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+ TREDTWO A57 Chua, Patricia Maxine O. Sadang, Elaine Sarenas, Mica Velasco, Sophia Yao, Cherisse.

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Presentation on theme: "+ TREDTWO A57 Chua, Patricia Maxine O. Sadang, Elaine Sarenas, Mica Velasco, Sophia Yao, Cherisse."— Presentation transcript:

1 + TREDTWO A57 Chua, Patricia Maxine O. Sadang, Elaine Sarenas, Mica Velasco, Sophia Yao, Cherisse

2 + ACTIVITY 1: My Religious Checklist Check all the things that you do! [ ] I pray before every meals. [ ] I pray every night. [ ] I pray the rosary. [ ] I go to mass every Sunday. [ ] I give alms to the poor. [ ] I attend novenas. [ ] I believe that someone higher than human beings exist. [ ] I am compassionate to the people around me. [ ] I follow and live by the commandments of God. [ ] I am willing to do good things for my neighbors.



5 + The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37 Jesus told many stories to teach people, to help them learn the truth

6 + One day, a leader of the Jews came to him and tried to trick Him. The leader asked Jesus how to get into heaven. The savior asked the leader what the scriptures said. The leader said that a man should love God and should also love his neighbor. Jesus said that the leader was right. Then the leader asked, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the leader a story about a Jew who was walking on a road to Jericho. Thieves stopped him, took his clothes, and beat him. They left him on the road, almost dead

7 Soon a Jewish priest went by and saw the man. The priest should have helped him, but instead he walked by on the other side of the road

8 A Jewish man who worked in the temple went by. He also should have helped the injured man. But he, too, walked by on the other side of the road.

9 Then a Samaritan came along. The Jews and the Samaritans did not like each other. But when the Samaritan saw the man, he felt sorry for him. Even though he knew that the man was a jew, the Samaritan took care of his wounds and put clothes on him.

10 Next, the Samaritan took the Jew to an inn and cared for him until the next day, When the Samaritan had to leave, he gave money to the innkeeper and told him to take care of the man.

11 + This was the story that Jesus told the leader of the Jews. Then he asked the leader which of the three men was the injured man’s neighbor. The leader said that the Samaritan was the neighbor because he had helped. Jesus told the Jewish leader to be like the Samaritan.

12 + The Rich Young Man Mark 10:17-31 “Jesus traveled about the countryside with His disciples.”

13 A ruler came before him and knelt. "Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" Jesus told him to follow the Ten Commandments. “One thing you lack. Sell your possessions and give to the poor.”

14 + He went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions

15 “How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!”

16 + “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”

17 + REFLECTION 1. If you saw a man,whom you did not know, helplessly lying on the street, with no clothes or anything else with him, what would you do? 2. If you had everything in the world, what would you do to the things you own? 3. Which of the two stories did you like best? Why? 4. What do you consider most valuable in your life? Are you willing to give that up for someone? For Jesus?

18 + ACTIVITY 2 : My Image of God Draw your image of who God is for you. Make a prayer regarding the morals and the new lessons you have learned today.

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