Civic Engagement -- A New Role for CCCA -- A framework for discussion 12/13/2014.

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1 Civic Engagement -- A New Role for CCCA -- A framework for discussion 12/13/2014

2 BYLAWS OF THE CONEJO CHINESE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION (Amended on June 09, 2012) II. Objectives CCCA is to engage in activities that will contribute to the well-being of the local Chinese American community. Specifically, CCCA was created to:  Organize and sponsor educational, cultural, and recreational activities, and provide selected social services to its members.  Provide sustained instruction and training to its members and families in order to enhance awareness and appreciation of Chinese culture and language.  Promote and participate in cultural exchanges and civic activities representing the local Chinese American community. III. Policy CCCA shall be a non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian, non-religious, and non- discriminatory organization. In carrying out the above objectives, the CCCA shall exclude no person from service because of race, age, sex, color, or creed, and shall not permit any segregation of those who serve because of any such factors.

3 Rationale for Enhanced Civic Engagement An under-emphasized role that can be important in the process of protecting and improving the well being of the Chinese American community in the new environment – Secure justice and fair treatment to all, especially for the legal rights of Chinese Americans Advocate key issues in legislation process (setting rules) Speak out against discrimination/defamation Changing stereo-typed perception  Strengthen political influence Proactively participate in election-related civic activities as a responsible citizen group Build up political capital from all parties Gain experience and sophistication in civic engagement practices

4 CCCA Position Driven by specific issues Non-Partisan Engage in civic processes as a responsible citizen’s group – Conduct education on process – Provide impartial and relevant information – Encourage participation – Respect individual decisions Recognize the rights of members to campaign for personal political preferences; but outside the CCCA sanctioned issues, individuals must NOT use CCCA’s name for such activities

5 Specific 2015-16 Goals (sample) 1.Set up working teams, with liaison to selected elected representatives’ offices and citizen groups of other ethnicities 2.Voter registration drive Identify total number of eligible member voters and gain access Register 600 new voters Achieve > 65% of total voter turn out in 2016 election 3.Civic Education Offer regular CCCA seminars with invited speakers on: US political system Functions of various Local, State and Federal governments Roles of the elected officials Key issues facing the society, especially potential legislation that may affect local Chinese Americans 4.Fund Raising TBD

6 Related articles 1.SCA 5: A coming-of-age story for Chinese Americans: 2/sca-5-chinese-americans-immigrants-asian-americans/ 2/sca-5-chinese-americans-immigrants-asian-americans/ 2.Chinese American Voter Engagement on the Upswing in California 9/asian-american-voter-engagement-on-the-upswing-in/

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