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Lesson 10.  The body has over 600 muscles  Muscle attaches to bone by a tendon  Muscles contract and relax and allow for joint movement.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 10.  The body has over 600 muscles  Muscle attaches to bone by a tendon  Muscles contract and relax and allow for joint movement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 10

2  The body has over 600 muscles  Muscle attaches to bone by a tendon  Muscles contract and relax and allow for joint movement

3  Strain- A stretching and tearing of a muscle or tendon fibers  Strains are commonly known as muscle pulls or tears  These generally occur with overexertion, over training, or lifting something too heavy

4  There are over 200 bones of various shapes and sizes in the body  Over time, bones can become brittle, weak and may break easily- Osteoporosis  Weight bearing activity helps keep bones strong and healthy  Bones are held together by ligaments

5  Fracture, also known as a Break  Fractures made be open or closed  An open fracture occurs when the skin is broken  An open fracture is a Compound Fracture  A closed fracture is more common and occurs with the no damage to the skin




9  Dislocation- a displacement or separation of a bone from its normal position at a joint

10  Joints form where two or more bones come together  There are a variety of joints within the body, some glide, some hinge like a door, some rotate  Ligaments attach bone to bone to help support a joint.  Injuries to ligaments are known as Sprains.

11  When you are unsure of the extent of the injury, remember R.I.C.E.  Rest- do not move or straighten the injured area  Immobilize-Stabilize the injury in the position it is found. Splint the injured part if the person must be moved and it is not painful  Cold-Apply ice to injured area for approximately 20 minutes  Elevate-Do not elevate the injured part if it causes more pain

12  If there is every a question of a head or neck injury, DO NOT MOVE THE PERSON.  Check for life-threatening conditions  Monitors ABCs  Reassure them  Remind them not to move their head or neck

13  3 kinds of splints  Rigid-using boards, magazines,  Soft-using pillows, blankets, clothing  Anatomic- using another body part

14  Obtain consent prior to giving care  Always support the area being splinted  Check for feeling, warmth, and color  Always splint above and below the injured area  Apply bandages above and below the injured site

15  Used for an injury to shoulder or upper extremity  Follow same steps for splinting and add sling

16  Demonstration & Practice

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