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Essential Question What problems were faced by both sides as they prepared for the second phase of the Revolutionary War?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What problems were faced by both sides as they prepared for the second phase of the Revolutionary War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What problems were faced by both sides as they prepared for the second phase of the Revolutionary War?

2 Chapter 7 Section 1 (Pt I)

3 Americans Choose Sides The American pop. was split over the decision to separate from Britain Patriots = 40 – 45% (mostly in NE and Virginia) Loyalists = 25- 30% (large cities & in the South) Neutral = approx. 30% (those who did not choose a side) The conflict dividing Americans along social, religious, & ethnic lines I LOVE Britain!

4 Summary/Quiz Question Which of the following is true about American support for the Rev. War? a. Most Americans strongly supported the war b. About half the Americans were loyalists c. Very few Americans were neutral d. The majority of Americans did not support the war

5 Problems of the Army GW’s goal was to simply keep the Revolution alive This required him to: Keep an active army in the field Win a few battles Avoid a crushing defeat GW knew the only way to win a major battle was raise a large, well-trained army

6 Further Problems At the war’s start, Congress only required soldiers to enlist in the CA for one year Many soldiers simply went home when their term expired As a result, GW was never able to raise a regular army larger than 17,000 men

7 Even More Problems In the early days of the war, GW was constantly trying to convince his men to stay in the army Many simply deserted at the first sign of hardship To make matters worse, Congress regularly failed to supply the army with: Blankets Food Uniforms Guns & Ammo

8 Summary/Quiz Question Which was NOT a difficulty faced by General Washington? a. Turning his volunteer army into well trained soldiers b. Preventing his troops from deserting c. Hiring enough Hessians to fill out his army d. Keeping his troops supplied with food & clothing

9 Britain Prepares In 1776, the British Army, the most powerful in the world, recognized that the colonists were disorganized and inexperienced Therefore, they believed that the rebels would be easily defeated

10 Problems of Their Own The British Army did face problems of its own in 1776 1. Many of the best British officers refused to fight In turn, King George had trouble recruiting new soldiers 2. This lack of soldiers caused Britain to hire mercenaries These professional soldiers for hire, came from German region of Hesse

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