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Commonly asked question about emergency contraceptive

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1 Commonly asked question about emergency contraceptive

2 What are emergency contraceptives?  Emergency contraceptives (EC) are pregnancy prevention tools in case of accidental unprotected intercourse.

3 There are two types of EC –  Intrauterine devices (IUD)- IUDs are copper-T devices that have to be inserted vaginally and can used up to five days after unprotected intercourse.  Oral emergency contraceptive pills – morning after pill is to be ingested within 72 hours of unprotected sex. morning after pill

4 -What are some of the most trusted morning after pills?  One of the most known emergency contraceptive like Plan B pill is well known for its effectiveness. It is a levonorgestrel and progestin containing pill that lowers your chance of getting pregnant by 75%-89% if taken within 3 days of unprotected sex.

5 How can I take levonorgestrel morning after pill?  You can take them normally by swallowing them with water within three days after unprotected intercourse. You can have a pregnancy test to check if the pill worked.

6 - Where can I get emergency contraceptives?  You can buy progestin-only EC without any prescription. Other morning after pills like Plan B pills which contains variety of hormones like levonorgestrel and progestin need a doctor’s prescription. You can buy Plan b online or otherwise, if you have a prescription.Plan B buy Plan b online

7 Can men buy Plan B?  Both men and women can buy Plan B online or directly from the store shelves without showing an ID but with a prescription. Plan B online


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