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Presentation on theme: "SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR JURY DUTY YOU ARE HEARBY SUMMONED FOR JURY SERVICE IN THE COURT OF THIS CLASSROOM. Your service begins on the following date: _____/_____/_____."— Presentation transcript:


2 SUMMONS TO APPEAR FOR JURY DUTY YOU ARE HEARBY SUMMONED FOR JURY SERVICE IN THE COURT OF THIS CLASSROOM. Your service begins on the following date: _____/_____/_____ and will continue until the completion of any trial(s) for which you are selected. Some trials are short, so you may serve time on more than one jury. Other trials are longer, so your service may continue beyond one day. PLEASE ARRIVE AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION AT THE TIME LISTED IN ORDER TO BEGIN YOUR SERVICE. Location:_______________________________ Time:____________________ JUROR # __________

3 JURY ORIENTATION VIDEO Watch the following video describing what people who are selected for jury duty may experience and answer the accompanying questions in your packet. Jury Orientation Video Afterwards, look at the picture of the courtroom to familiarize yourself with the people you will see in a courtroom and their locations.


5 Anticipation Guide STATEMENT AgreeDisagree Everyone is prejudiced against someone. Getting to the bottom of a complicated issue can’t be done quickly. It takes time and patience. One determined person can have a lot of power over other people. It’s okay to believe in some stereotypes. First impressions of people are usually correct. It’s okay to bully someone into agreeing with you if you know you are right. Where a person grows up tells you a lot about who that person is and whether or not you can trust them.

6 A Jury of Your Peers? JURY: a group of 12 people who swear to find a person innocent or guilty after fairly listening to evidence in a trial PEERS: people that are basically equal to you WHY WOULD YOU WANT A JURY OF YOUR PEERS INSTEAD OF JUST ONE JUDGE IF YOU WERE ACCUSED OF A CRIME? A jury of your peers is the best way our country has found to make sure you get a fair trial without a judge not being fair or finding you guilty for the wrong reasons.

7 You’re a lawyer! Look at the index card your teacher has given you. On it is a crime that someone is accused of committing. They say they are innocent and have come to you to defend them. Your client is going to be put on trial for this crime. If found guilty, it’s possible that he or she could go to jail for a really long time! Or worse! As the accused person’s lawyer, you get to help choose the jury of men and women who will hear your case and decide whether he or she is innocent or guilty. Look at the list of people – who do you think is most likely to side with you?

8 1. 35 year old Hispanic man, works in construction, has never been married, has two children

9 2. 60 year old African American female, recently retired from teaching, likes to travel, lives in an apartment near the police station, has 10 grandchildren.

10 3. 19 year old African American college student, works part-time at Starbucks, his mother is a police officer.

11 4. 28 year old stay at home mom who is supported by her wealthy, hardworking husband,- she has never been employed. Although she doesn’t work, maids and nannies take care of the housework and children.

12 5. 25 year old Chinese man, was just fired from his job at Pizza Hut, has a sister who was recently arrested for armed robbery.

13 6. 54 year old Caucasian man with one arm. He lost his arm as a result of being a victim of a crime.

14 7. 32 year old Caucasian woman, has five children, her husband is a minister of a church in Middletown. She likes to bowl and volunteers at the church in her spare time.

15 8. 21 year old African American computer software clerk, goes to college full time, his father is the owner of a local funeral parlor.

16 9. 75 year old Caucasian male, lost his youngest son to a drunk driver ten years ago, is retired and likes to watch “American Idol”

17 10. 23 year old Hispanic female, has a 3-year-old son, doesn’t have reliable daycare and has hinted that her son’s father is “shady.” She has tattoos on her neck, but you can’t read what they say.

18 11. 41 year old African American male, was a police officer wounded in the line of duty, he now works as a substitute teacher

19 12. 38 year old African American male, his wife works at a daycare center, he works at a substance abuse center with teenagers.

20 13. 18 year old Caucasian female, dropped out of high school when she was 16 to care for two children. She is currently taking GED classes during the day and works at McDonalds and night.

21 14. 25 year old Caucasian unemployed man, still lives at home with his parents, likes to read comic books and going to the movies by himself. He spent time in a juvenile facility when he was younger.

22 15. 22 year old African American male, just finished his undergraduate degree in Physics, is travelling to Japan in a week. Lives in an upscale neighborhood and went to an expensive private school.

23 16. 45 year old recovering alcoholic, until recently hasn’t been able to keep a job or home. After getting help through his church, has been able to begin to get his life together.

24 17. 23 year old female, college graduate, originally from Mexico, works for a car dealership.

25 18. 58 year old Native American man, owns a restaurant, likes to watch Law and Order, SVU in his spare time.

26 More Important Vocabulary PROSECUTION: the side in the court case that is accusing someone of a crime, they want the person to be found guilty because they believe the evidence proves he/she is DEFENSE: the side in the court case that is trying to keep the person accused of a crime from being found guilty, they believe the evidence shows that the person is NOT guilty


28 FOREMAN A small, petty man who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally. Not overly bright, but dogged.

29 JUROR #2 A meek, hesitant man who finds it difficult to maintain any opinions of his own. Easily swayed and usually adopts the opinion of the last person to whom he has spoken.

30 JUROR #3 A very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated man within whom can be detected a streak of sadism. A humorless man who is intolerant of opinions other than his own and accustomed to forcing his wishes and views upon others.

31 JUROR #4 Seems to be a man of wealth and position. A practiced speaker who presents himself well at all times. Seems to feel a little bit above the rest of the jurors. His only concern is with the facts in this case, and he is appalled at the behavior of the others.

32 JUROR #5 A naïve, very frightened young man who takes his obligations in this case very seriously, but who finds it difficult to speak up when his elders have the floor.

33 JUROR #6 An honest but dull-witted man who comes upon his decisions slowly and carefully. A man who finds it difficult to create positive opinions, but who must listen to and digest and accept those opinions offered by others which appeal to him most.

34 JUROR #7 A loud, flashy, glad- handed salesman type who has more important things to do than to sit on a jury. He is quick to show temper, quick to form opinions on things about which he knows nothing. Is a bully and, of course, a coward.

35 JUROR #8 A quiet, thoughtful, gentle man. A man who sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. A man of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, a man who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is.

36 JUROR #9 A mild, gentle old man, long since defeated by life and now merely waiting to die. A man who recognizes himself for what he is and mourns the days when it would have been possible to be courageous without shielding himself behind his many years.

37 JUROR #10 An angry, bitter man. A man who antagonizes almost at sight. A bigot who places no values on any human life save his own. A man who has been nowhere and is going nowhere and knows it deep within him.

38 JUROR #11 A man who speaks with an accent and who is ashamed, humble, almost subservient to the people around him, but who will honestly seek justice because he has suffered through so much injustice.

39 JUROR #12 A slick, bright advertising man who thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs, and polls and has no real understanding of people. A superficial snob, but trying to be a good fellow.

40 The Judge ’ s Statement … “ Murder in the first degree — premeditated homicide — is the most serious charge tried in our criminal courts. You ’ ve heard a long and complex case, gentlemen, and it is now your duty to sit down to try and separate the facts from the fancy. One man is dead. The life of another is at stake. If there is a reasonable doubt in your minds as to the guilt of the accused … then you must declare him not guilty. If, however, there is no reasonable doubt, then he must be found guilty. Whichever way you decide, the verdict must be unanimous. I urge you to deliberate honestly and thoughtfully. You are faced with a grave responsibility. Thank you, gentlemen. ”

41 More Important Vocabulary PREMEDITATED – to think or plan out what you are going to do before you do it HOMICIDE – murder REASONABLE DOUBT – if a jury, after hearing the evidence finds it believable that the person isn’t guilty or that someone else could have done it – they should vote not guilty VERDICT – the decision of guilty or not guilty by the jury DELIBERATE – to discuss something carefully and consider all information before deciding

42 Play vs. Movie Venn Diagram PLAY MOVIE BOTH

43 Keeping Track of the Evidence Old Man’s TestimonyWoman Who Was Lying in Bed’s Testimony The Defendant’s BackgroundThe Knife

44 PROTAGONIST The main character; the hero; the person who has to overcome the main conflict to reach their goal

45 ANTAGONIST The character or characters who try to stop the protagonist from reaching their goal; they struggle against the protagonist

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