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Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak ACDV B61: ACCELERATED READING.

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Presentation on theme: "Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak ACDV B61: ACCELERATED READING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bakersfield College Jessica Wojtysiak ACDV B61: ACCELERATED READING

2 Why did you come to BC? WHY ARE YOU HERE?


4 M.A., English with Certificate in Teaching Writing, CSU- Bakersfield B.A., English & Chemistry, Cornell University Published author and editor Currently enrolled in the doctoral program in educational leadership at CSU-Bakersfield JESSICA WOJTYSIAK

5 Note taking strategy developed by Walter Pauk, a professor of education at Cornell University, during the 1950’s. CORNELL NOTES

6 Introduction Section: Title or Subject/Major Author/Date (Recall Column) Major topics Key terms Guiding Questions Anything you really liked/disliked Take Notes here during lecture or reading Summary of the Reading/Lecture: Write later to refresh memory

7 1.Record 2.Reduce 3.Recite 4.Reflect 5.Review  Take Notes  Identify Key Words & Phrases  Reread your notes  Think about the ideas  Review before test time FOLLOW THE 5 R’S

8 Symbols > < = ? ** @ + or & Meaning Greater than Less than Equal I have a question Important At And USE SYMBOLS TO SAVE TIME & SPACE

9  Mgt  Bkgd  Gvt  Cont’d  Educat’l  Chk’g  Shw’g  Management  Background  Government  Continued  Educational  Checking  Showing OMIT LETTERS


11 I cnduo't bvleiee taht I culod aulaclty uesdtannrd waht I was rdnaieg. Aoccdrnig to a rseearch sduty at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmotant tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. I couldn't believe that I could actually understand what I was reading. According to a research study at Cambridge University, it doesn’t matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be in the right place. DON’T WORRY ABOUT PERFECT SPELLING

12 Research shows that this strategy is particularly good at supporting critical and applied learning, including the synthesis of ideas. WHY USE THE CORNELL NOTES?

13 Research shows that this strategy is particularly good at supporting critical and applied learning, including the synthesis of ideas. WHY USE THE CORNELL NOTES?

14  Let’s consider how Cornell Notes may be tailored to meet your learning needs  Move into learning style groups (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic)  As a group  Define your preference  Identify a few strategies that will help you be a better student  Will Cornell Notes work for your learning preference? What might you need to do to ensure you get the most out of your notes this semester? LEARNING STYLES INVENTORY

15 New Topic: The Habits of Mind LET’S PRACTICE CORNELL NOTES …



18 -Scott Jaschik Inside Higher Education January 20, 2015 EMPLOYER- STUDENT SKILL GAP


20  Persist  Organize  Strive for Excellence  Stay Involved  Innovate  Be Focused  Learn for Life  Emphasizse Integrity THE HABITS OF MIND

21  Develop Goals  Write them down  Plan strategies to achieve them  Don’t give up! PERSIST

22 “I resolve never to quit, never to give up no matter what the circumstances, for as long as it takes to pass this class because I’m worth it” (Regina Hukill) PERSIST: THE PLEDGE TO PASS

23  Arrive prepared  Manage your time  Prioritize  Plan for the full semester ORGANIZE

24  When are you going to work on B61? TIME MANAGEMENT

25  AcDv B61 = 4 units  How much time should you plan to spend on B61 each week?  What about other classes? SCHOOL AND YOUR SCHEDULE

26  Do the Work  Be Accurate  Don’t settle – Push yourself to do your very best STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE

27  Think Creatively  Challenge yourself and others  Try new things  Have Fun! INNOVATE

28  What do you do to prepare for class?  Where will you study and complete homework?  Friends/Family/Social Distractions  Cell Phones BE FOCUSED


30  What is the purpose of this class?  How will this class help me achieve my goals?  When will my education end? LEARN FOR LIFE

31  BC Student Code of Conduct  Education Code Section 76037  Student Responsibilities  Faculty Responsibilities  Public Education is a Privilege, Not a Right  /code EMPHASIZE INTEGRITY

32  What is Plagiarism?  “The act of using the ideas or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own, without giving credit to the source.” (KCCD Board Policy Appendix 4F7D) ACADEMIC INTEGRITY

33 Any Questions? THE HABITS OF MIND

34 APPLICATION: EMAILING YOUR INSTRUCTOR Some General Guidelines for Contacting Your Professor

35 What is your first impression of this student? PRETEND YOU ARE THE PROFESSOR FOR B61.

36 How many errors can you find in this email? Does the professor’s response surprise you? WILL YOU DO THIS?

37  What guidelines should students follow when writing a professional email, such as an email to a professor or potential employer?  Groups: ID at least 3 things to do and 3 things to AVOID LET’S BRAINSTORM

38  Write your favorite AcDv B61 professor an email.  Explain the following:  What grade you are working to achieve in this class.  How many hours you are willing and able to commit to spending on this class each week.  Your study schedule: when do you plan to work on the assignments for this class.  DUE One Week from Today YOUR EMAIL ASSIGNMENT

39  Read Dr. Beeman’s “How to Fail in College and Life”  In a short journal entry, answer the question at the bottom of the article.  Complete the Locus of Control Activity posted on the website. Come in with your score and ready to discuss. FOR NEXT CLASS

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