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Influence of Foreign Powers on Latin American Revolutions.

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1 Influence of Foreign Powers on Latin American Revolutions

2 Influence of British Aid The British government was interested in weakening the power of Spain. After Napoleon was defeated, many unemployed veterans joined independence movements. – Political and personal motives At least 7,000 total. – Fought at Boyaca, Carabobo and Ayacucho. Gregor MacGregor – Yes, his real name

3 Impact of Haitian Aid Haiti was the first country to recognize the independence of most Latin American countries. President Alexandre Petion sent money, supplies and troops after 1816.

4 Influence of American Aid Although the US didn’t formally recognize the independence movements, individual Americans contributed money and weapons to both sides. – Southerners typically supported the Royalist cause, to prevent slaves from gaining power. – Northerners typically supported independence movements.

5 Influence of Latin American Revolutions on the United States.

6 The Louisiana Purchase The slave revolt in Haiti encouraged Napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory to the US in 1803.

7 Expansion into Spanish territory. A weakened Spain was more willing to negotiate with the US over Florida.

8 Negotiated southern border of the US with Spain/Mexico in 1819.

9 The Monroe Doctrine First major US foreign policy statement. Delivered by President James Monroe in 1823, but drafted by Sec. of State John Quincy Adams. – European powers needed to leave the Western Hemisphere alone. – Attempts to retake former colonies would be considered a threat to the US. – The US would stay out of European affairs.


11 Other impacts on the US Success of revolutions increase American’s desire to spread their ideals. – Democracy and capitalism. Increase in foreign trade with Latin America. – Contributed to the Industrial Revolution

12 Social and Economic Impacts of American Revolutions

13 Economic Impacts on the US Huge debt – $12 million foreign, $44 million domestic – France helped pay some of the debt. Inflation – Newly printed US currency was practically worthless. – Each state, and in some cases town, had its own currency.



16 Drastic changes in US trade. – Some British companies stopped trade. – Overall volume goes down.

17 In the long run, breaking away from England was positive, because the US could develop industry.

18 Social Impacts in the US Tens of thousands of Loyalists fled to England or other British colonies (Canada, Caribbean, etc.). No financial compensation for damage.

19 Social classes in the US stayed the same. – Wealthy landowners on top, small middle class, majority of the population were small scale farmers.

20 Soldiers were often denied their salaries or it was paid in worthless currency. High taxes and lack of pay caused veterans to revolt in Massachusetts in 1786. – Shay’s Rebellion

21 https://Changes in Native LandChanges in Native Land Guess what happened to Native Americans?

22 Impact on African Americans Some blacks in the north fought for the colonial army and earned their freedom. – Estimates run as high as 10% of the Continental Army. – Leads to the abolition of slavery.

23 Southern blacks kept as slaves. – Some managed to flee, with British help, up to Nova Scotia.

24 Impacts in Latin America

25 Economic Impacts Increase in poverty. – Warfare disrupted trade – No more Spain as a guaranteed trading partner. – Destruction of farmland and towns. – South America stayed largely non-industrial.

26 Social changes Social classes stayed mostly the same. – Peninsulares and Creoles blurred together.

27 Slavery stayed entrenched in some parts of South America until Brazil’s abolition in 1888.

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