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Curriculum Council September 29, CIU10 Updates.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Council September 29, CIU10 Updates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Council September 29, 2015

2 CIU10 Updates

3 O Introduction of O New title O Curriculum and Innovation Members O District Curriculum Representatives O Letter Drafts for your use Updates

4 O EE Grant: CIU #10 Outdoor Learning Center – Teacher Advisory Team/Planning Phase O Hands-On STEM Grades K-2 (free for consortium members); October 9 Hands-On STEM Grades K-2 O Hands-On STEM Grades 3-5 (free for consortium members); January 29 Hands-On STEM Grades 3-5 O PowerTeaching Mathematics (5 days) PowerTeaching Mathematics Professional Development Updates

5 Professional Development Updates O Math and Science Partnership – Year 3 – There are spots available Schools currently participating: Bald Eagle, Bellefonte, Curwensville, Harmony, West Branch. Interested teachers should contact Kristen at O Math Design Collaborative (MDC) goes Elementary! Interested teachers should contact Kristen at

6 Professional Development Updates O Teachers Supporting Teachers Through the Power of PVAAS (October 1, half day; AM & PM) Teachers Supporting Teachers Through the Power of PVAAS O PVAAS for Administrators: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk! (October 19, half day; AM & PM) PVAAS for Administrators: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk! O Collins Writing Opportunities (5 dates)Collins Writing Opportunities

7 Professional Development Updates O Text-Dependent Analysis (Fall and Spring; 2 day sessions)Text-Dependent Analysis O Principal Networking Meetings (2 times per year- primary and secondary)Principal Networking Meetings O ESL NetworkingESL Networking O Language Essentials of Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) (10 dates) Language Essentials of Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS)

8 Professional Development Updates O Growing Thinkers Series (5 independent workshops) designed to establish academic rigor in instruction; focus areas include: academic vocabulary, accountable talk in the classroom, effective questioning techniques, rigor in reading and writing, and formative assessment O Assessment Literacy (AMY)

9 O National History Day (Diane; ) O PA Academic Competition O Bethann ( ) & Amy ( ) O Reading Competition (Deb Wakefield; ) O PA STEM Competition (Kristen ) O K’nex Challenge O STEM Camp Student Opportunities

10 O Poetry Out Loud O Galaxy – Artist for a Day and Artist Residencies Galaxy O Ready Rosie O SAT? O Math 24 Challenge? O Others? Student Opportunities

11 PDE/PAIUCC Updates

12 2015-16 Statewide System of Support SOW Safe Schools Data Governance/Quality (PIMS) Keystone Exam/PBA School Climate Regional Coordinators (New for 2015-16) Effective Standards-based Instruction

13 Information about Act 70Act 70 O Guidelines on the Holocaust Guideline: Made available to all school entities inservices and curriculum guidelines pursuant to Act 70 (25 page document). O Purpose: “to provide children with an understanding of the importance of the protection of human rights and the potential consequences of unchecked ignorance, discrimination and persecution, it is a matter of high priority that children in this Commonwealth be educated concerning the Holocaust, genocide and other human rights violations.” O It is not mandatory unless 90% of districts do not participate. Districts are encouraged to attend; however, it trainings and teachings are not provided in the next 2 years, then it will become mandatory. (Sally Flaherty). Mandate from PDE

14 Act 70 O Training: How to guide teachers into how to introduce humanities- O To provide children with an understanding of the protection of human rights and the potential consequence of unchecked ignorance. O Keep the victims in mind; be empathetic O Information on Holocaust can be found at PLC on under Act 70 Holocaust, Genocide and Human Rights Violation O Will combine this training with Echoes and Reflections for a full day training, webinars, Saturdays

15 Information about Act 71Act 71 O If you have 6 th grade teachers in a K-6 building, it is recommended that districts train all teachers that are involved in the training; however, this is not mandatory O Does not need to be done all in one year O You can split them up, but should really be strategic about how you are doing this O Should have a curriculum built in to classrooms- not mandatory, but recommended. For curriculum guidelines: 12/Safe%20Schools/Pages/Act- 71.aspx#.VfrEimRViko (on right hand side) 12/Safe%20Schools/Pages/Act- 71.aspx#.VfrEimRViko

16 1 Year USDE Waiver: Principal SLOs O PDE will Provide Communication and Messaging to LEAs O Use Current Principal SLO Template O Enhanced Annotated Template Will be Forthcoming with an Emphasis on Growth O Moving Forward – SY15-16 Reporting to PDE by LEAs Will Include Collection about SLO Growth Data

17 1 Year USDE Waiver: Principal SLOs O Principals can utilize their multi-year PVAAS School and Teacher Value-Added/Growth and Diagnostic/Growth Reports to identify areas of focus for their Principal SLO O Once the Principal SLO has been established with a focus on increased need for growth O monitor the growth of students during the school year with assessment tools such as the online, Classroom Diagnostic Tools provided by PDE at no cost to all LEAs in Pennsylvania.

18 Bureau of Assessment - Diane Simaska, PDE O TAMS O each district has to provide 6 documents for test administration monitoring- the sharepoint is to make a central repository O This will be shared with districts on November 3 rd, during the test administration webinar- this is your opportunity to discuss O Can use this in the 2016-2017 school year (is being piloted in 30 districts this year)

19 Assessment Info

20 SLOs O USDE provided a waiver due to make an adaptation to PA plan O They need to be more of a growth measure- a pre/post O USDE expressed that is has to be completely refined O Not changing the template, but have to check a growth measure O Concern is those that do not use a pre/post

21 PBA O Looking at ideas on how to modify this O Right now it is status quo O Sites will still be open O Very few evaluators… O There is a proposal to address this issue, but not decision O Maybe districts own it from start to finish

22 PVAAS O PSSA scores will be used for school and teacher-level reporting O While PSSA scores are not being used in the SPP to provide Indicators of Academic Achievement (% Proficient/Advanced), PSSA scores will be used to provide measures of academic growth for PVAAS school and teacher level reporting. However, there will be no PVAAS SPP score from the PSSAs.

23 PVAAS O There is not a “pause” on the use of PSSAs for measures of academic growth for teacher specific reporting. O PVAAS School Level measures from PSSAs and Keystones will be provided to LEAs on the PVAAS reporting site, but NOT included in any SPP score. O PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting from PSSAs and Keystones will be provided on the PVAAS password-protected website.

24 Transition of PA State Assessments 2014 Distribution of PSSA Grade 7 Math Scores (higher % of students P/A) Is the group of students (indicated by the yellow star) at the same RELATIVE position in the distribution of statewide scores from SY13-14 to SY14-15? Yes = Green on PVAAS THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ONLY! 2015 Distribution of PSSA Grade 8 Math Scores (lower % of students P/A) Higher Achieving Average Achieving Lower Achieving

25 Example: Change to more Rigorous Assessment TN, Same Value-Added Model (EVAAS) as PA North Carolina recently went through a similar transition with their state assessment. Value-Added Reporting was not impacted by the transition of their assessment.

26 O Projections to PSSA and Keystone exams O There will be projections to the new ELA and Math assessments with release of data O Projections to PSAT, SAT, and ACT O Available with fall release O Projections to AP Exams O New this year O Available with fall release PVAAS Student Projections NEW

27 O For these AP Subjects: O Biology O Statistics O Calculus AB O English Language O English Literature O Government Politics O Psychology O US History O Individual Student Projection Report – Probabilities provided to 3 or higher, and to 4 or higher O Projection Summary Report – Probability of 3 or higher O Available for students currently enrolled in grade 6 (i.e., last tested in grade 5) PVAAS Student Projections: New Projections to Advanced Placement (AP)

28 PVAAS for Administrators: Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk O When and Where: O Friday, November 13, 2015 at PaTTAN – King of Prussia O 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM (registration at 8:30 am; optional Q&A 1:15-2:30 pm) O Who: Charter School Administrators who will talk with teachers about the results of PVAAS teacher specific reporting. O This session is NOT designed for teachers. O Registration O Register by November 6 via the PaTTAN website O Direct link to register: 3 3 O Registration key: pvaascharter2015 Training for Charter School Administrators

29 Evaluating CDT Cut Scores The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE) previously stated goals in evaluating benchmark cuts: O Students scoring Below Basic or Basic on PSSA/Keystone are likely to be in the CDT red range, indicating areas of need. O Students scoring Proficient or Advanced on PSSA/Keystone are likely to be in the CDT green or blue ranges, indicating strengths to build upon. O CDT/Keystone Exam Correlation O.7 &.8 O Individual Student reports can now be batch printed

30 Correlation between CDT and Keystone Exams Scores CDT Technica l Report CDT TestKeystone TestNCorrelation 2010-11Algebra IKeystone Algebra I8,5910.749 2012-13Algebra IKeystone Algebra I94,1380.790 2012-13BiologyKeystone Biology65,9540.795 2012-13Reading/LiteratureKeystone Literature79,1400.757 2013-14Algebra IKeystone Algebra I67,3220.744 2013-14BiologyKeystone Biology58,3010.804 2013-14Reading/LiteratureKeystone Literature56,6590.752 For example, the first row indicates that in the 2010-11 school year there were 8,591 students who took CDT Algebra I and had a Keystone Algebra I scale score. The correlation between CDT scale score and Keystone scale score is 0.749. This positive correlation indicates that students with high CDT total scale score tend to have high Keystone total scale score and vice versa. This is an expected result given that both CDT and Keystone align to the same content standards.

31 Dave Volkeman, Deputy Secretary O State Budget O No good news now O Legislature considering a stop gap budget – will look good on the surface – more money for schools and get human services monies flowing O Governor stated publicly that a stop gap measure is irresponsible and not a long term fix – and that long term fixes need to be dealt with, so will probably veto O Access to Excellent Educator Plan O PIL is being redesigned O Courses will be online on the SAS system O 3 courses instead of 4, but same amount of time

32 Dave Volkeman, Deputy Secretary O SPP Scores will not be published for schools without an 11 th grade O Issues with the fingerprinting FBI clearances and some schools not accepting the results? PDE is working on resolving the issue. O Governor and Ed Secretary looking to have someone in PDE to have an office for School TurnAround/School Improvement O ESEA Waiver O Approved for one year

33 33 Comprehensive Planning: Phase 2 Special Education Training ❖ November 6, 2015 - Pittsburgh PaTTAN- Rommett Room ❖ November 12, 2015 - Harrisburg PaTTAN- Lancaster Room ❖ November 13, 2015 - King of Prussia PaTTAN- Betsy Ross Room ●PennLink to be sent with registration details ●One session will be recorded and posted to the PaTTAN website

34 Comp Planning 101 ❖ October 7, 2015 at 11:00 am ➢ Registration link: er/8309512217064608513 er/8309512217064608513

35 Roster Verification Phases for SY15-16 O Expect Each Phase to be 2 weeks O Preview Phase (2 weeks) O Teacher Phase (2 weeks) O School Admin Phase (2 weeks) O LEA/District Admin Phase (2 weeks) O All LEAs on one statewide RV schedule O Dates may be adjusted slightly as compared to last year

36 Other Needs, Questions, or/and Discussion Items

37 Potential “Lunch and Learn” O Canvas O American Reading Company O Apple – iTunesU

38 New Opportunities: Presentation Time! O Francis Schluckebier The Virtual High School 978-450-0418 (w) 215-920-3528 (c)

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