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2 ADVANTAGES The advantages of the Habitants were: they stayed healthy, got a lot of exercise, and grew their own crops and made a lot of money. When they were working in the fields, the habitants would absorb Vitamin D, and would get a lot of exercise. The Habitants would be very healthy and fit, which helped them stay alive. The Habitants were farmers, which meant they grew their own crops,and made a lot of money to afford their own food. Even though they had to pay their taxes to the government, they still made some of their own money.

3 DISANDVANTAGES The disadvantages of the habitants were that they had to give away a lot of their money, had to work with no pay sometimes, and had to work A LOT! The habitants gave away their money that they worked hard for, because they needed to pay the rent to the Seigneur, and had to pay taxes to the Government. Sometimes the habitants had to work about 10 days a year without pay. The habitants would have to work and farm the Seigneur's fields and were not payed at all. The Habitants had to work a lot of hours without a lot of rest. The habitants didn't even get a break in the summer, they still had to keep working.

4 I would rather be a Habitant
I would rather be a habitant than any other jobs because you're very healthy, fit, get a lot of vitamins from the sun, and get to work with animals. A seigneur would just watch a habitant and not even do anything, while the Habitants would be slim, and in shape. Its very important to get a lot of Vitamin D from the sun, and while you're working on a field, you would absorb a lot of Vitamin D. Also, I love animals, and would love to work with them a every day. That is why I would rather be a habitant than anything else.

5 THE END Thanks for Watching!

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