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Creative Dating Ideas! Whether it is a first date with the girl or boy that you finally got the nerve to ask out, or the usual Friday night with the person.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Dating Ideas! Whether it is a first date with the girl or boy that you finally got the nerve to ask out, or the usual Friday night with the person."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Dating Ideas! Whether it is a first date with the girl or boy that you finally got the nerve to ask out, or the usual Friday night with the person you’ve been dating for a while, it can be hard to think up something new and fun to do that isn’t going to cost a fortune. Invite some friends and be creative, make it a date to remember!! Have some fun!

2 Here are some fun ideas to start with: Golf in the snow with colored golf balls Go fly kites in a park, or empty lot Have a scavenger hunt in your neighborhood for cookie ingredients, then go home and make cookies! You can then deliver a plate to the people you borrowed items from

3 Indoor and outdoor fun… On a rainy day, go out and jump in the puddles, kick water around, then go inside and drink hot chocolate and sit by a fire Put together a puzzle (with 1000 pieces) Have a dinner where all the food and decorations are the same color Rake up autumn leaves and jump in the piles together before bagging them

4 Do Service for others… Shop for a name on the Christmas Angel tree at the Mall Volunteer at the dog shelter, or the homeless shelter, or babysitting neighbor kids while their parents shop or run errands Buy some carnations and give them out to people on the street Make arrangements to plant a tree for the City Park

5 Go Ice Blocking; Go Ice Skating; Play Badminton in your back yard (day or night); dodge sprinklers at the public park and see who stays the driest; play balloon basketball, play water balloon volleyball, play ping pong around the world; play games from elementary school recess (jump rope; lightning; four square; keep away)

6 Outdoor Fun and Adventure… Go on a hike Go fishing Treasure hunt in the canyon Picnic in the canyon Bonfire in the backyard and make tinfoil dinners Set up a tent in the back yard and tell scary stories Make dinner over a fire/ dutch oven Star gaze and identify the constellations

7 More Adventures… Lie on your back and identify the shapes in the clouds Play at a park on the kiddie playground and have a picnic Build a huge sand castle, pretend you’re at the beach Buy a loaf of bread and feed the ducks Visit a fire station Visit a bird refuge Go to a car show

8 You can never go wrong with food! Eat a sunrise breakfast picnic in the canyon or at a park and watch the sun come up Have a formal candlelight dinner at your house and have your parents or siblings be the waiters Have dinner “on a yacht” (a boat parked in the driveway Have a progressive dinner with other couples (soup/salad at one house, main dish at another house, desert at another house

9 Pretend …. Visit garage sales and pretend to be looking for a clue… Go for a drive in any direction and stop at anything that looks interesting… Go to a flea market or swap meat and buy each other something for $1 (or the DI) Go to a museum/art show and act smart and reflective Set up an easel and pretend you are an artist and paint the scenery

10 Have so much fun! Be safe, make good choices! The ideas are endless!!

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