieta.k12.ca.usmbyun-kallevig@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 ext. 6262 Bradley Allen:ballen@Murrieta.k12.ca.usballen@Murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 ext. 6406 AVID Coordinator Denise Guzman: dguzman@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 ext. 6478dguzman@murrieta.k12.ca.us AVID Administrator Steve Ellis: sellis@murrieta.k12.ca.ussellis@murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 ext. 6497 AVID Counselor Lisa Amstutz: lamstutz@Murrieta.k12.ca.uslamstutz@Murrieta.k12.ca.us 951-677-0568 ext. 6383

3 The Curve of Forgetting  Based on a one-hour lecture  Reviewing regularly helps you retain material  Used correctly, the Cornell Notes system will help students accomplish this

4 10 th Grade AVID  All students will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 19  There will be NO cost for the test.  AVID Counselor will help interpret scores  Students should challenge themselves with level of Rigor  AP/Advanced Courses = more depth, not breadth  All eligible students may attend the College Field Trip  Last year we went late March, before Spring Break (exact date TBD)  No Ds/ Fs on current grade check/progress report  Last year Sophomores visited CSUSM, SDSU and USD  School buses cost approximately $750 each (We will need 2 buses)  Fundraisers: Jewelry (Fall/Winter), See’s Candy (Spring/Easter)  Donations can be made anytime (Bookkeeper or Online)  $30 per student is our goal!

5 Main differences between 9 th and 10 th Grade AVID  Grade Point Average (10-12 GPA) counts for college  One more core class – History!  Increased level of rigor in academic classes  Modern World History, AP European History, or AP World History  English II or Advanced English II  Science: Chemistry, or Anatomy  AVID resources (tutoring) should be readily incorporated into student’s academic plan/routine  Introduction to SAT/ACT  SAT prep unit in class; PSAT in October

6 AVID Program Interventions  AVID students must maintain at least 2.5 GPA with no Ds/Fs  Students with Ds/Fs are given a Letter of Concern  Contract to be signed by parent and returned  Attend extra tutoring weekly, verified with signatures  Lunch Tutoring in Mrs. Stoeckel’s room H252, Mon-Fri  Before/After-school tutoring with actual teacher is OK  Byun and Allen will check Tutoring/PRIDE signatures weekly; Referrals/Detentions for those who do not attend!  Once grades are up, teacher signs off with the updated grade  Exit Meetings may be scheduled for those in jeopardy

7 College Admissions Requirements  A-G requirements for CSU/UC:  History/Social Science – 2 years (also Gov/Econ as seniors)  English – 4 years required  Mathematics – 3 years, 4 recommended  Lab Science – 2 required (3 required for MVUSD)  World Language – 2 required, 3 recommended  Visual & Performing Arts – 1 year required (more is great!)  College Prep electives – 1 year required (will have more in total)  Course level (Adv/AP/101) can increase college readiness and impact college admission decisions.

8 What Colleges Are Looking For C ALIFORNIA S TATE U NIVERSITY  Eligibility Index  2900 minimum  [GPA x 800] + SAT (Math & Critical Reading only)  Higher GPA allows for a lower minimum SAT score  *3500 min. target index*  3.5 GPA with 700 SAT  3.0 GPA with 1100 SAT  2.5 GPA with 1500 SAT U NIVERSITY OF C ALIFORNIA  Admissions Index:  SAT (Critical Reading, Math &Writing)  Scale Based on GPA (3.0 minimum to apply) P RIVATE U NIVERSITIES  Varies, but usually follow CSU or UC guidelines

9 College Freshman Profile  Average high school GPAs of first-time freshmen  CSU: 3.85 (San Diego State, Fall 2016) – 3.30 (San Marcos, Fall 2016)  UC: 3.53-4.0 (Riverside, Fall 2016) – 4.0-4.25 (Irvine, Fall 2016)  Average test scores of first-time freshmen  San Diego State (Fall 2016)  SAT 1174 (out of 1600), ACT 27  Cal State San Marcos (Fall 2016)  SAT 985 (out of 1600), ACT 22.45  UC Riverside (Fall 2016)  SAT 1490-1870 (out of 2400), ACT 22-29  UC Irvine (Fall 2016)  SAT 1650-2060 (out of 2400), ACT 25-32

10 AVID’s Impact on College  Percentage of high school seniors who have completed the “A – G” 4-year college requirements:  U.S. Overall: 32% (2012 data from  AVID U.S.: 91% AVID Center)  Being “college ready” is taking the right HS courses  46% of recent HS grads take at least one remedial class at four-year universities  64% of recent HS grads take at least one remedial class at two-year colleges

11 How Can Parents Help?  Students should come to school daily  Force your children to be responsible for their education  Don’t bail them out!  Be active with www.mesarams.com and ABI Parent Portalwww.mesarams.com  Parent Portal passwords are available from Mrs. Isbell in the office  Discuss the student’s selection of which Tutorial group they will join on Tutorial day  Did the student take time to complete their Tutorial Form the previous day?  Occasionally review pages of notes with students  Focused Notes should have revisions, student-created questions, and summaries in addition to the actual notes  Questions developed by students help review for concepts and tests.  Have weekly organization/binder/backpack checks

12 How can Parents help? (cont.)  Discuss college options and visit colleges  Develop a Family College Plan  Learn about Financial Aid and attend workshops  Force your children to be responsible for their education  Don’t bail them out  Attend AVID Parent Nights  Good internet resources: www.csumentor.eduwww.aiccu.edu www.mesarams.comwww.avid.org www.collegeboard.comwww.ucop.edu

13 Upcoming Dates & Events  Temecula Promenade College Fair:September 24  PSAT in MMHS Gym:October 19  Free of charge  Fall catalog fundraiser (jewelry, gifts):October __  Spring See’s Candy fundraiser:February __  Financial Aid Workshop:Spring TBD  Sophomore College Field Trip:March TBD  Last year we visited CSUSM, SDSU and USD  Costs include bus transportation and 2 substitute teachers  AVID Banquet and Awards: May 17

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