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95421816 王彥筑 95422050 李雪微 95422296 楊雅惠 95422360 徐詩媛.

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Presentation on theme: "95421816 王彥筑 95422050 李雪微 95422296 楊雅惠 95422360 徐詩媛."— Presentation transcript:

1 95421816 王彥筑 95422050 李雪微 95422296 楊雅惠 95422360 徐詩媛

2 Relationship

3  Simple  Desire to find her own love  Believe whatever friends said  Misunderstand rejected message


5 Boss of a pub A bad man Know bad men’s thoughts Gigi’s love adviser



8 …If he’s not marrying you

9 Beth & Neil Relationship: 7-year couple They love each other very much, but they don’t get marry.

10 She lacks of a sense of security. She is influenced by her friends those who around her think that “ people love and then marry. ” She hopes to get marry with Neil.

11 Neil doesn’t believe marriage so he doesn’t want to marry. But actually he loves Beth very much. He just doesn’t want to follow this rule of “marriage”. Marriage is not everything.

12  Beth said, “Would you marry me?”  Neil said, “……….”

13  In the end, Neil marry with Beth to prove his love for Beth.  Both of them really know what they want is to company each other forever.  It’s more to love than a marriage certificate.

14  Relationship: Husband & wife  They did not think twice before getting married. Q:  Lovers → Husband & wife?  What is marriage?

15  A love counselor to Gigi  Belief : Lovers should get marry after being together for long time.

16  He has no guts.  Belief: He can’t stand the woman who used to belong to him marry a bad guy.



19  A singer & a Yoga teacher.  Belief: True love  She can’t not decide between Ben and Conor.

20  Relationship: Lovers  They don’t know their respective thoughts.  He/She loves her/him more than she/he does.

21  Conor loves Anna more than Anna does.  He can't get over the fact that he can't have her.  He doesn’t know what Anna thinks.

22  Rely on technology  Technical relationship  Choose to face to face

23  Love Radar  Clearly relationship  Open

24  葛瑞哥‧貝倫特( Greg Behrendt )  An Act, and the consultant for the HBO sitcom Sex and the City.HBOsitcom Sex and the City  麗茲‧塔琪蘿( Liz Tuccillo )  an American writer and actress, live and date in New York.American  Motivate  They want to stop seeing woman who is always waiting for man’s call and always lie to themselves that the man doesn’t call, that must be other reason. They decide to write down this truth to let all woman know “If a man doesn’t call you, it means he is not that into you”

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