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ISIS Key concepts: Legitimacy, Power, Violence, Non- Violence, Equality, and Human Rights, Globalization Tala Sabbagh 11.

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Presentation on theme: "ISIS Key concepts: Legitimacy, Power, Violence, Non- Violence, Equality, and Human Rights, Globalization Tala Sabbagh 11."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISIS Key concepts: Legitimacy, Power, Violence, Non- Violence, Equality, and Human Rights, Globalization Tala Sabbagh 11

2 History Aftermath of U.S invasion of Iraq in 2003 Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi aligned with al-Qaeda making it al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) Aiming to create a sectarian civil war attacking Shias and provoking them to retaliate against Sunnis Zarqawi’s successors rebranded AQI as the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, Daesh Arabic acronym of ISIS

3 Mission and values Islamic state proclaims itself a caliphate characterized by extreme violence, justified by references to the Prophet Mohammed’s early followers. (Sunni Arabs) (Soft and Hard power) IS wants to kill “all non-believers and apostates and enslave their women and children. All Shiites, Yazidi, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and polytheists should be killed… Hundreds of millions of people are to be eliminated in the course of this religious cleansing. All moderate Muslims should be killed as well because they promote human laws over the laws of God.”

4 Leadership and governance model ISIS can be described as an un-established state with significant armed forces Operate as a conventional army ISIS is similar to a pyramid dictatorship: Top: Caliphate leader and decision maker Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi Cabinet: runs military, intelligence services, public relations and administrative duties. War office: deals with logistics of military Private deputies (Iraq/Syria): regional, governmental issues Governors: controlling Iraqi and Syrian territory (run by private deputies)

5 Operations Northern state of Syria, Raqqa is cited as the Islamic State’s capital ISIS conquered territory in Western Iraq and Eastern Syria (6.5 million residents) Seizing territories including Mosul and Tikrit in Iraq employing terrorist and insurgent tactics. Operating in Syria and Iraq however claiming exclusive political and theological authority over the world’s Muslims. Holding weaponry – potentially chemical weaponry – threatens sovereignty of Iraq and Syrua

6 Funding Oil extraction – from Iraq and Syria, netting an estimated $1-$3 million a day Extorting businesses – in Mosul netting $8 million a month Taxes – Christians in the city face additional tax Ransom payments – providing upwards of $20 million in 2014 Wages – paying fighters $350 more than rival rebel groups/ ordinary Syrians Obtaining funding from Gulf to buy weapons on the black market

7 Efficacy and influence on state and international relations Referring to themselves as a state is an attempt at gaining legitimacy Misusing Islam to achieve legitimacy (soft power) Foreign fighters are attracted by the thousands. Globalization – Media (Facebook/ Twitter accounts) Obtaining land to create a nation. Ambitions have no geographic limits Despite international attempts to stop the spread of ISIS it remains a self-sufficient and determined group Terrorist organization or full blown army? All three faces of power

8 Setbacks and challenges No specific challenges against ISIS, however coalition including Arab and non-Arab states (Moath Kasasbeh) ISIS is imposing threat outside Arab borders causing the West to react An Iraq expert and a top Kurdish intelligence official provide an on-the-ground account of how the coalition can mobilize greater Kurdish military support for the fight against ISIS

9 Crimes against humanity 300 interviews with people who have fled areas controlled by ISIS, the U.N. panel said civilians were subjected to a “rule of terror” including massacres, beheadings, sexual enslavement and forced pregnancy. The panel also said ISIS has denied food and medicine to hundreds of thousands of people in Syria and Iraq. Massacres, beheadings, amputations and lashings, stoning women to death for suspected adultery and holding women as sexual slaves and forcing them to bear children for the fighters in public squares

10 To what extent do non-state actors affect global politics? – Evaluate the role of a specific non-state actor in terms of function and impact. – Explain why non-state actors can exert influence on states. Liberalism: World cooperation to battle global issue such as terrorism groups Realism: Rise of non-state actors creates tension and potential/inevitable conflict

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