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GREEN MONEY & POWER Peace - Justice – Democracy - Ecology.

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1 GREEN MONEY & POWER Peace - Justice – Democracy - Ecology

2 Economics of Care

3 “The behavior of whole systems is unpredicted by the behavior of their parts taken separately.” Bucky Fuller I am a generalist

4 The Farm Nashville NPJC Green Party Money Connecting tissue

5 Reach one, Teach one!


7 Money Myths Our money is created and issued by the government Banks lend out existing money in time deposits TINA Money is the root of all evil. (it’s the system!) Complementary Currencies & Public Banks Saving money is good for the economy

8 Memes - Facts - Beliefs Money doesn’t grow on trees Money can’t buy you love Money can’t buy you happiness Its only money The rich get richer, the poor get poorer I’m not good with money Money isn’t spiritual Its selfish to want money A penny saved is a penny earned Another day another dollar More money more problems It takes money to make money Don’t think about the money …system.


10 “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” Henry Ford 1863 -1947

11 Revolution? Spinning around and ending up in the same place? NO! We want Solution!

12 WE CARE ABOUT THE SYMPTOMATIC ISSUES Poverty & homelessness WAR Election Fraud Racism Pollution Animal cruelty and the 6 th Extinction At the root is the monetary system.

13 "There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." Henry David Thoreau

14 “The system is rigged!” Senator Elizabeth Warren

15 First Prime Minister of England, 1844 “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

16 “History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance.” James Madison1751-1836 Conspiracy theorist?

17 “Governments make the mistake of giving too much power to the rich…” Aristotle 384 – 322 B.C. Why is money so important?

18 MONEY HAS THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH Without money, people die.

19 Princeton University study: Public opinion has “near-zero” impact on U.S. law. CORRUPTION?

20 “The need for regulation is always a sign of a faulty system design.“ Architect William McDonough Can we regulate it?

21 Private Money Money issued for personal gain as interest bearing debt (usury) creates The Economics of Greed Systematically causes: Predatory Competition Endless Growth & Short Term Thinking Concentration of wealth A Mountain of Debt

22 Debt begins to climb…

23 Public Money Money is issued as a public asset for societies needs and priorities creating The Economics of Care Sharing encouraged Regenerative growth Broad based prosperity No mountain of debt

24 PRIVATE MONEYSYSTEM Cost is a penalty, money out of your pocket, that must be paid either through taxes or through a loan from a private commercial bank that creates the money by fiat and lends it to us, which must be paid back with interest, a debt. PUBLIC MONEY SYSTEM Cost is not a matter of how much money we have because the amount needed can be created by fiat. Cost then becomes a matter of what resources, what labor and materials, can we afford to use. Instead of a debt, money is a public asset reconnecting the economy to the ecology. COST

25 Bernhard Lietaer asked Paul, “Why, with all your influence, don’t you tell people how the money system works? Paul replied, “Didn’t they warn you about not touching the monetary system? If you insist on talking about it, it will kill you academically.” The “Nobel” in economics; the prize given by the central bank of Sweden “in honor of Alfred Nobel.” Paul Krugman Because that is where the power is! Why is money the third rail for an economists career?

26 “It should always be borne in mind money in the form of precious metal remains the foundation from which the credit system, by its very nature, can never detach itself.” The system of private bank debt-money is capitalism's essential feature, and yet, it is completely missing from the study and definition of Capitalism!

27 Mass Schooling The Social Management System Mass Media To limit the range of dialogue and keep people in line.

28 “Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity.” The Medium is the Message Marshall McLuhan:

29 The debt-money system can be likened to a disease. Treating the symptoms of a disease serves only to mask the disease.

30 The economy is the exchange of goods and services among people. What is the economy? goods & services

31 The economy can be viewed as the circulation of money. The exchange of goods and services is facilitated by money.

32 Who Creates Money? Government can create money. Banks can create credit which we use as money.

33 Money creation 1. Coins The government, via the U.S. mint creates the coins. It can make 4 quarters, which costs 11 cents each to make, takes them to a bank and gets a dollar. That is 56 cents profit for the government per dollar. (“Seigniorage”) Seigniorage: the face value of money minus the cost of production.

34 Money creation 2. Bills Bills, Federal Reserve Notes, are printed by the Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing. They cost about 11 cents a piece to print and are sold to the Federal Reserve banks for the cost of production, yes, they are sold for 11 cents each! What is worth 11 cents, is now worth $1, or $100. The banking system gets the seigniorage from our paper currency creation, as they provide cash to their customers.

35 Crazy? Corrupt? You decide! But wait, there is more… That is only 3% of the money!

36 Money creation 3. Account money 97% of the money in circulation is account money; existing only as records in computers, not in bills or coins. All account money is created by banks when they make a loan or buy securities. The money for the principle of the loan is created. But not the money for paying the interest! The money for the interest comes from the principle borrowed by someone else. The Fractional Reserve System

37 When people cannot pay off their debts... The banks get the collateral. THE SYSTEM CONCENTRATES WEALTH AND CREATES POVERTY

38 If your car broke down as often as the financial system you would buy a new one. When loan payments exceed loans made the system crashes. CRASHED 470 times since 1970

39 It was recognized in ancient Greece, 10 centuries before Christ, that the most vital prerogative of a democratic government was to issue the money! FOUNDATION OF DEMOCRACY!

40 The Golden Rule “He who has the Gold rules.” Ideology of Scarcity

41 Aristotle 384 – 322 B.C. “Money exists not by nature but by law.” Banned commodity money

42 The Golden Rule “He who has the Gold rules.” The central political question of civilization has been, who should rule?

43 “Silence is Golden.” Fractional Reserve Banking 10 Ducats (1621) minted as circulating currency by the Fugger Family[9]

44 CAPITALISM The booms, busts and scams. Tulip 1637 & South Seas 1720 Genoa ~ 1492 Antwerp ~ 1531 Amsterdam ~1602 London ~1694 New York ~ 1944

45 Banks reaped huge profits from war debt, and forced governments to give them their monetary power. 16662016

46 The "Glorious Revolution" Gives control of Britain’s monetary system to the privately owned Bank of England 1694 Prince William III of Orange deposes King James and become King 1688

47 Benjamin Franklin “The viability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of the international bankers was the prime reason for the revolutionary war.” The Revolution (1775–1783)

48 “We have won the revolution but we have not won the power.” Salvador Allende 1908 – 1973

49 Democracy betrayed! Early Corruption The Bank of North America 1 st Bank of the United States

50 John Adams 1735 – 1826 "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation, One is by the sword. The other is by Debt"

51 “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild 1744 -1812 The Money Power is the central political issue for Democracy 1000 B.C.E. to 2016 C.E.

52 “I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.” "The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency… Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity." Abraham Lincoln 1809 – 1865

53 “Coxey’s Army” The primary demand was for the direct issuance of $500 million in Greenbacks to employ 4 million people to build rural roads, libraries, schools, utility plants and marketplaces and do it all debt-free! April 30 1894

54 From United States Money vs Corporation Currency -- by Albert Crozier

55 The Federal Reserve established 1913 Owned by private banks.

56 1929 The FED’s fractional reserve system caused the great depression. When loan payments exceeded new loans it caused a contraction in the money supply. No money, no economy. THE CHICAGO PLAN 1. Only the government would create money. 2. The Federal Reserve banks would be nationalized, but not individual banks. 3. The power to create money was to be removed from private banks by abolishing fractional reserves – making them 100% reserve banks.

57 A government that does not issue its nation’s money is controlled by those who do. NATIONS ARE ENSLAVED BY DEBT!


59 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

60 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

61 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

62 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

63 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

64 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

65 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

66 Whose Boss? The Revolving Door

67 Unite and Win Win! A public money system would provide a more caring & cared for society and planet for liberals and fewer taxes and less government for conservatives.

68 The purpose of the Federal government “ form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”

69 Article I Section 8 [5] Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.

70 1. Democratize monetary policy to bring about public control of the money supply and credit creation. 2. Nationalize the private bank-dominated Federal Reserve. Put the FED under a Federal Monetary Authority within the Treasury Department. 3. Prohibit private banks from creating money, thus restoring government's Constitutional authority.

71 American Monetary Institute Dennis and Elizabeth Kucinich The N.E.E.D. Act ~ HR2990 The National Emergency Employment Defense Act

72 3 Necessary Reforms 1.The FED becomes part of our government, precisely what most of us mistakenly think it is now. 2.Bank creation of money as debt is decisively stopped. Banks will only loan money that already exists, exactly what most people mistakenly believe happens now. 3.The federal government creates and spends into existence US Money in non inflation/deflationary amounts for the needs of the nation and its people. Again, what many mistakenly think is happening now.

73 All 3 reforms must be done or the Money Power will remain with banks.  The Bank of England was nationalized in 1946 (Reform #1). But because bank creation of money was not stopped (Reform #2), private banks now still create 97% of the UK's money.  Jackson and Van Buren revoked the Second Bank of the U.S.'s charter, effectively ending most bank created money at the time (Reform #2). Misunderstanding the true nature of money, they failed to create and spend, debt-free money into existence (Reform #3), bringing on the depression of 1837.  Debt-free Greenbacks (Reform #3) were created under Lincoln to fight the Civil War and save the nation. Because bank creation of money (Reform #2) was not decisively stopped, the bankers methodically got the upper hand and quashed the Greenbacks.

74 Private Money is Usury, banned by all Religions because it is a progenitor of the 7 deadly sins: Anger, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy, Gluttony The psychological consequences: A Money System’s Values are Reflected in Society Public Money is Care, reflecting the values of Patience, Generosity, Diligence, Humility, Compassion, Kindness, Sufficiency… Change the money - change society’s behavior!

75 Taxes In a public Money system 1. No tax on the wages of working people (already taxed to the max by their employers) 2. Taxes levied to prevent hording (puts money back in circulation) 3. Taxes on resource depletion/waste 4. Demurrage = Long Term Thinking With democracy established we can guarantee a minimum income and fund reparations for communities who’ve endured unnecessary poverty due to the debt money system.

76 Fear of Inflation One of the arguments bankers and their economists make is that with public money the government would spend us into inflation. However, THAT is what the bankers do! The debt-money system is inflationary as is spending on war and speculation. As long as government spends only on needed goods and services utilized by the people there will be no inflation.

77 Inflation/Deflation

78 Government does not need to get into the banking business. Banks need to get out of the governing business!

79 Coal and oil, wars, and the ‘boom and bust pump’ have grown the system to mega proportions. Debt Money System funds the Industrial Revolution

80 "Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse.” Sophocles

81 The Globalization of Catastrophic Failure Economic and Ecological collapse

82 "If you control the oil, you control entire nations; if you control the food, you control the people; if you control the money, you control the entire world.“ – Henry Kissinger

83 The oil industry subsidy is 10 million dollars per minute! It is used to destroy local economies! Capitalism at Work

84 Debt Money Centralized Energy Systems More pollution, more cost – Less Security

85 Localized Energy Systems Closing the nutrient and Energy Loops Less pollution & cost – more security

86 Debt Money Centralized Food Systems Poor Food using More Water

87 Localized Organic Food Systems More Security & better food with Less water.

88 Debt Money Destroys local economies Centralizes Population More pollution – Less Security

89 Localized Economies Better Quality of Life Less pollution – more security

90 TPP – An attack on world sovereignty!

91 TPP – Makes everything public illegal! TINA, this requires political action.

92 Iceland looks at ending boom and bust with radical money plan. Icelandic government suggests removing the power of commercial banks to create money and handing it to the central bank.

93 The Swiss Sovereign Money campaign is leading the initiative and aims to curtail financial speculation, demanding that commercial banks hold 100 per cent reserves against their deposits. This issue will have to go to a referendum under Swiss law now that the petition has gained more than 100,000 signatures within 18 months of launching.

94 1. Take the power to create money away from the banks, and return it to a democratic transparent and accountable process 2. Create money free of debt 3. Put new money into the real economy rather than financial markets and property bubbles


96 The Big Issue is money

97 The Central political issue: Who Rules the Economy?

98 “Their wars are not Our wars, their economy is not Our economy, their government is not Our government, we can change this…it is in Our hands.” END THE OLIGARCHY!


100 Politics of Courage VOTE GREEN

101 “We have it in our power to begin the world over again.” Thomas Paine Father of the American Monetary Revolution




105 Coalition of Care

106 ‘The Psychological Consequences of Debt-Money’ In 2006 Kathleen Vohs and colleagues; study published in Science magazine "The mere presence of money changes people… …money can be a barrier to social intimacy.“

107 1.Sat farther apart from each other 2.Hesitated to ask others for help 3.Responded to requests for help as if insensitive to others 4.Preferred working alone to collaboration 1.Sat close together as a group 2.Did not hesitate to ask for help 3.Were sensitive to how others felt 4.Laughed, joked and collaborated

108 4 Studies on Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes M. Kouchakia, K. Smith-Croweb, A. P. Briefb, C. Sousab Harvard, Cambridge and University of Utah “Together, the results of these studies demonstrate that mere exposure to money can trigger unethical intentions and behavior…”

109 7 Studies: Effects of money on behavior P.K. Piff, U.C. Berc., S. Mullainathan, Harvard, E. Shafir, Princeton, and others. #1: We rationalize advantage by convincing ourselves we deserve it. #2: People who make less are more generous…on the small scale. #3: People who make less are more generous…on the large scale. #4: Rich people are more likely to ignore pedestrians. #5: Poverty impedes cognitive function. #6: Those with less are better at reading facial expressions. #7: Wealthier children tend to be more distressed than lower-income kids, and are at high risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, cheating and stealing.

110 PUT THE GREENBACK IN GOVERNMENT The People’s Money for the People’s Needs !



113 Private Money Money issued for personal gain as interest bearing debt creates The Economics of Greed

114 Private Money Money issued for personal gain as interest bearing debt creates The Economics of Greed

115 Private Money Money issued for personal gain as interest bearing debt creates The Economics of Greed

116 REVIVE the American REVOLUTION

117 American Banker Association, 1924 “By dividing the voter through the political party system, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance.”


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