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Feminism. What do you think?  Is it acceptable for a man in the same professional position as a woman to earn 15-20% more than her?  Do you share the.

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Presentation on theme: "Feminism. What do you think?  Is it acceptable for a man in the same professional position as a woman to earn 15-20% more than her?  Do you share the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feminism

2 What do you think?  Is it acceptable for a man in the same professional position as a woman to earn 15-20% more than her?  Do you share the view that woman don´t belong in the Parlament or in the management of big companies?  Do you believe that a young woman´s natural career is that of mother and housewife?

3 If you answer NO to all three questions, you are feminist

4 Why czech people don´t like word „feminism“ ! Cause it´s automatically associated with…. Ugly, militant, man-hating creature with an unshaved legs and nasty personality. Hag who will never ever get a husband, which she doesn´t want anyway, because in this country it´s commonly known that all feminists are in reality lesbians.

5 Era of communism  Method of „liberating women“ (it was based on forcing them to work)  Czechoslovakia did women represent a larger part of working force BUT ….. In fact they were systematically discriminated (in terms of wages, career opportunities..)

6 Czech women today  Compared to some Western countries, there are still few women in top politics (in 2002 among the 200 members of the Parlament´s House of Deputies there were 34 women)

7 ..and those who have fought their way up must often endure extreme chauvinism …

8 Look to the history  The first czech state was established by a woman, Libuše  Princess Libuše found her husband Přemysl, who was a farmer  In fact - Libuše as princess, was the boss and Přemysl was only used as convient cover and sperm donor … = an undercover matriarchy

9  „ In my family, I decide all the important things, such as our relationship with Taiwan. My wife is only responsible for the rest.“ (Jan Werich)  the Czech tradition of women letting their husbands officially act as tough men while, in reality, they are totally controlled by their bossy wives, is still alive

10  Božena Němcová – another female monument in czech history  Her novel Babička tells about grey-haired hero as anti-masculine as it is possible to get  And T.G.Masaryk has beem called the first czech feminist for his sentence :“Women are often more valuable humans than men.“  He even took his american wife´s maiden name Garrigue as his second surname

11 Future  Early marriage and subsequent motherhood still seem to be a more obvious and unambigous goal for young czech women than in Western and Southern Europe  most czech women expect to be treated as women (suppose to open the door for a woman, let her enter before him, help her with her coat..)  Young czech woman are trying harder and harder to combine the cool self confidence of Western feminist with the proud womanliness of a South European sex bomb

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