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新编英语教程 4 For your promising future. Unit Eight Objectives 1. to grasp certain knowledge about Antarctica 2. to learn how to make introduction to a place.

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Presentation on theme: "新编英语教程 4 For your promising future. Unit Eight Objectives 1. to grasp certain knowledge about Antarctica 2. to learn how to make introduction to a place."— Presentation transcript:

1 新编英语教程 4 For your promising future

2 Unit Eight

3 Objectives 1. to grasp certain knowledge about Antarctica 2. to learn how to make introduction to a place

4 Teaching Tasks and Process I. Pre-reading questions?

5 What do you know about Antarctica and Arctic ? Consult relevant materials to tell the similarities and differences between them. Do you think one day one human beings can possibly live there?




9 II Background Information Antarctica - Pictures, Information and Travel Sea ice forming in Antarctica from the shore - "sea smoke" can be seen in the distance - formed as temperatures plummet Most recently added and updated pages Antarctica: Animal Adaptations | Antarctica Power Points for Schools | Antarctic base design Travel: Whale watching trips Buy: Men's jackets, cold weather | Women's jackets, cold weather | Men's Casual Shoes Animal AdaptationsAntarctica Power Points for SchoolsAntarctic base designWhale watching tripsMen's jackets, cold weatherWomen's jackets, cold weatherMen's Casual Shoes Cruise Antarctica

10 III Language points 1. We are so inclined to think of both the Arctic and Antarctic as cold that we tend to forget how much colder the latter is. be inclined to — be likely to, tend to. More examples: With a poor constitution, he is inclined to get tired easily. Not having a wide and supple command of a range of English styles, Alec is inclined to use clich é s and numerous idioms in his compositions, thinking that they add colour and flavour to his writing. Tend in this sentence is synonymous with be inclined to. The two different verbs are used in one sentence to avoid repetition.

11 2. … the only plants are a handful of mosses and lichens … a handful of — an amount which is as much as can be held in the hand; a small number / amount of Similar examples: a mouthful of food a roomful of people a spoonful of soup a cupful of water a bucketful of mud a pocketful of sweets

12 3. As regards precipitation the Southern Continent is desert. as regards — regarding, concerning, about, as far as … is concerned More examples: As regards his ability, we all feel he has great potential. You can rest assured as regards the quality of the refrigerator.

13 4. and there may well be places close to the Pole where snow has never fallen — there may very probably be places near the South Pole where there has never been snow.

14 5. Antarctica is by far the coldest place on earth — By far is used to emphasize that someone or something is much better, worse, greater or smaller, etc., than anyone or anything else. So Antarctica is the coldest place on earth, nowhere else is colder than Antarctica. by far — a large amount or degree. It is generally used with a comparative or superlative adjective. More examples: The new seaport will by far be the most advanced coal wharf in this area. The new brand of chocolate is by far the best of its kind.

15 6. … each knot of wind has an effect on life equal to a drop of one degree in temperature. have an effect on — affect More examples: Each living thing in an ecosystem has a great effect on many others in many ways. Pollution will have a direct effect on the rise and drop in temperature all over the world. NB: Affect is a verb which means “ influence ”, while effect when used as a noun, means “ result ” and when used as a verb, means “ to cause a change ”.

16 7. Small wonder that whereas in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries man swiftly explored and occupied the rest of his planet, … small wonder — no wonder, not surprisingly. More examples: Most young people like to follow the fashion. Small wonder (that) my teen-age niece Lydia is so fashion- conscious. Very serious cases of illnesses must be treated immediately without delay. Small wonder (that) the announcement made by the Municipal Public Health Bureau — all critically-ill patients must be accepted for emergency treatment without going through check-in procedure — has been warmly received.

17 Discussion/Exercises Free discussion Do human beings ’ behaviors beautify or destroy the planet?

18 Assignments Essay appreciation 1. You will receive a body You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for as long as you live. How you take care of it or fail to take care of it can make an enormous difference in the quality of your life. 2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called Life. Each day, you will be presented with opportunities to learn what you need to know. The lessons presented are often completely different from those you need.

19 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error and experimentation. You can learn as much from failure as you can from success. Maybe more. 4. A lesson is repeated until it is Learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it (as evidenced by a change in your attitude and ultimately your behavior) then you can go on to the next lesson. 5. Learning lessons does not end. There is no stage of life that does not contain some lessons. As long as you live there will be somthing more to learn.

20 6. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. When tempted to criticize others, ask yourself why you feel so strongly. 7. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you create with those tools and resources is up to you. Remember that through desire, goal setting and unflagging effort you can have anything you want. Persistence is the key to success. 8. The answer lie inside of you. The solutions to all of life problems lie within your grasp. All you need to do is ask, look, listen and trust yourself. 。

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