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Overview: Factors influencing your food choices How to read a food label Truth behind supplements Leaning Goals: To understand and interpret food labels.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview: Factors influencing your food choices How to read a food label Truth behind supplements Leaning Goals: To understand and interpret food labels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview: Factors influencing your food choices How to read a food label Truth behind supplements Leaning Goals: To understand and interpret food labels (macro/micronutrients) Choose the appropriate food for you personally To know the facts behind food / supplements to make your own choice

2 What Influences your work out and goals?

3  How much time do I have?  What are my goals? (gain or lose weight)  What am I doing today? (know excercises)  What have I eaten today? (energy levels)

4  Fuel will make or break a workout  Fuel must match your preworkout questions





9 Calorie Intake = Food you Consume Energy Output = + Metabolic Rate + Exercise + General Activity (lifestyle)


11  66% of YOUR energy comes from fat  20-30% of calories in diet should come from fat  Avoid saturated and trans fats Low Intensity Exercise for 30 Minutes High Intensity Exercise for 30 Minutes Calories Burned: 200Calories Burned:800 % of fat burned: 50% of fat burned: 25% Calories from Fat Burned: 100Calories from Fat Burned: 200


13 Pre Exercise Goals: Supply the body with glucose for upcoming exercise through carbohydrates *It is just as important to properly fuel body the day before as it is right before a workout

14 15 min before a Workout: LVL D- Fast Food (burger, fries, trans fats) C- Nuts (minimal glucose, hard to breakdown) B- Fruits (carbohydrates with natural glucose) A- Rice Cakes (high GI and easily absorbed) *If you didn’t prepare properly the night BEFORE this will only get you halfway through your workout TODAY

15 What to eat During: Blood sugars / glycogen in body are substantial enough to not need fuel during a workout *Importance here is to stay hydrated (H20)

16 Post Exercise Goals: Replenish muscle glycogen and refuel the body for the next lift / event  Protein & Carbohydrates

17  2 hours for muscle to repair muscle and refuel  Protein = amino acid tears (muscle mass)  Carbohydrates = energy stores  Both work together for optimal resynthesis of muscle tissue

18 2 Hours Post Workout: LVL D- Nothing (hinders next workout as well) C- Muffin / Bagel (No protein synthesis) B- Powder (Protein synthesis, but synthetic) A- Tuna on Tortilla (High protein/Carbs)

19  Too little calories intake = Just used for energy  Too many calories = converted to fat  Easier to take - but not more effective

20  Helps promote lean body mass  Speeds rate of recovery for short term exercise  Stimulate muscle strength and power  Naturally synthesized in human body

21  Discouraged for Athletes <18 years of age  Creates a bloated or heavy feeling in body  Dehydrates the body and essential organs  $$$$

22  Synthetic creation of amino acids  Prices for powders ^^ for more pure forms Most easily absorbed Powders 1.Whey Protein 2.Casein Protein 3.Soy

23  Maximum protein usage/serving = 30g 25g/Scoop26.7g/breast

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