ICTs and the Sustainable Development Goals Prof. Usha Vyasulu Reddy.

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Presentation on theme: "ICTs and the Sustainable Development Goals Prof. Usha Vyasulu Reddy."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICTs and the Sustainable Development Goals Prof. Usha Vyasulu Reddy

2 Introduction Two main issues among the many confronting us today The MDGs—2000-2015 Sustainable development – Sustainable development simply is development in the present without compromising the future of the planet. and ICTs

3 Introduction Now generally recognized that the world’s present approach to growth was built upon foundations that are not sustainable – because of resource depletion and the – negative impacts of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions on the relationship between people and the planet. Also widely recognized that new technologies, particularly ICTs, are having a major impact on economic and social relationships among individuals, communities and nations

4 Two Faced and Disruptive Technologies Like all innovations ICTs are “Janus” or two faced – Part of the problem—5% of carbon emissions and greenhouse gases – Part of the solution through energy saving and dematerialization – Are disruptive technologies, transforming conventional ways of doing things. On the negative side, – New forms of cyber crime have emerged—cyber bullying, trolls, and pedophilia, human trafficking; etc

5 In the SDGs Not an explicitly stated goal Included in Goal 9 (which concerns infrastructure, industrialization and innovation) and which calls for significantly increased access to information and communications technology and universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020

6 In the SDGs Mentioned in those targets concerned with ICT enrolment in higher education (target 4.b), With women’s empowerment (target 5.b) and science, technology and innovation (target 17.8). ICTs seen as “critical enablers”

7 Areas of Intersection and Action Sustainable development policy making Implementation and delivery of sustainable development goals and targets. Monitoring sustainable development. Leveraging big data for development. Facilitating sustainable multi-stakeholder approaches to developments, specifically coordination, and collaboration between various development stakeholders.

8 What needs to be Done Build a common understanding and vision of the potential of ICTs to support overall and individual goals and targets in the SDGs Development agencies and practitioners need to understand the language of technology and vice versa to provide appropriate technology solutions Assist in the implementation of the SDGs by identifying appropriate indicators and constraints to achieving each of these targets and indicators Develop methodologies taking full advantage of the Internet to enable effective monitoring and surveillance and policy support tools Help address and find solutions to the challenges of data, big and small Address issues of data privacy and security Identify ways of improving development administration, PPPs and multi stakeholder partnerships. Assist in capacity building of development administrators, especially in areas which intersect between development goals and technology issues.

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