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Am Revolution Booklet Articles of Confederation and Map.

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1 Am Revolution Booklet Articles of Confederation and Map


3 Authors – Ben Franklin- Autobiography, Poor Richards Almanac – Thomas Paine- Common Sense, The Crisis, and The Rights of Man Poets – Anne Bradstreet – first poet and female writer to be published in the colonies Phyllis Wheatley – First published African American woman Many paintings during this era were portraits Music – Theater songs, recruiting songs, dance tunes, and military music Art, Music, and Literature

4 Each state acted as its own nation and created a government. They joined in a loose confederation for protection against the European powers. – Colonies needed to be united by a national government The Articles were written by 2 nd Continental Congress during the American Revolution and ran our country until 1787. 2 nd Continental Congress also created the “Continental Dollar” which was worthless because it was not backed by gold. The 2 nd Continental Congress commissioned George Washington to be the General of the Continental Army and Commander –in—Chief. 2 nd Continental Congress

5 States sent delegates to Congress – each state had 1 vote Pros – Created a very loose alliance of the 13 independent states – 1st government in America – Congress could declare war and make treaties with foreign countries – Congress could raise an army and coin money – Print paper money – Set up a system for settling the Northwest Territory and creating new states. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (set up government) Land Ordinance of 1785 – way to gain statehood. – Banned slavery in new territories Articles of Confederation contd.

6 Cons – Central government had no power – Not able to regulate trade tax – Had to ask the State permission for raising money – 9 out of the 13 states had to agree to pass laws – Could not settle conflicts among the states because there was no real system of courts. No President – Up to the states to enforce laws Lasted 10 years – 1777-1787 Articles of Confederation contd.

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