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Update: Reports to DRCOG RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG on FasTracks RTD SB 208 Report to DRCOG Planning & Development Committee June 3, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Update: Reports to DRCOG RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG on FasTracks RTD SB 208 Report to DRCOG Planning & Development Committee June 3, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update: Reports to DRCOG RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG on FasTracks RTD SB 208 Report to DRCOG Planning & Development Committee June 3, 2014

2 Update Items for Discussion DRCOG Authority/Fixed Guideway Baseline Report to DRCOG on FasTracks SB 208 Report to DRCOG Schedule for Completion of Reports Summary 2

3 SB 208 – DRCOG Authority/RTP SB90-208 (Colorado Statute 32-9-107.7) – enacted in 1990 Grants DRCOG the authority to approve a fixed guideway transit system, specifically: Method of financing Technology selected DRCOG has authority over any fixed guideway project (pre-FasTracks, FasTracks, post-FasTracks) Information presented to DRCOG in conformance with SB 208 is the basis for inclusion in the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) 3

4 SB 208 – DRCOG Review – Fixed Guideway FasTracks Review September 2013: DRCOG Board passed a resolution requiring: Baseline Report - One report due August 1, 2014: Similar to Annual Report in content Status Report – Due annually no later than May 1: Brief reporting of projects and cost Change Report – Due whenever a change from the most recent DRCOG- approved FasTracks Plan Base System Fixed Guideway NAMS completed 2014: Consensus Document supports advanced planning for arterial BRT SH 119 from Longmont to Boulder (1 st priority) SB 208 Report to DRCOG – Needed to fulfill SB 208 Requirement; for inclusion in Regional Transportation Plan; and to complete NEPA 4

5 RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG (FasTracks) Contents of Report Scope of FasTracks Program Status of all FasTracks Projects Schedule The completion schedule for all FasTracks Projects Revised schedule for Southeast Extension Costs The FasTracks Financial Plan Summary Bus Service Levels Operations 5

6 RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG ( FasTracks) Southeast Rail Extension Schedule August 2012: RTD Board approval to submit to DRCOG an amendment to the 2035 RTP, which describes the intent to apply for Federal New Starts funding to complete the Southeast Rail Extension September 2012: Request Entry into Preliminary Engineering/Project Development (Requesting $92 Million) April 2013: Received approval to enter Project Development (2-years to complete this step) 6

7 RTD Baseline Report to DRCOG ( FasTracks) Southeast Rail Extension Schedule September 2014: Request to enter Engineering (final step) must be made in September 2014 To meet 2-year window to complete Project Development Per FTA, to be eligible for President’s budget in 2015 Meeting FTA time frame for Federal funding provides opportunity to leverage a sizeable commitment of private and local government dollars in cash and right-of-way Early/Mid 2016: Anticipate receipt of Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA) and project groundbreaking 7

8 SB 208 Report to DRCOG (Base System) Background Recommendations resulting from NAMS include Arterial BRT with prioritized routes on SH 119 (Boulder to Longmont) and US 287 In April 2014, Boulder County submitted a request to DRCOG to add SH 119 BRT to the 2040 RTP (in process) Boulder County’s submittal identified RTD as the financing entity for SH 119 BRT RTD and Project partners have requested $1.5 million in TIGER funds for advanced planning for SH 119 BRT and US 287 RTD, as required by SB 208 for fixed guideway projects, is preparing a report for DRCOG approval 8

9 Summary FasTracks Review To comply with SB 208, reports have been prepared for DRCOG review and approval since 2004 The Baseline Report will be considered by the RTD Board in July 2014 The Baseline Report will be submitted to DRCOG on August 1, 2014 Base System Fixed Guideway A report detailing the arterial BRT on SH 119, a fixed guideway project, will be prepared to comply with SB 208 The RTD SB 208 Report to DRCOG on SH 119 will be considered by the RTD Board in July 2014 The SH 119 Report will be submitted to DRCOG on August 1, 2014 9

10 Schedule – Report Approval Process June 3: P&D Committee DRCOG Report Update July 1: FT Monitoring and P&D Committees Review/Action July 15: RTD Board Action August 1: Reports submitted to DRCOG Fall 2014: DRCOG Report Review and Approval December: DRCOG Approves 2040 RTP 10

11 Questions? 11

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